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Poor Marketing by WGT

Thu, Oct 15 2020 11:29 AM (65 replies)
  • ASD1978
    475 Posts
    Mon, Jul 13 2020 3:31 AM

    How many players have joined since 2010? How many of them remain? How many of them are still active? I understand that SOME people won't like it, but I wouldn't go so far as to say MOST people won't like it. It is a free GAME i.e. don't take it so seriously,  don't be afraid of change and, most importantly, enjoy it. Or leave.

  • Slimjim001
    1,025 Posts
    Mon, Jul 13 2020 5:38 AM

    I have been launching from Steam from the time WGTChampion announced it. The reality is that WGT on flash is going the way of the dinosaur and like it or not, there is a new WGT virtual world evolving. I have had an opportunity to experience both these worlds up close and personal and they are as different as night and day and I predict they are not going to mix well. I am old school to the bone and what is happening pisses me off but I have a choice to either adapt or leave. If we give in to our anger and fly our banner "I shall not be moved", we will certainly be left with a fragmented world which will not work well or maybe not at all. Even though I am disappointed with the nature of the new population of players (gamers) I have encountered on PCEA, I will likely keep playing. Here is my suggestion if we old schoolers hope to save anything of our wonderful virtual world of WGT golf. We may need to move in mass to the new platform and do everything we can to keep our country clubs together. If we stay organized and focused, we may be able to rebuild and maintain some of our old traditions and values even in this strange new arcade-like world. I believe the key to a successful future is keeping our country clubs alive and well. Here is hoping.

  • BogeyOne
    1,967 Posts
    Mon, Jul 13 2020 9:33 AM


     If we stay organized and focused, we may be able to rebuild and maintain some of our old traditions and values even in this strange new arcade-like world. I believe the key to a successful future is keeping our country clubs alive and well. Here is hoping.



    6,793 Posts
    Mon, Jul 13 2020 9:55 AM


    Then don't get into a discussion you don't know anything about.

    Some valid points with "Incentives" During the difficult virus times...But hard to take to serious with that WGT name and Image my friend...

    6,793 Posts
    Mon, Jul 13 2020 10:19 AM


      The real WGTers . The mass majority are insulted and almost speech less . Knowing that WGT has not , are not , and will not listen to the masses . And ARE leaving the game . As fast as they can . Rather than settle for a round on the " Loo " .

      I know this because they tell me and see below

      We , they , them , us are shocked and disappointed and angry at the decision to go with PCEA as the only Flash alternative .

      Because WGT spoiled us with a full out , ahead of the times , competitive , intricate with variations , player friendly , elite platform for the last 14 years .


    And I know "for a fact" that MANY longtime WGT er's  will be gone if they can't continue to play flash ...I know this from my CC forum thread where I have spoke to some 50+ members to get their Feel and thoughts....And I have tried to reassure them there may be hope to continue Flash even after DEC 2020..I have even encouraged them to even give PCEA a TRY  (although I felt like a speaker at an AA meeting whose "ripping drunk" as I said it lol) because I won't play it....

    And for those that insist this is a FREE game and basically say "play what version you get or quit" My response is "Get Real"!!  None of the longtime WGT er's play for free !! (or at least 99% of them) Regardless of HOW you obtain credits.... WGT still profits when you use them!! 

    I can't even fathom the amount of money the longtime members have spent over the years ....Some in the ten's of thousands I would gather.... Their insight and opinion on what direction the game was going after the "Flash" announcement.... SHOULD have mattered...Because none of us would have got on board with PCEA if other options where given to us....


    6,793 Posts
    Mon, Jul 13 2020 10:36 AM


    I have been launching from Steam from the time WGTChampion announced it. The reality is that WGT on flash is going the way of the dinosaur and like it or not, there is a new WGT virtual world evolving. I have had an opportunity to experience both these worlds up close and personal and they are as different as night and day and I predict they are not going to mix well. I am old school to the bone and what is happening pisses me off but I have a choice to either adapt or leave. If we give in to our anger and fly our banner "I shall not be moved", we will certainly be left with a fragmented world which will not work well or maybe not at all. Even though I am disappointed with the nature of the new population of players (gamer's) I have encountered on PCEA, I will likely keep playing. Here is my suggestion if we old schoolers hope to save anything of our wonderful virtual world of WGT golf. We may need to move in mass to the new platform and do everything we can to keep our country clubs together. If we stay organized and focused, we may be able to rebuild and maintain some of our old traditions and values even in this strange new arcade-like world. I believe the key to a successful future is keeping our country clubs alive and well. Here is hoping.


    I respect your thoughts Jim...And am also old school But I disagree with the way to go ...I feel we SHOULD ban together like you said.... But by doing the opposite  and show that the "old timers" want to continue on the flash version? All WGT need's to do is keep it running? Why take it down I promise you people will find ways to play it if its there?....If not maybe they will see lost revenue with PCEA and look to move the flash version to something similar?? There are MANY games out there that depend on flash that have explored that avenue whether it be HTML5 or something else I don't know ...


  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Mon, Jul 13 2020 11:35 AM


    And I know "for a fact" that MANY longtime WGT er's  will be gone if they can't continue to play flash ...I know this from my CC forum thread where I have spoke to some 50+ members to get their Feel and thoughts....And I have tried to reassure them there may be hope to continue Flash even after DEC 2020..I have even encouraged them to even give PCEA a TRY  (although I felt like a speaker at an AA meeting whose "ripping drunk" as I said it lol) because I won't play it....



    I have tried to get get members to get a jump on early Access. Most of the replies are, I'm not going to switch until I have to or I have dabbled a little bit on it.

    I just about have given up and let the chip fall where they may. I keep them that its a big learning curve on putting, they don't care.

    About 40 players play Mobile and EA out of 108. 


    I can't even fathom the amount of money the longtime members have spent over the years ....Some in the ten's of thousands I would gather.... Their insight and opinion on what direction the game was going after the "Flash" announcement.... SHOULD have mattered...Because none of us would have got on board with PCEA if other options where given to us....


    Running my club, I spend about $100 a month. I buy clubs for members and setup Purse Tournaments for members.

  • Mythanatos
    2,203 Posts
    Mon, Jul 13 2020 12:38 PM


    Mobile games are easily destined to be casual by nature. And who plays these casual games mostly? Kids and youngsters. Unfortunately, the nature of WGT as a game doesn't fall into this category. I believe the mistake WGT people are making right now is they try to force the game into the frame of casual mobile game. It's like a middle-aged man trying to dress up like a teenager. That's how awkward it is!

    I'm not saying WGT should abandon the mobile (PCEA) version, but they do need to specifically determine who they will target to appeal the game and create the contents accordingly to suit the tastes of their customers. The status quo of the game clearly indicates it's going to the wrong direction right now.

    Don't try to sell a tricycle to a grown-up. You can sell a motorbike to a kid (with a license & parents' consent) who is serious enough, though. And remember, WGT! You already have well-established long-time loyal customers.


    Actually the vast majority of people i run into on mobile are adults. I play mostly on mobile and I'm 52. I'd say most of the ones i run into are 30+.


    Granted I stay out of the cheap coin rooms. You'll run into a higher % of kids or adults that behave like kids the cheaper the room is.  However Very few of them last very long.



    6,793 Posts
    Mon, Jul 13 2020 12:41 PM

    Running my club, I spend about $100 a month. I buy clubs for members and setup Purse Tournaments for members.


    Yeah myself also I spend a ton monthly in the club ...But it's not just me by any means I have some solid donors as well good people and members that help ...Most of who will be gone...If they lose flash game I would estimate half my members (240 now) will just quit...What a sin...Is what it is I guess...I put a lot of time and money building TFC up....
