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Poor Marketing by WGT

Thu, Oct 15 2020 11:29 AM (65 replies)
  • Beaverbuffer
    101 Posts
    Wed, Jul 1 2020 8:33 AM

    This covid situation has been a curse for some, a blessing for others. WGT had a golden opportunity to generate a TON of revenue during this downtime, but chose to screw members at a time when every other business was offering discounts/assistance to it's members. WGT could've offered things like buy 2 sleeves get one free/ free rentals for the 3 months of shutdown/ Whistler and Cabo free to play/ 30% discount on ALL equipment short INCENTIVES to play that would've generated 5 times the revenue they might make hoping the regular players would continue to pay regular costs. Instead, you pissed a LOT of people off, lost TONS of players, and now you want to launch a bug filled work in progress game that will drive away even more players.

      You can stop advertising MILLIONS OF ONLINE PLAYERS, because that's dead and stinking. People play for fun and amusement, but you've taken that out of the equation. You don't change things up hardly at all. Same pin placements for YEARS, ridiculous point requirements for's become stale and boring. You're about to hit a big financial downturn over the next 5 years and I'm going to be one of the MANY who will not support you financially and get nothing in return. Fire your marketing director, ASAP, and get someone who has a knack for maintaining interest in your game. Right now it SUCKS.

  • Notajedi
    36 Posts
    Wed, Jul 1 2020 9:15 AM

    Would that have gained more players or would it have cut their income so much that this game was no more, dl the mobile app watch the vids and use affordable balls and it's possible to play for free.

  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Wed, Jul 1 2020 11:01 AM


    because they have no life.

    lol, that ‘ol chestnut!


  • garyk49
    2,314 Posts
    Wed, Jul 1 2020 12:28 PM



    because they have no life.

    lol, that ‘ol chestnut!


    Exactly why they came out with a mobile version, to some people those phones are permanently attached to their hands.


  • Connorjwebb123
    421 Posts
    Wed, Jul 1 2020 2:39 PM



    because they have no life.

    lol, that ‘ol chestnut!


    Exactly why they came out with a mobile version, to some people those phones are permanently attached to their hands.


    True I can play on the loo.. lmao
  • ASD1978
    475 Posts
    Wed, Jul 8 2020 3:05 AM

    People play for fun and amusement, but you've taken that out of the equation.

    That may be the case for you but, and I can only speak for myself here, I'm still playing the game and enjoying it as much as I ever did. I'd be fairly certain there are plenty of others in the same boat.

    At the moment, I imagine most of their efforts, like a lot of companies I've worked with/for, are going into the continued development and debugging of the PCEA version of the game because of the upcoming death of flash.

    As for their marketing, up until recently I'd never seen any adverts for WGT anywhere online but I now get them regularly on google ads - I'm sure they'll have gained some new members through people clicking through on them and starting to play the game. That suggests that their marketing manager is trying to maintain interest in their game.

    Finally - I'm not sure where you get your figures from, but suggesting some incentives would've generated 5 times their normal revenue sounds like pie in the sky to me.

  • Beaverbuffer
    101 Posts
    Thu, Jul 9 2020 9:15 PM

    Then don't get into a discussion you don't know anything about.

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,515 Posts
    Thu, Jul 9 2020 10:25 PM

    Mobile games are easily destined to be casual by nature. And who plays these casual games mostly? Kids and youngsters. Unfortunately, the nature of WGT as a game doesn't fall into this category. I believe the mistake WGT people are making right now is they try to force the game into the frame of casual mobile game. It's like a middle-aged man trying to dress up like a teenager. That's how awkward it is!

    I'm not saying WGT should abandon the mobile (PCEA) version, but they do need to specifically determine who they will target to appeal the game and create the contents accordingly to suit the tastes of their customers. The status quo of the game clearly indicates it's going to the wrong direction right now.

    Don't try to sell a tricycle to a grown-up. You can sell a motorbike to a kid (with a license & parents' consent) who is serious enough, though. And remember, WGT! You already have well-established long-time loyal customers.

  • callaghan159
    6,226 Posts
    Fri, Jul 10 2020 2:42 AM

    lost TONS of players,

    Can you show us some proof of this. Lol

    I'm going to be one of the MANY who will not support you financially

    No one asked you to spend real cash here. Watch the 2 credit videos for free credits and there also are surveys to do for more free credits. Don't have time or to lazy to do the above mentioned, then spend some real cash and stop complaining. If I had a dollar every time someone complained about this game and threatened to leave, I could retire from work.

  • ASD1978
    475 Posts
    Sat, Jul 11 2020 9:34 AM

    Then don't get into a discussion with one who wishes to remain ignorant.

    You're clearly unwilling to discuss any of the points I raised, but thanks for the reply nonetheless. Good luck.