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Virtual Tour is Ending

Mon, Jan 13 2020 12:41 PM (43 replies)
  • SamSpayed
    4,984 Posts
    Wed, Dec 18 2019 8:47 AM

    Have you/will you consider making both rounds single play?

    Agreed.  Single play is the way to go.

  • fmagnets
    3,640 Posts
    Wed, Dec 18 2019 9:03 AM

    A 4-round single play tiered tournament each month might be a better way to go. Every month there would be something like a proper major, but with 18-holes a week and no unlimited it would be much easier for people to fit into their available playing time. Easier for WGT to set and manage too.

    Call it the 'Mags is the only player ever to notice there is no 2nd pin on the 3rd at St Andrews Tour', in recognition of this earth-shattering discovery ;-)

  • el3n1
    4,502 Posts
    Wed, Dec 18 2019 9:06 AM

    I'm going to gripe here for a second.

    Remember champ with millions of people you are going to have lots of different perspectives.  And, people can "feel a certain way" because they too care about playing the game, just as WGT cares about keeping people playing the game.  Many are also investing their money which makes it more personal to them... because they are in essence investing in WGT on clubs and balls and equipment.  

    If people didn't care or vent, then they are possibly just quitting and leaving the game... as long as they are engaged even if it seems negative... they are trying to engage in some way even if it seems critical... it may be the only way they know how to reach out.

    There will be a VT replacement

    That is good to hear... I suspect a fair amount of concern is geared towards players feeling like they can compete among their peers / tier.  Open or Tierless events have us all competing against what we should now be calling esports pros -- because they are after all the elite of the elite on WGT.  And even for skilled players, the odds are NOT in your favor when playing the esports pros.



  • DampandDusty
    125 Posts
    Wed, Dec 18 2019 9:36 AM

    A 4-round single play tiered tournament each month might be a better way to go. Every month there would be something like a proper major, but with 18-holes a week and no unlimited it would be much easier for people to fit into their available playing time. Easier for WGT to set and manage too.


    ...if WGT are trying to cut down on their tournament admin, surely a weekly tournament is more work?? ...and don't we already have plenty of weekly tournaments? Free to enter and paid multis?

    Def agreed on the 'single play' aspect. Stops people grinding in unlimited play mode. I played 1.5 rounds for the new eTour and was 1 shot off qualification for the bracket round. I'm sure if I had the time to grind it for hours on end, I might have qualified. Just one more way of levelling the playing field.

    Just sayin...

  • MarchieB
    1,527 Posts
    Wed, Dec 18 2019 9:46 AM

      I'm going to gripe here for a second. In many threads I see complaints that we only care about new players, and in others I see that we only care about top players. So maybe we care about all of you? (spoiler: the answer is yes, we care about all of you).

    Please don't take my response to this announcement as anything other than my own personal "pity party" at the end of an event that I very much enjoyed. I was just saddened that the VT was coming to an end and also a bit curious as to how the announcement had gone 4 days without any response. I tend to try and temper my posts with a bit of comic relief ... hence the teary eyed yellow guy!!

    I personally commend you and all the WGT staff for what I can only assume is a daily onslaught of insults and vitriol from irate "players" who feel that YOU are personally plotting against them and their respective games. Even if those people are the minority it must still be very difficult, if not impossible to please everyone!

    That being said I'm now going to add my two cents, 🇨🇦 of course, Eh!!

      There will be a VT replacement that won't be as prominent (i.e. won't have quarterly leader boards or crowns for winners, or a special section in the website). It will likely be a 2 round weekly tournament but don't take that as confirmed as I'm still working on it. 

    If anyone has any name suggestions for it I'm open to it.


    I personally think that the current Virtual Tour format is still the best format. Minus the Quarterly Majors, the crowns & trophies, the prominence on the games main page and the special section on the website dedicated for it, the current VT format is unique from the other current monthly or weekly tournaments that WGT has.

    Currently on Mobile there are;

    • 1 - 200 Credit, Monthly, 18 hole, Single play for (P, TP, M, TM, L, TL, C & TC)
    • 1 - 100 Credit, Monthly, Two course,  Multi-Round, 4 rounds, 1 week each (C1 F9 / B9) (C2 F9 / B9), Single play.
    • 1 100 Credit, Weekly, Multi-Round, 2 round (F9 / B9), Single Play, Tiered  
    • 4 Free, Monthly, 18 hole, Unlimited, Tiered (St A's / Pebble /  Wolf Cr. / Kiawah)
    • 1 Free, Monthly, 9 hole, Unlimited, Tiered (Bethpage)
    • 1 Free, Monthly, 9 hole, Single Play, Tiered (Kiawah)
    • 1 Free, Weekly, 18 hole, Unlimited, Tiered
    • 1 Free, Weekly, 9 hole, unlimited, Tiered
    • 1 Free, Weekly, 9 hole, Single Play , Tiered
    • 1 Free, Weekly, Multi-Round, 2 round (F9 / B9), Single Play, Tiered  * * *
    There are more on the Flash PC game but they aren't accessible to everyone. But even with this list most of what has been suggested is pretty much available already.
    The format you suggested above is, although as a F9 / B9 weekly, available (last on list with * * * denotation)

    Personally I believe in the adage , "If it ain't broken, don't fix it" 
    The current VT Major format could simply be used as a template for;

    a Monthly Tiered Tournament; 18 hole Unlimited First Round for the first 20/21 days of month and then two 5 day, 18 hole Single Play Second & Third Rounds for the last 10 days of month.

    This format doesn't really exist outside of the VT. It appeases both the unlimited and single play players at the same time so that that everyone feels they have a chance with the first unlimited round and that it's still a truer competition with the 2 single play rounds.

    Also my suggestion for the name would look something like this:

    "January WGT Challenge Series @ Pebble Beach"

  • Young46
    1,298 Posts
    Wed, Dec 18 2019 11:50 AM

    It would be great to have a monthly tournament (3-4 single play rounds) as Mags suggested that would feed into a year long leaderboard. Keep up the great work Champ, just stop making every damn 1K RG Heavy winds ... you're scaring the fish away!

  • BPeterson8256
    2,910 Posts
    Thu, Dec 19 2019 6:40 AM


    It would be great to have a monthly tournament (3-4 single play rounds) as Mags suggested that would feed into a year long leaderboard. Keep up the great work Champ, just stop making every damn 1K RG Heavy winds ... you're scaring the fish away!


    +1000 to the monthly 4 round single play

  • MarchieB
    1,527 Posts
    Fri, Dec 20 2019 4:56 PM

    There will be a VT replacement  _CHAMPION

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,605 Posts
    Fri, Dec 20 2019 6:02 PM

    Call it the 'Mags is the only player ever to notice there is no 2nd pin on the 3rd at St Andrews Tour', in recognition of this earth-shattering discovery ;-)

    LOL Nah... way too long! :-P Stick to your original plan, Champ.  WGTChampion's Super Cup Weekly Tournament sounds perfect to me as it shows who's your daddy thing. LOL

    But yes to the four-round single play idea. A big yes!

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,605 Posts
    Fri, Dec 20 2019 6:47 PM


    That being said I'm now going to add my two cents, 🇨🇦 of course, Eh!!

    LOL I like the way you post, Marchie.

    After a long absence of two decades, I came back to the country and realized that pennies, nickels and even dimes are not being used in many places. When I reached into my pocket trying to find coins and give the exact amount, they looked at me as if I was some sort of a wacko or a weirdo. Same thing when I left tips on the table in a diner. The kind waitress lady told me I could simply tip her when paying with my debit card. Things aren't quite the same any more, are they? Cheers and happy holidays! :-)