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Virtual Tour is Ending

Mon, Jan 13 2020 12:41 PM (43 replies)
  • CaddyShackerMan
    10 Posts
    Tue, Jan 7 2020 3:27 PM

      It's still the same as multi-round tournies that were on there before. The one thing I enjoyed was being part of a tour on here and that's ruined. Seem to be catering to the elite players on here, when the ones who spend money (THEY DONT) get the shaft. Sorry but it really ruins it for me.

  • TopShelf2010
    10,896 Posts
    Tue, Jan 7 2020 3:51 PM


  • MarchieB
    1,527 Posts
    Tue, Jan 7 2020 4:17 PM


    Give the development team some time to put something together.

    Don, they already have. It was posted yesterday with the new week 2 tourneys.

    If you look on the previous page, WGTChampion announced it. You can read my post below his with a little more details.

    It is listed in the tournaments page as “WK 2 Champion Tournament”

    The real issue is one of LIFE !  No matter what you do you cannot please EVERYONE. Some are mad because it’s not ALL single play. Others because you don’t get a free ball. As above because it’s not a “special” tournament.

    What was given as a replacement was exactly what WGTChampion basically said it would be from the start. A weekly, tiered, 18 hole, 2 round tourney without all the prominence of the VT that it was replacing. It is almost identical to the previous VT, just as a weekly not monthly and the purses are close to 3 times a regular weekly tourney. I didn’t check but the weekly purse is probably equal to what was paid out monthly on the VT. 


  • DoctorEagle
    1,312 Posts
    Mon, Jan 13 2020 12:41 PM

    Can understand wanting more play / not wanting to do handouts but the VT was about the best thing going on WGT. Can't see playing the new unlimited weekly format with the cost of balls... winner gets a medium level sleeve and 2nd place gets less than an elite ball.