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Limited Credit Videos

Sun, Jul 9 2023 7:30 PM (416 replies)
  • bossbird
    2,260 Posts
    Fri, Nov 22 2019 3:24 AM

    It has been obvious even to me , owner of a tiny club , that there are many larger clubs farming credits to buy the advantages of gifting hugely. So if I can see it , why couldn’t wgt just penalise those clubs. They can see what is happening . The reason I opened my own club was to get away from the scheming and pressurising in some of the larger clubs . They don’t play for fun , they play to win at any cost ! . 

    Please wgt look at a better way of dealing with the problem rather than link us all together , I do not want to be associated with the cheats in this or any other games !

  • SlickHunter
    1,034 Posts
    Fri, Nov 22 2019 3:57 AM

    We had a good run, now just let WGT do their own thing. If it’s not this, it’ll be something else. For those who wish to continue playing the game, must adapt to changes.

  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Fri, Nov 22 2019 4:07 AM


    We had a good run, now just let WGT do their own thing. If it’s not this, it’ll be something else. For those who wish to continue playing the game, must adapt to changes.

    I did have a whinge about the credit reduction, but as you say Slick, we’ve all had a good run, I’ve got some credits and numerous sleeves of balls out of it, and I have gifted as and when appropriate, I kinda liked the fact I could do it when I could.

    I suppose I was a guilty party, I used 2 sometimes 3 devices to amass my credit roll, but not on a regular basis, it was after the last update this week and reading the forum posts that the 150 I grabbed that night was the first in a long while.

    If WGT are going to allow us the said 150, in a week, providing what balls we play, it could be 2-3 sleeves a week, it’s better than them stopping all together.


  • SlickHunter
    1,034 Posts
    Fri, Nov 22 2019 4:57 AM



    We had a good run, now just let WGT do their own thing. If it’s not this, it’ll be something else. For those who wish to continue playing the game, must adapt to changes.

    I did have a whinge about the credit reduction, but as you say Slick, we’ve all had a good run, I’ve got some credits and numerous sleeves of balls out of it, and I have gifted as and when appropriate, I kinda liked the fact I could do it when I could.

    I suppose I was a guilty party, I used 2 sometimes 3 devices to amass my credit roll, but not on a regular basis, it was after the last update this week and reading the forum posts that the 150 I grabbed that night was the first in a long while.

    If WGT are going to allow us the said 150, in a week, providing what balls we play, it could be 2-3 sleeves a week, it’s better than them stopping all together.


    Honestly it’s no ones fault that we be able to collect whatever amount of credits. It was the system that allows us to do that, but now system stops it, so that’s that.  But yeah you’re right, 150 credits a day is more than enough for me. I just need to switch to a lower cost ball, and like you said, gifting suffers. I’m happy that I’d be able to share when I did. Things could change, just keep pluggin along.


  • BirdieChaser2
    584 Posts
    Fri, Nov 22 2019 5:21 AM

    In my humble opinion they "fixed the  mouth so the nose don't work".  They have upset their customers (not a good thing) such that there will be an impact.  But they likely had upset advertisers so would be impact that way as well.  If the issue is millions of videos receiving credits while people sleep then fix that.  Don't penalize "honest watchers" I earn between 240 and 720 credits a day watching videos.  Do I see every second of each? No but enough that some catch my attention.

    Like many I knew this was going on (for the record I don't use nox or other recording programs).  It seems to me they rely on repeatability on the screen. I figured they would get smart someday and randomize the "click" locations.  That would mean the watcher needs to at least have one eye open.  But instead they got dumb and hurt a large portion of their market. 

    Like most things in life there are multiple ways to address a situation.   Not too sure this was the best approach.

  • daithom
    2 Posts
    Fri, Nov 22 2019 7:00 AM

    I agree, surely it would be simple to limit users to be able to only be logged on on one device at a time? Why would you need to be logged multiple me times?  


    The cost of balls is really ridiculous, especially the advantage a more expensive ball gives you, the least golf like thing in the whole game.



  • Schmiglets
    424 Posts
    Fri, Nov 22 2019 7:24 AM

    This is all pretty stupid all the way around, and I wish WGT would do something that makes more sense...for  example, they award additional XP's for consecutive days played... why not change that and let players pick between XP's, credits, or coins or something else along those lines?

    WGT has never cared whether the game is fair and equitable to all players - to think otherwise is a joke.   They made it possible for people to game the system, and then encouraged that behavior by dangling golden putters, etc out there, causing people/clubs to find any way possible to get an advantage.  I suspect most of those who are upset by the change see it as yet another blow to their ability to play competitively.   My guess is this change will result in some clubs shifting around - primarily seeing a few form that are elite players only, who are good enough to wipe everyone else out.   So long as WGT keeps the lights on, who cares right?


  • el3n1
    4,514 Posts
    Fri, Nov 22 2019 8:07 AM

    Honestly it’s no ones fault that we be able to collect whatever amount of credits. It was the system that allows us to do that, but now system stops it, so that’s that.

    with all due respect... I don't believe the advertisers or WGT designed the system of 2 credit free ads to be strip mined with automatic bot like efforts to extract hundreds of thousands of credits... their intent was to gain a few more views, possibly visit their website or download a game, etc... what was being done... completely undermined that arrangement.

    it was the exploitation of those videos that does in fact impact others in the community that were manually watching videos for their game purchases -- even if they used 1, 2 or even 3 devices manually as some shared doing at times... that in no way compares to what those strip mining credits were doing... it was clearly out of line or the ad agency would not have felt compelled to renegotiate with WGT to impose limits... 

    the gluttony of those involved have hurt the community …

  • AlaskanDame
    19,827 Posts
    Fri, Nov 22 2019 8:27 AM

    I’m not even getting 150.  Only 8 - 12.  Been doing that for two days. Got about 48 over the 2 Days by logging out and then in again.  Today, the ads run but no credits at all.  Nowhere close to 150/day.  So count yourself lucky if you’re getting that.

  • SlickHunter
    1,034 Posts
    Fri, Nov 22 2019 8:33 AM


    Honestly it’s no ones fault that we be able to collect whatever amount of credits. It was the system that allows us to do that, but now system stops it, so that’s that.

    with all due respect... I don't believe the advertisers or WGT designed the system of 2 credit free ads to be strip mined with automatic bot like efforts to extract hundreds of thousands of credits... their intent was to gain a few more views, possibly visit their website or download a game, etc... what was being done... completely undermined that arrangement.

    it was the exploitation of those videos that does in fact impact others in the community that were manually watching videos for their game purchases -- even if they used 1, 2 or even 3 devices manually as some shared doing at times... that in no way compares to what those strip mining credits were doing... it was clearly out of line or the ad agency would not have felt compelled to renegotiate with WGT to impose limits... 

    the gluttony of those involved have hurt the community …

    That’s why you need to design a system that can’t be easily exploited. Everyone is different, some see it as an opportunity, some just won’t participate in such activities. You can’t police everyone, so the system must be foolproof.