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veteran & higher level player feedback section

Wed, Nov 13 2019 3:28 PM (146 replies)
  • ScottHope
    10,616 Posts
    Fri, Oct 18 2019 1:28 AM

    No, you hold down the button while you rotate the views just like on previews when you're looking to buy something on Amazon, for instance.
    Oh, that. That works for me on both left and  right buttons.  : )

  • TuckerPrestonJr
    1,380 Posts
    Fri, Oct 18 2019 3:01 PM


    Re: TuckerPreston Jr

    The same graphics look amazing on my iPhone so most likely it’s a sizing and resolution issue. 

    I'm concerned about how it looks on my PC.   Never played on phone.  I'm also concerned if we look like a cartoon and a kid's game, that's how it will be seen.    Imagine us on Golf Channel.   That needs to be the goal.

    So ... the courses look as beautiful as ever and I have no complaints. 

    I meant the avatars, the avatar faces are less human and much anime in style, the gimmicks, the coins, coin room, the shirt that makes you hit farther or what have you. 

    We need an e-sports feel on the new PC standalone.


  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Fri, Oct 18 2019 7:09 PM

    Hopefully someone takes it from here. Think I've put enough of my time into this game. Would have been nice to get a simple thank you from wgt for all the work I put into this thread and video. Not even that, just an acknowledgment of the time involved I put in.

    It's weird. I was playing the standalone and then went back to the flash version to play a few and I just felt like what is the point anymore playing this. They don't really care it feels like, I've put so much into this game and just seems like there isn't a point and they don't appreciate it. 

    Maybe I'll be back and this new standalone will be great but it just doesn't feel right. They should have waited to release this pc version.

    I'll be back probably when the new version arrives to give it a try then. Till then, it's been a ride.

    Take care


  • JimbeauC
    5,835 Posts
    Sat, Oct 19 2019 9:26 AM

    nice to get a simple thank you from wgt

    Would a thanks from me help? Thanks. I appreciated the video very much. It confirmed what I thought was the case with the putting dots. 

    Funny that they asked for our help, but it's been quite a while since any mod even commented. 

    I check for updates to the game every day. I figure there's no sense in even looking at it again until some changes have been made. I asked whether things could be updated at WGT that wouldn't require updates to be made at the user end. Still don't know if that's the case or not. 

  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Sat, Oct 19 2019 10:08 AM

    Funny that they asked for our help, but it's been quite a while since any mod even commented. 
    Been there, done that!

    Remember when they encouraged us to collect a list of our thoughts and ideas, keeping a thread alive by mod's input for four months - only to state "we won't take any of that" in the end?

    They lost my support then.

  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Sat, Oct 19 2019 1:17 PM

    Imagine us on Golf Channel.

    not for long!


  • fireman33
    2,692 Posts
    Tue, Oct 22 2019 8:24 AM

    I read the comments and I agree they ask for our thoughts but have not herd a word on what is going on.

    I do see they are working on updates on the new version but more is needed. Someone with a little knowledge of the game could help. Drops out of the drink or out of bounds need a lot of work. If there is going to be commentary it needs to be realistic. I have played the game on here and on real courses for a long time. I have never in my life herd the statement NEVER UP NEVER IN ON AN APPROACH SHOT  MAY BE ON A PUTT BUT AN APPROACH SHOT NEVER....

    We all know that you can not use all the stuff that has been submitted and I have seen some good stuff and some very bad stuff ask for. That being said just give us a good game with out all the gimmicks. Hit the ball it lands in the fairway rough water hole or on the green with once on the green putting. No other nonsense is needed to play the game. Good solid down to earth golf game.

    Give us some answers on questions that have been ask. Will the new game have the format to play Match games...Alt shot games...Skins games....Pick a friend and play a round with a 2 3 4 person format.

    You ask for our help and we have submitted some ideas. Please keep us updated on the progress of the game in the transition from pc flash to pc new version.

    Any feedback from wgt would be great............


  • MGB01
    1,469 Posts
    Tue, Oct 22 2019 8:43 AM
    played the new version......couple of times now...the way the body moves on the avatar is very realistic....menus im sure everyone can figure out eventually when they switch to this version.....but my no 1 concern is dot is way need to relearn how to read break from the flash version......if you want to putt well on the new version. im not sure how many long time pc players will want to re learn again.......
  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Oct 22 2019 10:13 AM

    my no 1 concern is dot is way need to relearn how to read break from the flash version..

    I agree although I don't think the dots are necessarily way off. My impression is that the dots are slower but the breaks are proportionately slower, too. It'll take some getting used to for me because I putt by feel with avatar movements and have the dots on during the swing to focus on the line. The PPal fixed the moves so now it's about getting the speed right. Lots of new learning to do.  LOL  :-)

  • MGB01
    1,469 Posts
    Tue, Oct 22 2019 11:10 AM

    my no 1 concern is dot is way need to relearn how to read break from the flash version..

    I agree although I don't think the dots are necessarily way off. My impression is that the dots are slower but the breaks are proportionately slower, too. It'll take some getting used to for me because I putt by feel with avatar movements and have the dots on during the swing to focus on the line. The PPal fixed the moves so now it's about getting the speed right. Lots of new learning to do.  LOL  :-)

    the other issue apart from re learning to putt is you cannot lock the grid.....or maybe i cant find out how too......every part of the greens is strange to me.......alot of re adjusting to do next year......uffffff