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Fri, Jan 3 2025 9:29 AM (1,423 replies)
  • birdiesfly1
    33 Posts
    Tue, Feb 15 2022 8:23 AM


    Basically the view size.  I could never get the window setting to expand to full screen.  I have read some of your posts about unity game resolution - would that help?  Is there an alternative in the window setting that would give me a full screen and eliminae this issue?  I appreciate your time brother!

    There are a few ways to get the game into a maximized window, which is very similar to fullscreen.

    Probably the easiest way is to use the task manager. Have a look at my post HERE from two years ago.

    It does not matter what resolution setting you have in the game, but the display mode needs to be WINDOW and not FULLSCREEN.

    To get the game window back to its normal size after maximizing it through the task manager, just click on the game window title bar and drag it down from the top of the screen.

    Any problems, just ask.

    Thank you.  ; )

    Thanks - I am not able to find any golf.exe file.  Went to task manager, processes tab, App history and no golf exe.  ???

  • ScottHope
    10,617 Posts
    Tue, Feb 15 2022 8:33 AM

    No, not the app history tab, the processes tab.

  • birdiesfly1
    33 Posts
    Tue, Feb 15 2022 9:34 AM


    No, not the app history tab, the processes tab.

    BAM!!!  Got it and everything works fine so far.  Over the past 6 months I have had the geek squad look at this and computer repair business' and no one could figure it out.  I had seen some of you earlier posts and thought - I bet Scott could figure this out.  And HE DID - YAY!!!

    Thank You Scott!!!

    God Bless

  • ScottHope
    10,617 Posts
    Tue, Feb 15 2022 9:49 AM

    Excellent news!

    I can't take all the credit because I got the trick from a user on a completely different website, but I guess we all get tidbits from the web.

    Thank you too birdiesfly1.  ; ) 

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Tue, Feb 15 2022 12:20 PM



    No, not the app history tab, the processes tab.

    BAM!!!  Got it and everything works fine so far.  Over the past 6 months I have had the geek squad look at this and computer repair business' and no one could figure it out.  I had seen some of you earlier posts and thought - I bet Scott could figure this out.  And HE DID - YAY!!!

    Thank You Scott!!!

    God Bless

    And I even scored a spot on his coveted friend list...:)


    ps: I don't have any tech issues I needed help with, I just like the

  • ScottHope
    10,617 Posts
    Tue, Feb 15 2022 12:53 PM

    coveted friend list

    Thank you ct, it must be the hat.  ; )

  • SamSpayed
    5,045 Posts
    Wed, Feb 23 2022 4:05 PM


    Yes, I have always thought that the in-game fullscreen setting is a bit aggressive with regards to using other applications at the same time. But as I said previously, I don't think there's anything I can do about that.

    Can I ask why you prefer to use the ingame fullscreen setting as opposed to the window setting?

    Hi, Scott.  I realise you were addressing this to birdiesfly1 (and am happy you got his problem resolved), but I have a follow-up question for you on this.

    I've been using the in-game fullscreen setting myself for a while, even when using other applications (such as Chrome and Discord) at the same time.  This on a Windows 10 laptop.  I haven't noticed any performance issues doing that, and I can easily switch between the fullscreen WGT app and the other apps using Alt+Tab. 

    So, I'm just curious... what problems have you seen with using WGT in fullscreen mode vs. window mode?

  • ScottHope
    10,617 Posts
    Thu, Feb 24 2022 2:49 AM

    The fullscreen mode is better now than it was when the game was first released. When switching between the game and other open windows that were supposed to be maximized, (the maximize/restore down button was showing the restore down icon), those windows were not maximized and had to be resized several times to get them back to how they were supposed to be.

    The only issue I have with fullscreen mode now is the collapsing of the game to the taskbar when switching to another window/app. Even if it didn't do that I probably wouldn't use it because I like to see my taskbar. But with the AHK script I have to resize and reposition the game window, I see no game window borders and I have my taskbar visible.

  • HenryKawa
    1,725 Posts
    Fri, Feb 25 2022 4:47 PM


  • Robert1893
    7,730 Posts
    Fri, Feb 25 2022 6:49 PM
