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💎The Founders Club. Big Plans for 2024...40+ Spots Just Opened!

Sat, Jun 1 2024 3:18 PM (773 replies)
    6,887 Posts
    Mon, Jan 22 2024 4:48 AM


    6,887 Posts
    Tue, Jan 30 2024 2:35 AM


    6,887 Posts
    Sun, Feb 11 2024 4:32 AM


    6,887 Posts
    Wed, Feb 21 2024 11:48 PM


    6,887 Posts
    Fri, Mar 1 2024 2:01 AM


  • MioKontic
    4,644 Posts
    Fri, Mar 1 2024 7:45 AM

    A very informative last 2 pages!

    6,887 Posts
    Sun, Mar 3 2024 4:44 PM

    A very informative last 2 pages!


    Well everything needed to know is in original post page1 ....I believe almost all posts following page 1 (by me) are what most call "bumps"  intended only to move original post up to page 1...This is standard operating procedure by most "CC recruiting" threads...But, far be it from me to deter anyone from reading each post in this thread. Honestly your attention to detail and enthusiasm are admirable so, from this point forward anytime I post to push thread up the preverbal recruiting ladder (in your honor Mio) I will be sure to included some useful or useless fact or information  🤨 

    Example:  I have discovered that by punching a small hole in the bottom of my kitchen garage pail, then using the hose from my standard upright vacuum I apply the hose (suction end) to said hole...It will in fact remove all the air in the pail...which will "pull" the garbage bag down  and outwards against the inner walls like shrink wrap!  The result gives this wonderful  "illusion" that I can now somehow fit more rubbish in the pail... In theory  giving me more time before the dreaded task (I hate like most men) of not only changing out the bag...but placing it outside the front door. Where it will sit making the loft appear to magically be located in a trailer park or in your neck of the world a piker or gypsy park? Or is that Ireland? Anyway it will stay there  till I get tired of the bitchin as I sit with my hand in the top of me trousers gulping a nice cold ale...and finally get up and walk it to my car place it on the trunk were I have to drive to the other side of the Carnival to find a dumpster! 


    6,887 Posts
    Sat, Mar 9 2024 3:55 AM

    The "Mio" thread bump


    In my youth I was quite the trouble maker...around grade 7 some (40+ years ago) I discovered if I cut off my sneaker lace tip and shoved one of Mom's straight pins thru the back of the plastic tip (cut the lace tip around 1/4" before plastic end) so the pin goes thru the frayed lace end.....You can make one hell of an accurate Blow Dart (grab extra milk straws during lunch period). The darts stick amazingly well to the back of the teacher in whatever class you have following lunch! 

    Warning: Make sure NOT to hit said Teacher's exposed skin ESPECIALLY the back of the neck unless you enjoy the Dean's office and subsequent phone call to the parents!

    I doubt highly that anyone in grades 5 thru 12 will be reading this but, either way the above was a theoretic version of what the darts could be used for. I myself would never actually aim them towards any person or animal. 😉


    Apparently I was not alone in this discovery? Others must have been punished by their mother and sent to their room and not allowed to come out for hours on end.... 

    Shoelace darts | Blowguns Forum


  • MioKontic
    4,644 Posts
    Sat, Mar 9 2024 5:20 PM


    That you did, adding to the equally useless last 2 pages.

    6,887 Posts
    Wed, Mar 13 2024 6:29 AM

    That you did, adding to the equally useless last 2 pages.


     And Thank you for being very imperturbable and a good sport  with the "all in fun" insulting sarcasm.

    Which brings me to this particular  "Mio thread Bump"  which we now know will follow with some form of useful/useless piece of information 

    Did you know there is an interesting time lag between the appearance of the word imperturbable and its antonym, perturbable. Although imperturbable is known to have existed since the middle of the 15th century, perturbable didn't show up in written English until 1800. The verb perturb (meaning "to disquiet" or "to throw into confusion") predates both imperturbable and perturbable; it has been part of English since the 14th century. All three words derive from Latin perturbare (also meaning "to throw into confusion"), which in turn comes from the combination of per- (meaning "thoroughly") and turbare, which means "to disturb." Other relatives of imperturbable include disturb and turbel

    Next time we do  word history I'll breakdown the word  "Underlying"   ðŸ˜‰