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MOBILE PLAYERS: Where's your wedge?

Fri, Nov 29 2024 3:07 PM (68 replies)
  • WGTChampion
    1,917 Posts
    Tue, Dec 4 2018 8:37 AM

    Missing your third wedge because it was replaced by a hybrid that you hate with every fiber of your being? 

    Go into the game settings and switch the setting for Customize Equipment from Normal to ADVANCED. 

    Once in advanced mode, go to your equipment. The top five club slots will now say "optional" on them. Select the item that you would like to replace and you will now have three tabs at the top of the section to toggle between different club types. 


  • el3n1
    4,505 Posts
    Tue, Dec 4 2018 9:19 AM

    Thanks #champ.  I have done that since I believe I am on the android platform that is effected.  I did notice once or twice it still reverted back to the default setting, but I don't know if that is because I accidentally did something or it reset somehow.  Lately, the changes seem to have saved.  Thanks again!

  • DoctorLarry
    4,320 Posts
    Tue, Dec 4 2018 10:38 AM

    Good idea to post this since so many related questions are separately asked here - some with rather strange titles!

  • BigJack9980
    28 Posts
    Tue, Dec 4 2018 1:18 PM
    Hey Champion since I emailed support and got no reply will ask here. Had this issue finally figured it out on my own but why does my 4 different devices have to have the format and wedge put back in my bag every time I restart the app? It is Spain!!
  • WGTChampion
    1,917 Posts
    Tue, Dec 4 2018 3:47 PM

    Hey Champion since I emailed support and got no reply will ask here. Had this issue finally figured it out on my own but why does my 4 different devices have to have the format and wedge put back in my bag every time I restart the app? It is Spain!!

    Are you switching between platforms (ios and android) or between devices that have the newest update with the equipment changes and ones with older versions of the app? 


    105 Posts
    Thu, Dec 6 2018 12:54 AM

    Tried what you said but it won't let me unequip the there anyway it can be done from your end


                                            Dave john marshall

  • WGTChampion
    1,917 Posts
    Thu, Dec 6 2018 7:46 AM

    AussieMick11 made a video to show anyone having trouble


  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,680 Posts
    Thu, Dec 6 2018 9:46 AM


    I'd like to suggest the following for the next update :

    1. Forget about the NORMAL mode and just leave the ADVANCED. This is only making so many players confused and clueless in the beginning. Switching options in the setting, editing equipment, etc., etc.... it's very cumbersome also. Keep the ADVANCED mode and get rid of the NORMAL as the vast majority will eventually select a third wedge over a hybrid.
    2. Give a choice, instead, between the old 'original' edit method and the new advanced, just like you're giving a choice of swing meters on PC version. Many players are asking for the original edit way back and it's not surprising because it was much more intuitive, simple and handy. I can finish editing my equipment at least twice faster with the old-fashioned way.
    3. Have a little step-by-step tutorial session on how to equip for first-timers and newbies, much like the David Leadbetter's swing tutorial. If it causes too much onerousness to your job, have a link of Mick's video next to the edit screen. 

    Thanks for your hard work. Cheers.



    G'day mate! :-) Very nice useful video. Well done! Long time no talk.

  • WGTChampion
    1,917 Posts
    Thu, Dec 6 2018 10:26 AM



    I'd like to suggest the following for the next update :

    1. Forget about the NORMAL mode and just leave the ADVANCED. This is only making so many players confused and clueless in the beginning. Switching options in the setting, editing equipment, etc., etc.... it's very cumbersome also. Keep the ADVANCED mode and get rid of the NORMAL as the vast majority will eventually select a third wedge over a hybrid.
    2. Give a choice, instead, between the old 'original' edit method and the new advanced, just like you're giving a choice of swing meters on PC version. Many players are asking for the original edit way back and it's not surprising because it was much more intuitive, simple and handy. I can finish editing my equipment at least twice faster with the old-fashioned way.
    3. Have a little step-by-step tutorial session on how to equip for first-timers and newbies, much like the David Leadbetter's swing tutorial. If it causes too much onerousness to your job, have a link of Mick's video next to the edit screen. 

    Thanks for your hard work. Cheers.



    G'day mate! :-) Very nice useful video. Well done! Long time no talk.

    Thanks for the suggestions. While it is different, and there are some issues we're working through, the updated equipment panels are better to the majority of our players.

    Those players are more likely to not replace an expired rental and are more likely to have trouble equipping new items in general. 

    The new update allows players to only swap out items one-for-one so slots can not go empty, rentals will be automatically switched to their best item for that club slot, and most importantly it's easier to use with less button presses. 

    We think that overall this is a positive change and will provide users with a better experience. Personally I've been yelling about changing the equipping process on mobile for years. 

    It is totally our failure that there was no explanation on how to use it, especially in advanced mode, before release. And I'll take the blame for that completely. 

    Luckily AussieMick was generous enough to make up for my mistakes. 



  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,680 Posts
    Thu, Dec 6 2018 10:38 AM

    I like and appreciate your frank reply, Champ. We understand your agony. It's easy to yap and criticize, but hard to do. Cheers. Simon