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They Fixed The XP Glitch?

Mon, Dec 10 2018 4:15 PM (139 replies)
  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Sun, Nov 18 2018 6:55 AM
    Quite honestly, I could care less. I save money on passes to get that bonus for my club.
  • Dave33200
    2,932 Posts
    Sun, Nov 18 2018 7:26 AM

    Quite honestly, I could care less. I save money on passes to get that bonus for my club.


    It will take new clubs a lot longer to move up in levels. Shot & putter pal will take longer to get also. 


  • Robert1893
    7,678 Posts
    Sun, Nov 18 2018 8:11 AM

    It will take new clubs a lot longer to move up in levels. Shot & putter pal will take longer to get also

    Sure, it will take clubs longer to level up. But as far as getting shot and putter pal, just a handful of new players could easily get a club to Level 4 in less than 40 days. 

    Yes, it's longer. Still, we're talking days not months longer. 

  • Goedemoed
    1,958 Posts
    Sun, Nov 18 2018 8:14 AM

    You are correct Dave - will be hard work (almost madness) to start a new club and move up.

    It is also almost impossible for members with inferior clubs to participate in CC events, I still remember as amateur with starter clubs how many fairways I could not reach in CC events. Clubs will for that reason also be more reluctant to take in new members with inferior clubs.

    I don't want to play against or with players with inferior equipment especially with the big difference between clubs. Let us all enjoy competing with each other with more equal equipment - made possible by earning xp's faster

    I can see many players leaving especially new comers that are not able to upgrade and compete with the rest of the wgt members 

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Sun, Nov 18 2018 8:58 AM

    Sure, it will take clubs longer to level up. But as far as getting shot and putter pal, just a handful of new players could easily get a club to Level 4 in less than 40 days. 

    Yes, it's longer. Still, we're talking days not months longer. 

    When i started my club a little over a year ago, I got to L-4 by myself and then started recruiting. Yes, it took about a month with the glitch and Premier.

    Premier ran out about a month and a half ago. I wont re-new it since we are L-19 now.

  • TopShelf2010
    10,881 Posts
    Sun, Nov 18 2018 9:14 AM


  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Sun, Nov 18 2018 9:49 AM


    On a positive note, you won't have to be bothered with keeping your "Premier" blog updated anymore.


    HaHa, Yeah. It was taking a month without Premier now it will be 6 months

  • jimreser
    21 Posts
    Sun, Nov 18 2018 9:54 AM

    I am not sure what is not fun...explain yourself

  • Robert1893
    7,678 Posts
    Sun, Nov 18 2018 10:26 AM


    Couldn't agree more with this, the amount of games now required to get to that club you've been craving is absoloutley ridiculous. 

    Take away any conspiracy theories and questioning any monitary motives and look at what is left after this fix, I've personally played about 4 months and glitched before every round (about 5 every day) and reached level 91,are you really expecting new/current players to play about 1 year before reaching the ability to buy top level clubs? 

    Someone needs to review the amount of xp requirements or this game becomes 'pay to win' via xp boosts/premier or a grind it out chore.

    First, it's not ridiculous. Not even close.

    Indeed, it's no longer simply a function of games played as much it is days played. When they redid the CDP bonus that changed the calculus. Playing 1 round (or even 1 hole) every day became much more important than playing multiple rounds each day.

    In other words, a person could spend 5 minutes a day and get to Level 90 by the end of the year without difficulty. No doubt playing multiple rounds helps. But that should really be a secondary concern, if one it truly concerned about leveling up. 

    And second, you do realize (as has been pointed out) that the glitch has only been around for the last 2 years, yes? Additionally, as has also been pointed out, the CDP bonus used to cap out at 880 XPs. 

    Now, this isn't an argument of "Well, back in the day..." It's to point out that the glitch was the anomaly. People are treating it like the norm. It wasn't. That is to say, WGT decided a long time ago where the levels would be. What's the logic for redoing those? Someone got their toy taken away and they're upset?

    I really don't see the issue with it taking a year to get to levels where the best clubs are. As I mentioned in another post, it takes that long to learn all the courses. What prevents a player from really scoring well is as much course knowledge as it is equipment.

    Simply put: if a player has the best equipment but has little idea how to manage a course or how best to play a particular hole, a player is just not going to score well. 

  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Sun, Nov 18 2018 10:33 AM
    Wow! Everyone wants a shortcut don't they. It was a glitch. It's been fixed. End of story. It's taken me 8 years to get to level 112. Seems everyone wants to do it in 8 months.