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Driving range with chipping/putting green would greatly enhance WGT

Wed, Nov 4 2009 12:14 PM (13 replies)
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  • Infinito3010
    3,689 Posts
    Tue, Oct 20 2009 2:19 PM

    Presently I use the practice feature in the course select. 

    Thus if I am on the green, and I make a putt, if the putt goes in I go onto the next hole. If not, I hit the ball to a different location on the green and make another putt from the new location. 

    Similarly, hitting the ball from a green side trap.  Sometimes, I will take a the highest scale on the putter and knocked into another bunker, or the same bunker if I am not happy with the shot. So, with  a little imagination you have your chipping and putting green.

  • Krypler
    38 Posts
    Tue, Oct 20 2009 4:26 PM

    I have been practicing the same way you have been doing it.

    I agree with you a driving range would enhance the WGT site.I for one need to practice my driving skills..especially when the driver you have has a faster swing speed.


  • JoelWhite
    101 Posts
    Wed, Nov 4 2009 11:34 AM

    I agree, a driving range would benefit my game here considerably, just as a real-life range helps my real-life game. A bucket of balls at my range runs 6 to 10 dollars. I can't believe WGT wouldn't make money on a bucket of balls. I'm not a gamer, so my "trigger-thumb" can always use help.


    And lets go further....sell me a bucket of balls that I use on the course. If a player uses the WGT ball, sell him a bucket for 5 bucks. Those that use a higher priced ball, sell them a bucket for 10 bucks.

  • stevengarcia
    15 Posts
    Wed, Nov 4 2009 12:14 PM

    Yea...there are some good ideas here.  Especially playing in practice mode and just practicing shots over and over.  It can be a little cumbersome but it can work.

    I'm certainly not opposed, at all, to WGT making a driving range and selling / giving range balls.  It just seems like a lot of work.  And replaying a shot during a practice round would be extremely simple to implement.

    Perhaps I'm understanding that players should pay for the ability to replay the exact shot over and over.  And I can see the logic in that.  This is a video game and shots should be reproducible with extraordinary accuracy if they are played the same way over and over.  Where as even PGA pros would not be able to make the same 16 ft downhill putt with break 9 times out of 10.  There is too much variability in real golf.

    (I suppose that is the basis for the BEAST in this game, but I generally oppose that idea because challenges in video games are not the same as in real golf.  I think people playing video games should be rewarded with consistency if they are able to be consistent.  That is, 10 irons to the green all hit the exact same way should all land basically next to each other, or within a few feet radius.  But this is a different discussion.)

    And it makes sense that in a practice round you can putt-putt around a green 6 or 7 times, but highly unlikely you'll get the same shot over and over.

    How about no cost, you are allowed one retry per shot?  For me I don't have strong desires to give money to WGT when there are a number of small, sometimes frustrating bugs regarding game play.  Many are well known - like the huge CPU sink this game has on your computer/browser, inconsistent meter smoothness, and a variety of inconsistent "applied physics outcomes" I notice.  It's going to be inevitable because WGT is essentially converting an analog space & time to digital space and there will be translational problems.

    ANother thought...while this game is in Beta, why not allow us to test these features for free in return for quality analysis?  When they release version 1.0 they can start charging for some of these services because they have worked out the kinks.

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