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2018 AndysonMemorial Round 2 (post score here)

Thu, Aug 16 2018 6:08 PM (102 replies)
  • Shedlite
    917 Posts
    Tue, Aug 7 2018 10:04 PM

    United States United Kingdom Ireland Australia Sweden Canada Germany British Indian Ocean Territory Spain Philippines Russia Italy Belgium Luxembourg

    Everyone who is in for Round 2:

    # Flag Player's Name
    Tier R1 R2 FIN
    001 United 
States Shedlite L 63 63
    002 United States twinponds169 C 61 63 124
    003 United 
States Qputts C 61
    57 118
    004 United States TopShelf2010 C 61 62 123
    007 United 
States bigcountry317 C 55 64 119
    008 United States SlicedPepper C 63 65 128
    009 United 
Kingdom newcastleb C 61 65 126
    010 Ireland TWOMINUSONE L 64 66 130
    011 United 
Kingdom WigerToods C 61 62 123
    013 United 
States garyk49 L 62 68 130
    014 United States opyeuclid TM 71 86 157
    015 United 
States drmoose L 71 84 155
    016 United States lonniescott711(nomp)
    C 63 62 125
    017 United 
Kingdom bery111 L 60 68 128
    018 United States Cuber TM 78 80 158
    019 Australia alanti
    C 58 66 124
    020 United States claremoreblue C 57 59 116
    021 United States mystry78 C 60 61 121
    022 Canada ROMAX C 73 65 138
    023 United States overthedge L 65 63 128
    025 United 
Kingdom 19cltc67 C 61 58 119
    026 Canada tygerjr C 60 58
    027 Ireland duda51 C 58 65 123
    028 United States reddog1965 L 61
    029 Germany MainzMan C 57 59 116
    031 United 
Kingdom bubbsboy
    C 63 65 128
    032 United States txzdave L 63 65 128
    033 United States DufferJohn7 TL 64 66 130
    035 United States dacrash TL 66
    66 132
    037 Sweden Bowl64 C 60 63 123
    038 United Kingdom Amateur4sure C 60
    66 126
    039 United States RonCarr L 72 69 141
    040 United States conveyorguy C 66 66 132
    041 United 
Kingdom EagleEmily L 65 64 129
    042 United States Ranger1988 TL 65
    58 123
    043 United 
Kingdom MioKontic TL 61 64 125
    044 United States biggunky L 66 66 132
    046 United States Young46 C 58
    048 United States gonfission L 75 75 150
    049 United States jason01291 L 65 65 130
    050 Spain abbielb C 59 60 119
    051 Canada kavvz C 62 57 119
    052 United States stashb TL
    60 60 120
    053 United States Beryman C
    57 58 115
    054 United Kingdom whooshdangit L
    62 62 124
    055 United 
Kingdom thegoosebag C 65 67 132
    056 United States AussieMick11(mobile) C
    58 54 112
    057 United States VEM9000 A 72 80
    058 United States yobooya C 62 68 130
    059 sunrisegolfnut L
    61 58 119
    060 United States middbrew(mobile) TL 61 63 124
    061 Ireland akatiger74 L 62 70 132
    062 United States wliess L
    68 67 135
    063 United States DonaldKey8798 TL 63 62 125
    064 Germany Vince1776(mobile) C 58 62 120
    065 United States dandycap C 66 68 134
    066 MLEVIN C 59 56 115
    067 wmkyle
    C 61 65 126
    068 Australia Breezybaby1811(nomp) L 71 82 153
    069 Australia Tiewaz L 61 64 125
    071 FLYERBT L 65 63 128
    072 United Kingdom BitternDxer C 65
    073 Philippines ysonr(mobile) C 58 58 116
    074 Australia chookie15 TP 81 79 160
    075 Bogeyplus L 61 69 130
    076 United Kingdom Purd1967(mobile) L 63 66 129
    078 borntobesting C 67 68
    079 Canada perkadan C 60 58 118
    081 glpark TM 61 75 136
    082 hyrus L 66 62 128
    083 Italy venice12 C 57 57 114
    084 chunter26 TL 67 71 138
    085 BillyHighbeams L 66 69 135
    086 rotund57 C 66 70 136
    087 Buddbirdie C 62 67 129
    088 United Kingdom dekronk L 64 64 128
    089 crainln3 C 62 62 124
    092 United Kingdom Tony5587(mobile) L 64
    093 Canada LeggoMan13
    L 64 70 134
    095 bigmac0957 L 67
    097 YoinksAway L 59
    098 NicNac19 L 64 69 133
    099 Luxembourg RoggRR L 62 64 126
    101 Sweden ider75 C 59 59 118
    102 Ireland onekeano C 59
    104 Wesdogg75 C 58



    August 8th till the 14th (not a CC tournament nor a WGT tournament)

    First round played in that week is the round that counts

    Current lowest score is

    Champion AussieMick11  with 112

    Tour Legend           stashb with 120(advances)

    Legend           YoinksAway with 118

    Tour Master             glpark with 136(advances)

    Tour Pro            chookie15 with 160(advances)

    Amateur              VEM9000 with 152(advances)

  • Shedlite
    917 Posts
    Tue, Aug 7 2018 10:08 PM

    Top player(plus ties) in each Tier gets automatic advance to Elimination Match play the remaining players who have completed both rounds will be randomly chosen to fill the Elimination Match play field of 64 players (mobile only players not eligible for match play)

    Champions top scores

    *056 (C) AussieMick11    58 54 =112(mobile)
    *083 (C) venice12             57 57 =114
    *053 (C) Beryman             57 58 =115
    *066 (C) MLEVIN               59 56 =115
    *020 (C) claremoreblue   57 59 =116
    *029 (C) MainzMan            57 59 =116
    *073 (C) ysonr                    58 58 =116(mobile)
    *003 (C) Qputts                  61 57 =118
    *026 (C) tygerjr                   60 58 =118
    *079 (C) perkadan            60 58 =118  
    *101 (C) ider75                  59 59 =118

    Tour Legends top scores

    052(TL) stashb                  60 60 =120
    042(TL) Ranger1988        65 58 =123
    060(TL) middbrew             61 63 =124(mobile)
    043(TL) MioKontic             61 64 =125
    063(TL) DonaldKey8798  63  62 =125
    033(TL) DufferJohn7         64 66 =130
    035(TL) dacrash                66 66 =132
    084(TL) chunter26             67 71 =138

    Legends top scores

    *097 (L) YoinksAway         59 59 =118(mobile)
    *059 (L) sunrisegolfnut    61 58 =119
    *054 (L) whooshdangit    62 62 =124
    *069 (L) Tiewaz                 61 64 =125
    *001 (L) shedlite               63 63 =126
    *099 (L) RoggRR              62 64 =126
    *017 (L) bery111                60 68 =128
    *023 (L) overthedge          65 63 =128
    *032 (L) txzdave                 63 65 =128
    *071 (L) FLYERBT             65 63 =128
    *082 (L) hyrus                    66 62 =128
    *088 (L) dekronk                64 64 =128

    Tour Masters and below  top scores

    *081(TM) glpark              61 75 =136
    *014(TM) opyeuclid        71 86 =157
    *018(TM) Cuber              78 80 =158
    *074(TP) chookie15       81 79 =160
    *057 (A) VEM9000          72 80 =152

  • garyk49
    2,327 Posts
    Wed, Aug 8 2018 5:56 AM


    I think that this round I will raise 2 glasses.  1 for Dennis and 1 for Shedlite(doing an outstanding job with this, and no not trying to take away from Paul in prior years)

  • gonfission
    2,241 Posts
    Wed, Aug 8 2018 6:12 AM

  • YoinksAway
    12 Posts
    Wed, Aug 8 2018 6:41 AM

    Hi Shedlite, yes I'm a mobile player.  Thanks much for a well run tournament!

  • WigerToods2010
    8,446 Posts
    Wed, Aug 8 2018 8:14 AM
    08.08.18 Pebble Beach Golf Links Full 18 Champion 62

    Thanks for the opportunity to doff my hat in Dennis' direction.





  • bery111
    3,859 Posts
    Wed, Aug 8 2018 9:00 AM

    68 (-4) for me. I'm not used to being 2nd in my tier after Round 1, so I'm letting the others catch up!!!!

    Event filled round! Met the bunker people on the 5th for a well received bogey. On my 2nd shot at the 18th, I could have sworn that Dennis blew a train horn in my left ear and Shov (who's birthday it would have been today) blew some bagpipes in my right ear, causing my ball to bounce along the wall and straight into the Pacific! :D

    Shedlite - I can't thank you enough mate for getting our collective butts here for the 3rd Andyson! :)

  • YoinksAway
    12 Posts
    Wed, Aug 8 2018 10:00 AM


    Thanks so much for the tournament guys!  It's great to remember friends this way.

  • stashb
    555 Posts
    Wed, Aug 8 2018 11:52 AM
    08.08.18 Pebble Beach Golf Links Full 18 Tour Legend 60
  • bigcountry317
    4,269 Posts
    Wed, Aug 8 2018 12:24 PM





    We are set to shoot R2 as a foursome on Sunday at 2pm case anyone is interested, I'm thinking it is prolly safe to assume Jason will stream the round.  Thanks for making it possible to set this up guys, should be a helluva lotta fun!