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Daily Motivation

Tue, May 14 2024 11:43 AM (1,974 replies)
  • Ladychipper
    22,724 Posts
    Tue, Dec 11 2018 7:51 AM


    Lady, I think you are my only friend on WGT.  Everyone hates me.  I get slammed all the time in the forums.   Why am I treated that way?  


    I don't know Henry.  Is it perhaps because of some things you have said that did not sit well with others?  You tell me what you think.

    Also, you don't have a picture which makes people shy away I think.  Let us get to know the real you.   I believe everyone has some good in them.



    PS:  You have over 5,000 friends so surely they don't all hate you.


  • Ladychipper
    22,724 Posts
    Tue, Dec 11 2018 7:53 AM

    Tuesday, December 11, 2018

    If you were

    If you were to empty the garbage from your mind, what would that process look like? If you were to let go of all the thoughts that hold you back, what would take their place?

    If you were to rise above the pettiness of your ego, what would you do in the next moment? If you were to make this time and place a little better, what small factor would you work to improve?

    If you were forever free of anxiety and envy, how would you employ your increased energy? If you were to fully realize how good you have it, in what new ways would you choose to give of yourself?

    If you were to give voice to difficult truths, what would have inspired you to do so? If you were to give up a desirable but destructive habit, would it really be so painful?

    If you were to be more honest with yourself, which of your own excuses would you no longer tolerate? If you were to tackle your most difficult challenge, what’s the first step you would take?

    If you were confident of success, what would you relentlessly work to achieve? If you were to live the life you always dreamed of living, what would you do, starting right now?


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,724 Posts
    Wed, Dec 12 2018 11:38 AM

    Wednesday, December 12, 2018

    Now is your time

    Decide to make the best of this day, no matter what others are choosing to do with it. Go ahead, make the most of opportunities that are now, no matter how many previous opportunities you’ve ignored.

    The most well-reasoned excuse to do nothing, gets you nothing. A little bit of action, though, can result in significant progress.

    Life is not fair, but that’s no reason to throw it away. Life can be painful, but hiding in some dark corner is not the answer.

    Even if you’ve wasted the last six weeks, or the last five decades, there’s much you can achieve today. Life is yours right now, so accept full responsibility and rise to the challenge.

    Choose to be energized, inspired, empowered by what has been, by what is now, and by what can be. Instead of casting judgments, allow the whole of reality, whatever it may be, to push you into positive action.

    Now is not the time for complaints, regrets, or resentments. Now is your time to live the best life you can imagine.


    — Ralph Marston

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Wed, Dec 12 2018 2:39 PM

     Long removed, there was a post called Lets Be Honest. I started this with the intention of getting to know the real person. It was one of the most popular posts on WGT until it got trashed. Maybe someone can start another one like this and see if WGT players will be honest or just be what they want behind closed doors. My closest friends know every thing about me and who I really am. 

      All the nonsense that has gone on for the past year or two is the reason I don't participate much anymore. This used to be more than just a computer game, it was real friends, chats, and a family.

     For the jokers on here, say what you want, it has nothing to do with my history on WGT.

    Squirrel Nutz

  • Ladychipper
    22,724 Posts
    Wed, Dec 12 2018 3:36 PM

    Hi renniw52,

    I must say that the club I am in (TPC) is full of real friends, chats and is a family to me.  So it is possible to still find that in here. 

    I hope you find my thread enjoyable and thanks for stopping by.


  • HenryKawa
    1,721 Posts
    Wed, Dec 12 2018 4:51 PM


    Hi renniw52,

    I must say that the club I am in (TPC) is full of real friends, chats and is a family to me.  So it is possible to still find that in here. 

    I hope you find my thread enjoyable and thanks for stopping by.

    Lady, thank you very much for starting this thread.  I feel that it is fresh and honest.  No room for rude obnoxious people.  I recently said in some of the other threads that I am leaving the forums for ever.  However, if I find a thread that is honest, where people can meet real friends, I'm in.  I do agree with Rich.   I always try to be nice, but I get roasted almost every day.     I can't say anything without being jumped all over by someone.   The hardest thing to take is when I spill my guts about about myself and my past and I'm called a liar.   Lady, I PROMISE... I PROMISE with all my heart, I will never lie to you or in this thread.   Saying that, I will come clean on a couple of things:  1.  Henry is my computer name.    I've always used a computer name because being i/c of the Tech Crimes Unit (before retirement), I saw first hand how people can get their identities stolen.  2.  I am NOT the best WGT player of all time.  I started that to get a healthy competition going among friends.  Well people were so offended by that - it was so unbelievable that I just continued the charade.  Maybe some of those offended people will wake up and smell the coffee some day.   So there you have it Rich - everything else I say about myself is true.   I've come clean and I will stick with the promise I made to Lady about complete honesty in this thread.

  • Ladychipper
    22,724 Posts
    Wed, Dec 12 2018 7:17 PM

    I gotcha Henry.  You could put a picture of something in here though like a funny dog or a chipmunk.  :-)

    With me, what you see is what you get.  I don't try to claim anything like being the best.  In fact I consider myself average at best.  When you claim to be the best at anything people do get riled up and think you are trying to snub them or say that they are not as good as you are.  So anyway, I try to steer clear of stirring up trouble.  Even I  get into trouble sometimes though when I try to defend the less fortunate, but them's the breaks.

    Just being yourself and not trying to be somebody perfect is the best bet I think.



    PS:  You can call me Marion if you wish.


  • HenryKawa
    1,721 Posts
    Wed, Dec 12 2018 7:31 PM

    Thank you lady Marion.  You are the best.  

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Thu, Dec 13 2018 7:09 AM

     My Lady it seems you have things on the right track. This makes me have faith in people at the moment. Let's hope this continues and we can be friends and family once more. As I have said many times in the past, WGT had no clue what they started. The real people, past and present have kept this going and I only hope it continues. To Henry, way to go Sir. A little means so much, you have redeemed yourself as far as I am concerned. For all of my other long and cherished friends I miss you and hope that one day I can be more a part of this crazy journey called WGT.

    Real name Rich, aka Squirrel Nutz

  • Ladychipper
    22,724 Posts
    Thu, Dec 13 2018 8:37 AM

    You are most welcome Henry!


    There a lot of good people in here, you just have to find them.  You will always have some negative ones and that's just the way it is.  So chin up and I hope you can learn to overlook the negative people and enjoy your cherished friends.  Just have fun!  Most times it's best not even to reply to negativity because some thrive on it. 


    Marion :-)