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Daily Motivation

Mon, May 13 2024 9:18 AM (1,973 replies)
  • Ladychipper
    22,722 Posts
    Fri, Jul 20 2018 11:06 AM

    Hi Don,

    I thought the same thing.  Funny how things turn out or words come at the right moment. 



  • Ladychipper
    22,722 Posts
    Sat, Jul 21 2018 11:27 AM

    Saturday, July 21, 2018

    Fulfillment in every step

    Don’t postpone joy until the end of the journey. Live it every step of the way.

    Don’t settle for a mere fraction of fulfillment. Choose to have it all.

    Each action, each step you take is more than just a means to an end. Each step has a value and a joy all its own.

    When you assume the task will be tedious, it will be. And your negative assumption makes the work that much harder.

    Decide instead to experience joy and fulfillment in every step you take. Love and appreciate the moment you’re in, and no matter what the task may be, you’ll find yourself doing it with joy.

    Find joy in every step of the journey. And you’ll arrive long before you get there.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,722 Posts
    Mon, Jul 23 2018 8:30 AM

    Monday, July 23, 2018

    Full extent of opportunity

    No matter what you have, you have it good. Take care not to let your own complacency steal it away.

    Sure, you deal with serious problems, challenges, disappointments. Yet your life is also filled with a whole lot of value.

    Don’t let irreplaceable value wither away as a result of taking it for granted. Appreciate it, utilize it, and build on it.

    What aspects of life would you work day and night to regain if you were to lose them? What can you do today to more fully enjoy and make use of those good things?

    What are you neglecting to do today, that you would pay dearly for the opportunity to do if you didn’t have that opportunity? Remind yourself to do what you can, while you can.

    Every life has its share of misfortune, but there’s no reason to add to that misfortune with complacency. See the full extent of opportunity that is now yours, and live it well.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,722 Posts
    Tue, Jul 24 2018 7:19 AM

    Tuesday, July 24, 2018

    Major investment

    The time that appears in your life today cannot be hidden in a vault and saved for later. You get precisely one chance to make use of it, and that chance is now.

    The clock is ticking, the moments are already passing. Make the commitment to invest your time well.

    Consider how you can use your time today to create the most positive, significant impact on your life and your world. Then focus your attention and your efforts in that direction.

    How do you claim maximum value from the moments as they relentlessly pass? By filling them with purpose, with action, with meaning, a positive perspective, and a love for the possibilities.

    Today offers you plenty of time to make great progress. That time is too valuable to waste even a small bit of it.

    Realize the great value of what you have, and constantly keep in mind what you can do with it. Today is a major investment of your precious time, and now you can give it the best you have.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,722 Posts
    Wed, Jul 25 2018 9:28 AM

    Wednesday, July 25, 2018

    You have the power

    You have the power to make another person thankful to be alive. Today, make use of that power.

    You have the power to transform challenge into achievement. Your efforts can utilize fleeting time to create lasting value.

    You have the power to instill hope in situations where there is nothing but despair. You can shine the light of kindness into lives that are filled with pain.

    You have the power to lift others out of loneliness. You have the power to understand someone whom no one else understands.

    You have the power to make a positive difference in this world on this day. In a small way, in a big way, in your own way, make that difference.

    There are things you know you can do, things you truly yearn to do, to lift life higher. Go ahead today, and make good use of the power you have for positive purpose.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,722 Posts
    Thu, Jul 26 2018 8:12 AM

    Thursday, July 26, 2018

    Peak of your ability

    The experience of life has made you strong. Today, put that strength to good use, and grow even stronger.

    You possess more knowledge and wisdom, greater capability than you had a year ago, or even a week ago. Feel the new strength you’ve gained, and focus it toward a positive, meaningful objective.

    Life has asked much of you, and you’ve answered. You’ve persisted through each challenge, solved countless problems, created new value.

    It might be easy and comfortable to sit back and rest on your past achievements. Yet you know, deep down, that’s not what achievements are for.

    Because with each effort, you’ve invested more of yourself in life. And now you care, more than ever before, about making life the best it can be.

    Here you stand today, at the peak of your ability, at the apex of your eagerness to make a difference. Now, do what you know you must.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,722 Posts
    Fri, Jul 27 2018 8:30 AM

    Friday, July 27, 2018

    Imagine life better

    We live in modern, comfortable homes instead of dark, primitive caves. That’s because someone, then someone else, then a whole lot of other people, imagined life better.

    You can always imagine life better. Then you can put what you imagine into action.

    The good things you imagine for your life, for the world, may seem unrealistic. But don’t be too quick to place judgments on them.

    Instead, examine what you imagine, your hopes, your dreams, your vision of a joyous and fulfilling future. Even in your wildest fantasies, there is valuable truth and direction.

    Go ahead, imagine without restraint. Imagine a world, a life, an objective that fills you with energy and enthusiasm.

    Progress and achievement begin with imagination. Dare to imagine life better, and find within what you imagine the truth and energy to make it real.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,722 Posts
    Sat, Jul 28 2018 10:20 AM

    Saturday, July 28, 2018

    Work to know why

    What pushes you into action? Knowing why, clearly, unmistakably.

    What sustains you, enables you to persist through every difficulty? Belief in what you are doing, in the rightness of the path you’ve chosen.

    To connect with such an irrefutable purpose can require much time, effort, soul searching, emotional pain. It is well worth your trouble.

    You want to get somewhere meaningful? You must know why, and it must be authentic.

    In all that you love, in all you despise, in what feels wonderful as well as awful, are hints of that purpose. Take those hints, and work to zero in on your purpose, on your why.

    Work to know why. Give the power of purpose to everything you do.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,722 Posts
    Mon, Jul 30 2018 12:33 PM

    Monday, July 30, 2018

    Always a way through

    There is always a way through. Calm down, take a breath, back away from the drama and find that way.

    Life’s realities are not always pleasant or comforting or convenient. Accept reality, and at the same time, refuse to be stopped by it.

    Steady your nerves as the situation crashes down around you. Then pick up the pieces and do something useful, helpful, good, and valuable with them.

    Keep your cool when tensions are hot. Engage your steady hand to navigate through rough and roiling passages.

    There is always a way through. And on the other side, great value, opportunity, a new, stronger perspective.

    With grace and confidence, see beyond the disruptions of the moment to a positive vision of what can be. With calm determination, lead the way there.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,722 Posts
    Tue, Jul 31 2018 8:24 AM

    Tuesday, July 31, 2018

    Look objectively

    How do you look objectively at your situation? By refusing to make it about you.

    Pretend that the problem you’re dealing with is happening to someone else. What advice would you give that person?

    Set aside your fear, insecurity, resentment. Let go of the impulse to feel sorry for yourself.

    Get in the habit of seeing each situation for what it is. Free yourself from your emotional burdens and biases, and focus on a highly effective response.

    How would the most disciplined, successful person you know handle the situation? That is precisely what you can do, starting now.

    Rise above your own narrow concerns and open yourself to a far wider set of possibilities. Look objectively, and discover how powerful and effective you can be.


    — Ralph Marston