Luckystar5:Why do you think wgt hasn't put forth any info? Suck you out of coins, before u learn the hard way.
a chart would be handy but honestly it's not really needed.
i've got nothing else to spend coins on so i upgrade every piece whether i use them or not.
a guy earlier mentioned 3 yards to driver and acted like that isn't anything. we pay $44 for 5 more yards of listed yardage when we upgrade drivers. coins are cheap and free.
the last few points on top golf gear might cost 70k coins and only get something like an extra 750 coins on a 250k bet. without playing bellagio going to take a while to break even on that. but once again. it still makes you more and eventually will pay for itself and what else is there to buy with them?
and quite a few pieces of apparel i'll probably never wear.
hybrid power? sand power? dirt power? all a waste
might use hybrid power in a SOTW clash if given a hybrid,, that's about it on that one.
bottom line. spend away. the coins just pile up anyway.