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Level 200 is the maximum possible

Fri, Apr 5 2024 6:24 AM (35 replies)
  • MichaelStroke
    2,066 Posts
    Thu, Jan 11 2018 2:09 PM

    I feel bad that she'll never get access to that level 201 equipment.

  • claremoreblue
    2,322 Posts
    Thu, Jan 11 2018 2:46 PM
    51 against 245, that seems like a level playing field!
  • dancingdennis
    1,341 Posts
    Sat, Jan 13 2018 4:07 PM
    Congrats Nancy, amazing feat, tons of Golf, it is enjoyable though isn’t it.
  • Nav919
    331 Posts
    Mon, Jan 17 2022 9:19 PM

    Thought Nancy1959 hit the L201 with 2.148 billion 🤔.  

    Some of the other 'Very long-termers' have left the game.  'Snoops34' & 'Nesta1945' being 2..

  • alosso
    21,049 Posts
    Tue, Jan 18 2022 1:37 PM

    Thought Nancy1959 hit the L201 with 2.148 billion
    Nope - she got a glimpse of L201 after hitting L200, and declined.

    Some of the other 'Very long-termers' have left the game. 
    Players leave the game all the time at all levels and tiers - it depends on interest continuation.

  • Nav919
    331 Posts
    Tue, Jan 18 2022 4:00 PM

    Hi Alonso, Nancy1959 hit L200 over 4yrs ago. Your comments - "she got a glimpse of L201 after hitting L200, and declined"... what does that mean? 

    She (or he) ploughed on playing 'Extraordinaire' stuff after L200 & surpassed the next Tiers requirement of almost 2.148 billion. So abit of an anticlimax after all that hard work & $$$.