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Green speed

Tue, Apr 12 2022 1:18 PM (29 replies)
  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Apr 18 2018 1:12 PM


    I still hold to the position that all you need are decent wedges and a decent ball (i.e. a ball with spin of 3.5 or above). With that combination, a player shouldn't have to worry about green speeds for any shot from the fairway with a wedge. 

    Not to mention the fact that the green speed is only an issue for the first hole played.

  • Bluto346
    75 Posts
    Wed, Apr 18 2018 1:12 PM

    Prior knowledge of green speed is a necessary piece of information, not only for shots around the green, but from ones played from tee to green. Not having that info when teeing off on the first hole robs the player of a part of the overall equation that determines how a specific approach shot might be played.


    My $.02

  • Luckystar5
    1,636 Posts
    Wed, Apr 18 2018 1:27 PM

    Well, it is kinda of a big deal, when playing for 450,000 coins, on a one hole challenge!  You don't get a second chance.  You have to adjust your game, and shots, to the challenges, that you enter. Don't get me wrong, it's not really the coins, as much as it is the scoring for the turf wars. Let's face it, do you really want to trust an eagle shot, to all the uncertainties of a green, when you can eliminate them by staying off the green as long as possible, and end up right next to the hole? 

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Apr 18 2018 2:47 PM

    Well, it is kinda of a big deal, when playing for 450,000 coins, on a one hole challenge!

    I could see that. Had no idea the conversation was about mobile, the PC version doesn't have those.

  • Luckystar5
    1,636 Posts
    Wed, Apr 18 2018 2:53 PM

    That's exactly the reason I stated that you have to adjust the way you play, with the challenges that you enter. 

  • Luckystar5
    1,636 Posts
    Wed, Apr 18 2018 4:04 PM


    Well, it is kinda of a big deal, when playing for 450,000 coins, on a one hole challenge!

    I could see that. Had no idea the conversation was about mobile, the PC version doesn't have those.

    The OP plays on mobile, possibly pc also.  I try to research all possibilities about something or someone, prior to posting.  So in that, it's very possible that the complaint,  was referring to the mobile side of the game.  The better players are playing in the Bellagio room, which is for millions of coins on a 3 hole contest. Fall behind on the first hole, there is very little time to make it up, espically with the caliber of your opponent.   That being said, green speed is extremely important. 

  • el3n1
    4,495 Posts
    Wed, Apr 18 2018 5:01 PM

    just found this...and sometimes it does matter even on the approach shot especially if you are going 1st.  if you are on Pinehurst for example you may have to play safe and avoid going at the pin so that your ball doesn't release or roll back off the green.  

    If you are second you can get a decent read on green speed just by watching how the ball releases on the green and then play accordingly.  

    and not being able to attack a pin on a one hole match can make all the difference because literally anything can happen in a tie breaker even if you hit a great shot inside 1 foot, I have seen and heard others talk about the opponent still winning even when you are dealing with shots from the rough over 30 yards out with moderate winds.  those are not shots you expect to be beaten and it happens more times than I would like to admit.  

    I would like to see the high stakes rooms possibly include more holes.  Shouldn't you get "your coins" worth by playing a few more holes?    I am not sure how many people actually pay for coins but WGT's rate for buying 2.5 million coins is $99.50 and this is the bargain price.  1 million will cost you $49.75.  So if you play in the 500K room, you are getting 3 holes for something between $19.90 and $24.87.   

    Now, I am not paying that...I have worked to build up my coin bankroll over time but come on...I can play a real world golf course for these prices and all I get is 3 measly virtual holes?   I already pointed out WGT values the 2.5 million coins at $100 value but they still don't offer anything of substantial value for those coins that you can replenish (balls) in the game with coins.  Why not offer a way to exchange coins for credits which can then be used to purchase balls...  

    of course you can "buy upgraded" sponsor apparel but I have already noticed the absurd yardage gains seem to turn the game into a carnival act... why should I keep buying upgraded gear when I can already hit driver 3 iron into a 600 plus yard par 5 and have an eagle putt.  Granted there was some luck in that but the hole is designed over 600 yards to be a 3 shot hole to introduce strategy and consistent shot making into the game...Why do I now need to upgrade my driver even more so I can hit driver 4 iron? 

    Come on...the sponsor apparel is turning this game into a joke...imagine the scores the top elite players would shoot if I can pull off shots like this.  

    Oh, my other high stakes option is to spend 250,000 coins for a whopping 1 hole value.  That doesn't sound like such a great deal  or take the luck factor out of the game ... if I get outplayed, so be it-- the person deserves the coins, but anywhere from 250,000 to 2.5 million coins shouldn't be based on one lucky swing or outcome.  If WGT wants to use up more ball hits, then play an additional hole and keep playing a playoff hole until a winner emerges...isn't that what they do in real world golf?  

    Some won't like that idea because they want "easy" wins...they want to play fast and rack up as many TW games as they can sometimes even against their own club members but I believe WGT has tried to rectify that bug.  

    I realize they are trying to grow the game and appeal to more people, but there are just some aspects that seem to making it more of a joke than a test of acquired or developed skill.  Just feels gimmicky to me... 

    sorry if I got too far sidetracked from the green speed topic, one thing led to another.. 

  • borntobesting
    9,637 Posts
    Thu, Apr 19 2018 3:20 AM




    I still hold to the position that all you need are decent wedges and a decent ball (i.e. a ball with spin of 3.5 or above). With that combination, a player shouldn't have to worry about green speeds for any shot from the fairway with a wedge. 

    Not to mention the fact that the green speed is only an issue for the first hole played.

    Shouldn’t be even on the first hole. The green speed is clearly marked  beside the wind speed for all tourneys . Sure you might get tourney 11 speed for very fast at times but it not that big of a difference. The coin games the green speeds aren’t listed but green speeds unless they are Icon’s crazy ultra fast green speeds shouldn’t be a factor on pitches or chips. 

    The biggest mistake a lot of players make is not paying attention to the elevation difference a pin 3 feet above or below your posistion will roll a lot. Uphill because your spin  doesn’t  do as much as on a flat shot, And downhill simply because it is downhill. Both those type shots need to be hit shorter than normal allowing for more roll even with the best wedges and balls. 

  • Sevron1
    21 Posts
    Thu, Apr 19 2018 11:58 AM

    Not talking about tournaments. When I started this thread 4 months ago, it was meant for H2H mobile matches. Especially 1 hole matches for huge coin, where you only have the 1 chance at the pin. Not sure how it turned so kitty wompas. Would just be nice to know what you're chipping onto ahead of time when there's only 1 hole that matters. 

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Apr 19 2018 1:58 PM

    When I started this thread 4 months ago, it was meant for H2H mobile matches. Especially 1 hole matches for huge coin, where you only have the 1 chance at the pin. Not sure how it turned so kitty wompas.

    Because it wasn't clear from your complaint that it applied to the mobile version and the PC version got mixed in where those H2H matches don't exist. That has since been clarified.