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The hottest thread is gone!

Tue, Jun 27 2017 12:37 PM (98 replies)
  • Robert1893
    7,692 Posts
    Mon, Jun 26 2017 6:10 AM

    LOL...thanks a lot Robert...I read that about 10 times, and I think I got stupider each time trying to decipher what it means. 


  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Mon, Jun 26 2017 6:26 AM

    Well everyone can breath a little easier, tomorrow is Tuesday and I got my gold driver. Now all you real average players go find someone else to creep on. OH I will still be around  

  • gonfission
    2,235 Posts
    Mon, Jun 26 2017 9:29 AM

    I don't know about you being called a cheat. However, I do know the "flag counter" your sporting on your page, Is 100% against the terms and conditions.

    That is a TRACKER, pure & simple.

    It will give the users closet IP server address. A LOT more if wanted, or paid for. Paid for, it will give the users location, within a 1/4 mile.

    The thing with the VPN's, and other masking techniques, is that anyone using a 1/2 ass-ed tracker will receive your computer ID.

    That's the only thing you can not hide. I use several trackers on my personal websites, making sure the products I sell, do NOT, fall in the wrong hands. We nail over 100 users a DAY, trying to mask their identities.

    With a tracker that costs $60.00 a year. Multiple sites are inclusive.

    All my trackers are INVISIBLE, just add it to the HTML, on an open source, such as this.

    Sometimes they are fooling you by being an innocuous counter, or "flag locater", yeah, RIGHT!

    I also use them to see how much interest a potential customer has, by seeing how many hits a day, are coming in by the same user.

    If WGT does not have, at the very least, this type of security, then, I am being monitored by MORONS!

    EDIT: this is a very mediocre one >


    Do so at your own risk, I mean they can't watch every profile page, of every player, can they??

    No, no, don't do it. I implore you. That was for educative porpoises only.



  • notonthis
    893 Posts
    Mon, Jun 26 2017 11:00 AM


    And that thing you mentioned about altering yardage (changed the memory or something)..I actually saw the video. BPB #1...tee shot w/ 5 iron inside 5ft of the hole..from the tee.


    Brandon talked about that a few years ago, also mentioned how it was done.


    Never knew what to really think about him, he was tied into James, James left after some posted stuff...Brandon left, but came back...James never did (to my knowledge) and who know's about Brandon?


    Players names left out on purpose.


    Thing I will say about Brandon, he'd help anyone out on playing he game, even posted many vid's of who knows....

    Ty for the shout out as you said I loved to play wgt and they are removing players because of complaints without solid evidence. Im about to make a video explaining more to it then this one just so people can get a understanding to why I can't play anymore.

  • notonthis
    893 Posts
    Mon, Jun 26 2017 11:01 AM

  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Mon, Jun 26 2017 11:30 AM

    I don't know about you being called a cheat. However, I do know the "flag counter" your sporting on your page, Is 100% against the terms and conditions.

    Your saying a flag counter is against the rules? When many many players have it. So its alright for people to creep on my profile and check my stats, but its not alright for me to know how many are looking

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Mon, Jun 26 2017 11:46 AM

    So its alright for people to creep on my profile and check my stats, but its not alright for me to know how many are looking

    I'm guessing that was intended as a question not the statement it is.

    Why are people looking at your stats "creeping"?  Couldn't they just be trying to see how you achieved the rapid improvement after years of stagnation so that they could do the same?

    Your saying a flag counter is against the rules? When many many players have it.

    I've seen quite a few have it and I've no idea if it's against the rules, I know I view it as another indicator.  I'm not suggesting it shows anything just relaying my observation of many of (not all) those I've seen with it. 

  • duffputt
    314 Posts
    Mon, Jun 26 2017 12:01 PM


    That looks suspicous. Beware of the DOT in

    A typical way too fool people to click or enter infected sites


  • krskfr
    458 Posts
    Mon, Jun 26 2017 12:04 PM


    I don't know about you being called a cheat. However, I do know the "flag counter" your sporting on your page, Is 100% against the terms and conditions.

    Your saying a flag counter is against the rules? When many many players have it. So its alright for people to creep on my profile and check my stats, but its not alright for me to know how many are looking

    lol, now we're considering a flag counter against the T's and C's? Good God what have we become chaps !!! SMH 

  • Robert1893
    7,692 Posts
    Mon, Jun 26 2017 12:11 PM


    While you're correct that this is a typical way to disguise a site, in this case it's legitimate. Within YouTube, if you click the share button, that's the url that YouTube generates.