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Fri, Apr 22 2016 11:41 PM (23 replies)
  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Tue, Apr 19 2016 4:28 PM

    Paul, I agree with your premise about the power of positive or negative reinforcement. We differ on one being more prevalent than the other. If someone requires help or advice, the people who post in here respond far quicker than wgt, and provide sage guidance that actually helps. Many, including me, have even gifted to those less fortunate, but who are honestly doing the best they can.

    If someone attempts to play people for fools, or goes on a rage filled rant, or complains about situations he/she could remedy, but don't... then we provide slightly different "guidance"..:)

    In my experience on this site, and in RL, people are treated the way they deserve to be. Not always, but usually.


    ps. This is a recent example. This player has been a member since 2009. Most of his kit is starter level, with a few low end upgrades: 

    "Legends need to play other legends.  Period.

    This is a complete joke.  This site used to be fun and competitive.

    As a tour master I recently have been getting paired against legends 95% of the time!?!?

    WGT needs to address this or I have spent my last dollar on this farce." Paul, what positive reinforcement would you suggest? This guy is serious enough to post this rant, but not serious enough to help himself become more competitive. The thread is still active if you want to read what others have suggested.

  • opyeuclid
    6,708 Posts
    Tue, Apr 19 2016 5:25 PM

    I am just a old Reformed troll , I aint got no fancy spelling or good use of ,.?! & @ ---

    It is funny how some players go out of the way to bring this game to something special other than a score , The player that offers a gift for no reason other that to bring the community together , Some one who post fun Vid,s about what I found on the course . The player who said Thank you for the game .   

    And then you will get a player that look to bring things down , be it I lost a ball and the game is fixed , or some one who enjoys posting a pic of the junk just to start trouble . 

    We each get what we want from this game in are own way .  Have fun with the game and the ride will be a blast . Or ,, 


  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Tue, Apr 19 2016 5:26 PM

    So lets start a thread that opens the door to 10 pages of of arguments and confrontation before deletion, "great idea"....

    It's really simple, you come here and ask a question, 20 people will help you and a couple will make a joke!

    You come here and start trouble, lie, or make a pest of yourself, you get big mystery !

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Tue, Apr 19 2016 6:03 PM


    So lets start a thread that opens the door to 10 pages of of arguments and confrontation before deletion, "great idea"....

    It's really simple, you come here and ask a question, 20 people will help you and a couple will make a joke!

    You come here and start trouble, lie, or make a pest of yourself, you get big mystery !

    That ^^^.

    Nice people get treated nicely, but dick-heads, not so much...sounds fair to me.

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Wed, Apr 20 2016 5:58 AM



    That ^^^.

    Nice people get treated nicely, but dick-heads, not so much...sounds fair to me.

      Unfortunate WGT mentality . By what right do you have to determine who is a dick head and who is not ?

      Why must one labeled as a dick head be automatically chastised ? Tell me the justification for that . it will show your true colors to defend that

    I stand by what I said. I believe it to be measured and reasonable. I do my best to treat people as they treat me. No agenda. Nothing to "defend". I believe most people on here, and in RL, do the same.

    You ask, who is anyone to judge others?. Read your initial post to this thread, or many of the other posts you have made. Paul, it's time to put your brush away. 

    ps. When parsing my original response, you assigned statements to me that were not mine. I think it was more of a technical glitch, than a misunderstanding.
