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Help wanted...Santas needed, Christmas 2015

Mon, Dec 28 2015 6:26 PM (90 replies)
  • mrcaddie
    2,429 Posts
    Thu, Dec 10 2015 5:54 PM

    Hey,sticky,if you want to help out on the christmas gifting

    Hey John,

    Send Sticky a friend invite to start the ball rolling. Keep me posted.


  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Thu, Dec 10 2015 9:22 PM

    i send  a friends invite to Danny  .......                   Danny you are welcome to join our gifting day .     i use this also to bump this great thread .  


    Do keep me in mind should a deserving person be over- looked during this years event I'll be happy to  step in a fulfill a few wishes.

    Hey Danny,

    Contact Frapp and see if you can join him on his guys can pool your credits. Seriously, send him a friend invite asap.

    Thanks for the support.




    5,835 Posts
    Thu, Dec 10 2015 10:17 PM

    Thanks again to Mr Caddie for setting this up for 2016.

    I think its a brilliant initiative to help bring the wider WGT community together.

    No doubt there are some tense moments in these here forums and some trite words flung here and there.
    Moments of smiles and laughter can still be had together and shared and certainly NOT taken for granted.

    With the pandemonium we are experiencing worldwide, not only most recently with terror in France and the shootings in USA but also lets not forget the floods in Chennai and shootings Africa.
    I'm pretty sure most of Indonesia is still on fire and Japan is still struggling with Fukishima and that dam break in Brazil is still killing people and poisoning the ocean.

    Spare a thought each day for all of those struggling elsewhere on the globe as we celebrate these 12 days of Christmas here in WGT.

    a Big Thanks to The regulars for keeping the backbone of this event upright and thanks to all those new or not that can see the free benevolence here and offer their own generosity and/ or cheer and support.

    Merry Christmas from Aussie Aussie Aussie!

    & All the best for 2016!



  • amateur4sure
    2,214 Posts
    Fri, Dec 11 2015 3:11 AM


  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Fri, Dec 11 2015 8:40 AM

    Bump......   And glad to report  That  LuckySkreet(Danny)   has joined  with friends  yesterday  to become Santas for a day :) (That was before  he saw my invite to join us )    I did not loose  him  i made a friend with my friends invite :)                                    .  So   This is great  and  i am  leaving a spot  open  in case  someone need to join a day  and be part  of this great gifting Drive for Christmas ....................                

  • opyeuclid
    6,707 Posts
    Fri, Dec 11 2015 3:19 PM


  • johnabel1234
    146 Posts
    Fri, Dec 11 2015 6:53 PM

    Sticky63 has joined me for day 2 of christmas,fun fun. MERRY CHRISTMAS

  • mrcaddie
    2,429 Posts
    Fri, Dec 11 2015 8:01 PM

    And glad to report  That  LuckySkreet(Danny)   has joined  with friends


    Who did Danny join up with?


  • mrcaddie
    2,429 Posts
    Fri, Dec 11 2015 8:04 PM

    Sticky63 has joined me


    I added Sticky's name next to yours.


    Thanks Sticky63!!

  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Sat, Dec 12 2015 1:15 AM


    And glad to report  That  LuckySkreet(Danny)   has joined  with friends


    Who did Danny join up with?


    He did not say .              But ..........  it start tomorrow so have a first   great day mon ami               Frapp         let the fun for the soul begin  :)