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Help wanted...Santas needed, Christmas 2015

Mon, Dec 28 2015 6:26 PM (90 replies)
  • mrcaddie
    2,429 Posts
    Sun, Dec 6 2015 1:10 PM


    Hey folks,

    It's that time of year again...time for the Fourth Annual 12 Days of Christmas!

    Starting on December 13, 2015 (PST) and ending on December 24, 2015 (PST) some of your fellow community members and a few country clubs will be putting on their Santa outfits and giving away all kinds of free gifts from the pro-shop...FOR FREE ...  to you, the WGT community!!!

    (PST is Pacific Standard Time (WGT's time) which is UTC - 08:00)

    Here is how it works-

    On December 13th I'll start a new thread in the "And Everything Else"  section of the forums titled-

    "Day 1...Christmas 2015"

    and the body of my post will simply be-

    "Merry Christmas, I'm mrcaddie and I'll be playing Santa today....what would you like from the WGT pro-shop for Christmas this year?"

    On the 2nd Day of Christmas another Santa will create another new thread in the "And Everything Else" section of the forums titled-

    "Day 2...Christmas 2015"

    and the body of their post will read-

    "Merry Christmas, I'm (insert their username) and I'll be playing Santa today....what would you like from the WGT pro-shop for Christmas this year?"

    ...and so on.

    If you want to find something in your stocking, or under your tree, then just let Santa know what you are in need of. Maybe you need a new driver, a wedge, some golf balls or maybe a new putter. Just post a response and Santa will check his naughty and nice list first and then drop off a few gifts to some of those that responded. Now, Santa can't give away gifts to every single player that responds, Santas don't have that many credits, but they'll do the best they can.

    To the Santas-

    - I am going to ask that anyone that wants to play Santa agrees to not give away more than 10,000 credits on their day. You do not need to have 10,000 credits to play Santa, you just can't give away more than 10K credits.

    - Help keep the threads of their fellow Santas on the front page by bumping them when you can. We'll be doing it for you, please do it for us

    - Do not start your day early or run it into the next day. Each day will start at 12:00:01am (PST) and end at 11:59:59pm (PST)

    - Do not hold any kind of contests (these tend to drag the day out and can interfere with the next day)

    - When you are done sending out your gifts, you end your day by posting "This day is now closed".

    - Keep a list of who you send gifts to and when your day is closed send them to me in a pm so I can add them to the locked thread I will be starting for all the Santas to use so we can see who has been awarded gifts throughout the event and no one player gets gifts every day. (I'll post a link in this thread when I set up the post)

    If all the "Days" are filled and you still want to play Santa with us then may I suggest you post something on one of the Santa's walls and let them know you have some credits to give away and ask them if you could help them give away more gifts on their day. But keep in mind, the player that is assigned to play Santa is in charge of that "Day", so don't go around sending out gifts without consulting them first.

    If you don't join one of the other Santas on their day, but still want to participate, you can always play one of Santa's elves. An elf can read through all the "closed days" and find someone that asked for a gift but wasn't sent something and you can send them a gift. If you do decide to try this, then I need you to post the name of the player you sent a gift to on my wall so I can update the "winner's list".


    Now, to anyone that might be looking for a gift from Santa this year, this is how it works:

    If you are in need of a sleeve of golf balls, a new wedge or maybe a new driver or putter....

    A new post will be created each day in the "And Everything Else" section of the forums beginning on December 13th and ending on December 24th.

    Each day you can look for a post titled "Day (X).....Christmas 2015" and in that thread a fellow member of WGT will be asking players what they would like from the WGT pro-shop for Christmas. If you would like something for Christmas, then just ask for something and maybe the person playing Santa on that day will send it to you.

    It's that easy.

    The one thing that Santa does ask is that if he does leave you something under your tree that you say thank you and not ask for any more gifts and let someone else have a chance to unwrap a gift as well.


    Here are the Santas-

    Day 1 (Dec 13 PST)- mrcaddie

    Day 2- johnabel1234 & sticky63

    Day 3- Eagle Club Golf Association (ECGA)

    Day 4- frappefort & newcastleb

    Day 5- Lobsters Lair Country Club (LLCC)

    Day 6- Morningside Hills Country Club

    Day 7-borntobesting

    Day 8-Aussie Aussie Aussie!

    Day 9- WGT Alien Ambassadors Country Club

    Day 10- amateur4sure

    Day 11- siggipj76 & Agassi1991

    Day 12- WGT

    That's it folks. Have fun!!


  • LuckySkreet
    611 Posts
    Sun, Dec 6 2015 2:27 PM

    Thanks MC.....

    Your answers, and the forwarded link, in the previous thread took care of my questions.....'preciate you taking the time.

    Looks as if your Santa quota has been reached for this season.....congrats.   I'll continue with  private gifting this season and hope to land a spot next year.

    Again.... "thumbs up" to you for the commitment.  Do keep me in mind should a deserving person be over- looked during this years event I'll be happy to  step in a fulfill a few wishes.


  • opyeuclid
    6,708 Posts
    Sun, Dec 6 2015 4:20 PM

    Dear Mr Caddie .

     We wish to say Thank You from the Community for the effort you put into this event every year .

     And also say Thank You to the folks that have joined in to help .


  • jpfromuk
    627 Posts
    Mon, Dec 7 2015 4:19 AM

    Congratulations, 'tis a wonderful thing you do.  Unselfish and kind, it restores my faith in human nature.

    Well done and best wishes to all that are helping


  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Tue, Dec 8 2015 8:56 AM

    TY   MC ......                  :)       Bump........         Frapp

  • STICKY63
    375 Posts
    Wed, Dec 9 2015 4:25 AM

    Would it be possible to join this great event as one of Santa's helpers? I will be honored to assist on someone's day, if they wish.

  • johnabel1234
    146 Posts
    Wed, Dec 9 2015 6:27 PM


  • patriciawilliams
    3,273 Posts
    Wed, Dec 9 2015 6:51 PM

    Wow.....great work MC! The kindness you and others shows for a special time of the year is just awesome :-)


  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Wed, Dec 9 2015 7:49 PM

    Bump   ....   this is one of many great threads   in WGT .... please  keep posting on it ....... and have like so many a generous   Christmas 2015 .....              Frapp

  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Thu, Dec 10 2015 9:59 AM


    Bump   ....   this is one of many great threads   in WGT .... please  keep posting on it ....... and have like so many a generous   Christmas 2015 .....              Frapp

    Today  i got a PM   from a member  , asking me if he could join me  on my day ...... Is that great or what :)     of course i said    so   there will be more gift given that day  .......   I am waiting for a OK  from MC  , to put this generous members name on this here thread .        Francois   (Frapp)