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Uneven Lies Ryder Cup @ Chambers Bay: Oct2015

Thu, Nov 12 2015 5:08 AM (315 replies)
  • ColumbusStorm
    3,417 Posts
    Thu, Oct 29 2015 7:33 AM

    BK and I will try for tomorrow (Friday) at 11.30am his time if that's OK with everyone.

    That would be great. As you know the emphasis is on getting the matches played.

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Thu, Oct 29 2015 7:47 AM

    Yes, OK to start early!

    FYI all: Match C is indeed under way and although there's no stream, Lu is giving a commentary in Chatzy here.

    USA are 1 UP on the 7th


     MATCH C ::  rfpoul & jaycen129                 vs         Daskino & Priestess

    is confirmed for Thursday 10/29 at 2pm UTC (7am WGT time)

    10,706 Posts
    Thu, Oct 29 2015 9:32 AM

    Well played  USA. Birdie on 18th sealed a 1up victory! Fantastic game which very seldom saw both teams making a mistake at same time. and mistakes were punished!  A/S playing 18 and USA hit to 2 yards past pin ,using th4e back slope on 3rd shot. I had 50 yards and only saw the lie as uphill. Hit the right distance but the ball came off the club surprisingly right leaving Lu a putt from 10 feet which you don't really need to save the match on 18:). One of them matches where you are enjoying it so much you want to it to go on and on..

    Thanks Corywn for all your hard work and time. Very professional as usual!  Roll on the singles :)

  • Daskino
    2,781 Posts
    Thu, Oct 29 2015 9:35 AM

    FYI all: Match C is indeed under way

    Remi and Jay won after a close and quite fun match. Well done Remi and Jay, and sorry Holy Tess :(

    Front nine (it was a troubled alt):

    Back nine (we started a new match only with back 9's)

    GL all with your singles matches :)

  • jaycen129
    193 Posts
    Thu, Oct 29 2015 9:52 AM

    This was definitely an exciting match. We had some problems with WGT loading issues which after we finished the front we took 5 minutes so everyone could reboot and hope to get through the back 9 with no issues, which was successful. Remi and I caught an early 2 up lead on the front which slowly deteriorated which lead to Tess and Lu grabbing the 1 up lead going into the back. From there it was a back and forth battle as USA would grab a 1 up lead which was quickly gathered back by ROW. Going into the 17th, USA held a 1 up lead where I hit the ball 14 yards left hole high, where my partner was able to roll it close. However, Tess's putter was hot all game where she rolled in I believe to be a 15 footer behind the hole to bring the match back to A/S going into 18. On 18, both teams had wedge shots coming into the green where  rfpoul used the hill behind the hole to leave USA a 6.3 foot birdie putt. Tess hit hers hole high but 10 feet right which left Daskino a tough breaker which ultimately he missed. I was able to knock down our birdie putt which gave the USA the 1 up win over ROW. 

    As Tessed mentioned, it was definitely one of those games you just don't want to end, with great company, shots, putts and so forth. Definitely one of the most enjoyable games I have had in a while regardless of what the outcome may have been. Thanks Lu, Tess and my pard (Remi) for this exciting battle.



  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Thu, Oct 29 2015 11:27 AM

    Congrats to the two Team USA rookies Remi and Jay on a great win, in what sounded like a fabulous match. Bad luck to Lu and Tess to go down on the very last putt... :(

    That squares up the whole competition at:

    Team USA 5 :: Team ROW 5

    Next up: 

    MATCH F ::  JJ656 & frenchconnect &       vs         fmagnets & Wontonamo

    is confirmed for Thursday 10/29 at 11pm UTC (4pm WGT time)  STREAM
    [JJ's 6pm; Jon's 7pm; Mags' 9pm; Tom's 9:30am Friday 10/30]


    BK and I will try for tomorrow (Friday) at 11.30am his time if that's OK with everyone.

    That would be great. As you know the emphasis is on getting the matches played.

    Yes, OK to start early!

    Just a quick follow-up note to this re BK & Mags' match. Please be aware that you may have looked at the spreadsheet when I assumed this match would take place on a weekday into next week, i.e. after the clocks go back for BK.

    Mags, since you're playing tomorrow instead, I've gone back into the spreadsheet and reverted BK's Time Difference to -4, meaning that his 11:30am on Friday 10/30 is your 1:30pm (3:30 UTC; 7:30am WGT time) instead of your 2:30pm!

    Please confirm that you've both seen that. Thanks!


    And would other players please begin (if you haven't already) the process of connecting with your Singles opponent, and posting your scheduling news here in the thread. Look at the spreadsheet to see where your time overlap is (window of overlap outlined and highlighted in bold).

    Thank you all. This is rapidly turning into the closest UEL Ryder Cup we've ever had. Very exciting!

  • fmagnets
    3,638 Posts
    Thu, Oct 29 2015 1:00 PM

    Thanks C - hadn't noticed that, so it could have been embarrassing!!

  • Wontonamo
    2,269 Posts
    Thu, Oct 29 2015 5:53 PM

    thanks jj and jon for a good match! it was a tight battle at the start trading holes but we managed to pull away late in the f9 and held on for a much needed point for ROW!

    thanks to my p and my opponents - all icons of this game!

    I kinda felt a bit out of place there lol - was great fun and gl to all in upcoming matches!


  • fmagnets
    3,638 Posts
    Thu, Oct 29 2015 5:55 PM

    Thanks to Tom, JJ, and Frenchconnect for a good spirited game. Final score ROW 6&4, and the 2 match vids are here and here.

  • frenchconnect
    834 Posts
    Thu, Oct 29 2015 7:08 PM

    Good game Team ROW, very well played. It was a fun match and a pleasure to meet everyone
