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Profile pics

Thu, Feb 4 2021 10:55 AM (107 replies)
  • IvaThongon
    933 Posts
    Thu, May 26 2011 11:23 PM


    RobNE thank you so much for your words and view!

    I happen to know that women are posting NASTY pictures of themselves, as a FEMALE player I have the same body parts and think it is SICK to expose yourself that way on a public site.  I think if they want the world to see all of those explicit photos they should find the appropriate sites to do that on, but  not on WGT.  I am sure that MEN would not want to see photos of another man's PRIVATE PARTS either. 

    I have and will continue to report such profile photos, as well as blogs which contain such photos, as children, also, play this game, even if they did not, inappropriate or plain nasty photos, would still be reported by me.  I find them very disgusting and very very offensive, especially, when go BLUE to play random golf games, with other players.

    I enjoy this game and still have a lot to learn about the game of GOLF, but know NASTY when I see it.  

    Thank you very much for you post RobNE!!  It is refreshing to know others feel the same way about these explicit photos.

    Well said.

  • FunAndGames
    23 Posts
    Fri, May 27 2011 2:42 PM

    Me too RookieGirl,

    I think it's absolutely disgusting to see a beautiful woman with a great body exposing such beauty. Let's paint over Monet's work, pollute the beautiful oceans, flatten the majestic mountains, and unroot the roses.

    On the other hand, people who are offended by beauty should really keep quiet.

  • borntobesting
    9,754 Posts
    Mon, May 30 2011 8:06 PM


    RobNE thank you so much for your words and view!

    I happen to know that women are posting NASTY pictures of themselves, as a FEMALE player I have the same body parts and think it is SICK to expose yourself that way on a public site.  I think if they want the world to see all of those explicit photos they should find the appropriate sites to do that on, but  not on WGT.  I am sure that MEN would not want to see photos of another man's PRIVATE PARTS either. 

    I have and will continue to report such profile photos, as well as blogs which contain such photos, as children, also, play this game, even if they did not, inappropriate or plain nasty photos, would still be reported by me.  I find them very disgusting and very very offensive, especially, when go BLUE to play random golf games, with other players.

    I enjoy this game and still have a lot to learn about the game of GOLF, but know NASTY when I see it.  

    Thank you very much for you post RobNE!!  It is refreshing to know others feel the same way about these explicit photos.

    Actually many of us think that most of the ones posting the nasty pictures are really men playing under a female name trying to get men to gift the clubs and balls. The players that I know are really women don't post pictures like that. 

  • RookieGirl
    6 Posts
    Mon, May 30 2011 9:22 PM

    Sadly, there are men that do post pictures that are explicit, but I have reported several women who have posted photos of themselves in very great detail.  They brag about their sexual lives, as well.

    No matter if it is a MAN or a WOMAN posting these offensive photos....NASTY IS STILL NASTY and as a player of WGT it simply is not the place for these photos. We can all come up with reason why someone would want to post such pictures, but when it comes right down to it ......they simply have no self-value and do not value others, either, which is very sad, when you really think about it.  

    I think that if we want a safe place to play golf for ourselves and for the children, who do play here, that WGT should come up with an easier way to report these profiles.  If not maybe WGT should consider some sort of block feature that players could use to block these players from future interaction, on their page and game request, a filtering system of some sort or even a rating system, if they cannot monitor these profiles.  

    Over all I believe that this is NOT THE PLACE for such people or behavior, but if WGT cannot prevent such people from playing or joining, then there should be a way to rate profiles to keep children safe and to keep those of us who do not want to view such pictures, etc...from having to do so against our will.

    I just want to enjoy the game and fellowship with other players, from time to time, without the worry of offensive pictures or materials....etc...



  • RookieGirl
    6 Posts
    Tue, May 31 2011 12:04 PM

    It is obvious that you are someone that has a hard time finding real women, to approve of such behavior, so sorry, that you do not get it is inappropriate behavior, for any adult woman or man....unless of course you never out grew your childhood and even then it would have been inappropriate.

    Treadmill - I have    DQ - not here

    Low self-esteem butch must be one, to respond in such an non-adult manner, to such a serious topic.

    THIS GAME HAS CHILDREN on are misinformed my friend.  It is not just an adult game 18+ and even if it were.  It still is not a place for porn or inappropriate photos, etc...

    I am sure WGT would not mind if you started your own site and took those with you that feel the need to be indecent and inconsiderate of others.

    Sorry, the truth bothers you so much.  There is a place for such behavior and it is called the bedroom, not public display...unsolicited public display, at that.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Tue, May 31 2011 12:11 PM

    I would like to reiterate. If any avatar breaks the rules, please contact me immediately. Thank you :)


  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Tue, May 31 2011 12:56 PM



    This isn't a kids game. 18+...and I'm sick to death of low self-esteem butch dikes complaining about how good lookin women present themselves. We get it. You don't own a treadmill and DQ is cheap.


    I can't believe this idiot hasn't been banned yet.


  • FunAndGames
    23 Posts
    Tue, May 31 2011 1:49 PM


    There's also a place for naive adults who can't cope with society. It's called church.

  • Soulcatcher
    1,970 Posts
    Tue, May 31 2011 1:54 PM




    This isn't a kids game. 18+...and I'm sick to death of low self-esteem butch dikes complaining about how good lookin women present themselves. We get it. You don't own a treadmill and DQ is cheap.


    I can't believe this idiot hasn't been banned yet.


    He is sick to death.....hmmmm     we only wish. 

    18+....  nope.  Funny how that rule had already changed, well before he joined.


    Me thinks someone is drinking again

  • FunAndGames
    23 Posts
    Tue, May 31 2011 1:56 PM





    This isn't a kids game. 18+...and I'm sick to death of low self-esteem butch dikes complaining about how good lookin women present themselves. We get it. You don't own a treadmill and DQ is cheap.


    I can't believe this idiot hasn't been banned yet.


    He is sick to death.....hmmmm     we only wish. 

    18+....  nope.  Funny how that rule had already changed, well before he joined.


    Me thinks someone is drinking again

    They let kids gamble on here? Incredible.