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"A Bandon Hope!" - A Tough-It-Out Special Holiday Tourney at Bandon Dunes

Thu, Feb 12 2015 7:13 AM (153 replies)
  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Fri, Jan 2 2015 7:23 AM

    Pity... You may have been surprised. It seems you were close in a number of the special prizes categories.

    I think you're a lock for a top 10 finish though.

  • JoeMaverick
    843 Posts
    Fri, Jan 2 2015 7:28 AM


    Pity... You may have been surprised. It seems you were close in a number of the special prizes categories.

    I think you're a lock for a top 10 finish though.

    Bah that will be for someone else. I would be happy with a top 10 :) 

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Fri, Jan 2 2015 7:39 AM



    Ben, that putt is just hilarious. That's what, about 1ft of power for a 25ft putt.. fantastic!

    Full disclosure folks, Ben did admit via PM to me that this was not his first attempt at that putt. :)

    Anyway, it's prompted me to offer a sleeve prize for the craziest, most unusual, most creative shot using this equipment in the tournament conditions, either in practice or the real tournament rounds. Just capture the replay and share with a description here in the thread. It'll be entirely my subjective judgment, but feel free to nominate your favorites amongst other player entries too.

    I was hoping to see some submissions/nominations for this special prize as well. I do need people to self-nominate some shots if you want to be in contention. I haven't caught up with every replay posted here, but will definitely watch anything people want to be in consideration.

    I wanted to share this intriguing practice replay of my own: tee shot to #3 ... was this perhaps going to be a HIO but foiled by the 30-second rule?

  • ColumbusStorm
    3,417 Posts
    Fri, Jan 2 2015 11:53 AM

    The wind was brutal. No chance of reaching the 1st green. Again played reasonably well, Only hit 1 bad shot which gave me a bad lie in the bunker on #16, but sank a 14 footer to save par. Still had 3 good birdie opportunities but unable to make the putts. The lone bird was just a lucky make from 19.8 feet.

    Great competition and lots of fun having to think your way around the course.

    Thank you for organizing this tournament and hope we can have some more.

  • mmyers0
    478 Posts
    Fri, Jan 2 2015 12:40 PM

    How to shoot 64 on a par 3 course: An illustrated guide

    1. Miss half of the greens.

    This may sometimes require creativity; for example, you might try aiming well right of the flag but starting the ball left of the flag, or hitting just short enough to catch a downslope. It's easier to just miss the ding, however.

    2. Now that you're somewhere near the green but not on it, try to stay there. If your lie is uphill, try not to hit it too hard or you might accidentally get on the green. Here is an example of the proper execution of this shot. Be careful not to accidentally hit it close or you'll find it difficult to bogey.

    3. Once you get onto the green (even the best of us can't stay off forever), it's sometimes fun to tease the hole. Try burning the edge or even, if you dare, stopping next to the hole.

    4. If for some reason you find yourself with a short birdie putt, the techniques illustrated in step 3 can be applied to these putts as well. You can burn the edge (this can be done multiple times) or perhaps catch a lip-out. Be careful or you might miss the ding and still make the putt.


    Have fun out there and don't forget to three-putt! 

  • Adalanar
    282 Posts
    Fri, Jan 2 2015 6:43 PM

    very nice "illustrated guide"

    this is why I like uneven lie games and now I even like starter club setups - it is a fine line between a good and a bad score.

  • strawbridgemicha
    1,170 Posts
    Sat, Jan 3 2015 2:13 PM

    Looks like i played left handed (perhaps i should  have) Still, enjoyed the challenge,


    ps certainly the wrong side of that fine line, lol


  • BigInigoMontoya
    208 Posts
    Sat, Jan 3 2015 5:11 PM

    Well $&*#, Corwyn.  Round two absolutely *&^%$ slapped me from the Oregon Coasts all the way to the Bering Sea!!!!!!!  Couldn't even reach on a headwind, couldn't hold on a tailwind, and it seemed like almost every cross wind hardly affected my trajectory at all!!!!!!  It was tough sledding all the way, let me tell you.  I didn't get hardly any practice in these conditions, and it certainly shows in my scorecard.  After decent putting in round 1, I opened the back 9 with two straight 3 putts, so I completely blew it in that regard.

    My only decent shot of the round, and really the whole tournament, if anyone is interested.

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Sun, Jan 4 2015 12:15 AM

    Sorry it was so rough Inigo... but we don't call it Tough-It-Out for nothing, lol ;)

    And I have to say, a bit of practice is highly recommended in these tourneys, otherwise you spend several holes just getting over the shock of how hard it is to figure out how to come by even a par...

    FYI: your stats shots are missing the Putting tab (Driving appears twice).


    Phew... Well, that was an exciting and nerve-wracking round from me. I'd played a practice go-round with Ben last night and could only manage a 58, with a couple of disaster holes (he shaved the hole several times en route to a 55 btw, so didn't do himself justice with his real score today).

    I went into it knowing I had to shoot +1 at worst to pip Mati, but was looking at a leaderboard where only 3 players had managed par or better in R2.

    Here's the full tale of the tape...

    #1 I got the best possible start, a full headwind forcing a long sand wedge 2nd, and sunk the 9ft save. Felt like that was a shot gained already.

    #2 I had a great chance but misread (and overhit) the 13ft birdie try.

    #3 a very nice headwind led to this 6ft birdie. -1

    #4 a terrible pulled 3H left a scary 29ft putt, but the lag was good enough to squeek in a 5ft uphill save.

    #5 got the hideous massive tailwind, but caught a large dose of luck with this hit-and-hope 180fbs tee shot that got a soft bounce on. However I misjudged the long lag, going long but then somehow leaving the 7ft return agonizingly short. A very frustrating 3-putt bogey. Back to level par.

    #6 super dinged tee shot with nice R-L wind, but messed up another short putt, hitting it too hard to take the break... doh!

    #7 annoyed with myself, I got greedy in trying all out with 3W when the wind was a stretch. Committed cardinal error of slight late click and the bounce took it off the green right, from where I came up well short with the flop, and somehow left yet another 7-8ft putt short. Bogey. +1 now and getting nervous having thrown away several shots.

    #8 got a big R-L wind and went slightly long off tee... thankfully it held the green nonetheless, and big fist-pump moment when 9ft bounce-back birdie went in. Even par again.

    #9 another dinged tee shot came up 5 yards short but stuck, but I pulled the birdie attempt. Another good chance gone.

    #10 Drew big headwind, tried to reach anyway with Driver, but bounced left off 'burial mound' onto fringe. Routine 2-putt par from there.

    #11 Seems like every tee shot I've hit here is drawn by a magnet to 6 yards right, and there I was again despite deliberate early click on tee shot. Didn't quite get read right on 18ft birdie try.

    #12 Another big headwind, forcing LW second, judged distance perfect on it but pulled 6ft left, and was mighty relieved when dinged putt went wrong way for the read but just lipped in.

    #13 decent cross-wind and dinged Driver but still short. Played great flop to 5ft short and was again relieved to get a lip-in par save.

    #14 fractional push off tee left me with 17ft R of pin, slight mishit late turned out to be perfect to hold against the break and run in dead center for very welcome birdie. -1

    #15 Got a great 4:00 wind, but fractional late click on 190fbs put me 11ft R instead of kick-in range, and I misread the significant late break.

    #16 Tourney clinching shot! Knowing that the next couple of holes had potential for major disaster, I dinged what turned out to be perfectly judged distance 190fbs 96% pwr shot that took a beautiful pace-killing couple of bounces and trickled 5ft past, and sunk the birdie. -2

    #17 with tricky wind, played very safe to front middle of green, and judged distance just right with 35ft lag putt

    #18 Stupidly still going for glory closing birdie, I was too greedy with club choice, missed ding badly late and came up short. Flop was too hard to stop, and missed 9ft downhill curler for clumsy bogey finish. -1 final score.

    Here's my card and stats:

    I've updated the Stats spreadsheet, and it looks as if we're just waiting on a few last scorecards etc to wrap up the prize information. Please have any remaining cards/stats posted by Monday 10am WGT time in order to be considered.

    A note about the Par Saves prize. It turns out this is more complicated than we had imagined... with issues of whether or not we count 'saves' when the putter has been used, or whether the intent of the prize was to best recognize the skills of those who had to negotiate uneven lies rather than putt from the fringe. Ben and I are still conferring, but I'll post a definitive ruling tomorrow. It may be academic as WigerToods' total may be better than everyone else's regardless of the method.

    More to follow soon... but in the meantime, thank you everyone for taking part in this tourney. Hopefully, it will be the first of many in this format!

  • fmagnets
    3,638 Posts
    Sun, Jan 4 2015 12:38 AM


    The only decent shots I hit either round were from round 2 (in the above vid):

    1. 34ft double breaker on the 10th at 20m27s.

    2. 20yd pitch to gimme range on the 13th at 26m24s

    3. My favourite was a bunker shot on the 12th. Check the horrendous deviation on the tee shot towards OB at 23m12s, and imagine the relief when the bunker got in the way. The bunker shot at 24m12s was a barely educated guess but came down exactly on the intended landing spot to give a makeable par putt (which, needless to say, was missed!!).

    Well done Corwyn on a hard-earned win. 53 is a great score when playing under the pressure of trying to defend a lead.