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Nerdy thread

Wed, Jun 5 2024 8:53 AM (97 replies)
  • ScottHope
    10,473 Posts
    Thu, Jul 19 2018 1:56 PM

    Thank you guys. The cubic bezier editor is all to do with things on a webpage which are animated. So if the animation is linear, ie, no acceleration or deceleration and moving at a constant rate, then the cubic bezier is a straight line. Any acceleration/deceleration and the cubic bezier will be curvy.

    You can play with it here if you want to know more.

  • WigerToods2010
    8,447 Posts
    Thu, Jul 19 2018 3:20 PM

    Okay, trumpet blowed, time to move along, lol.

    Naw, it deserves a 2nd outing, an ovation if you will...


    I realise this will mean absolutely nothing to probably most of you, but I'm quite stoked about it.

    A couple of months ago, I contacted Chrome's developer team to ask if they could make a small change to something in the browsers developer tools. It was only a request to change the colours of the cubic bezier editor, which was hard to see when using the dev tools dark theme, but they did it!

    On the left is a view of the dev tools cubic bezier editor as it is now, and on the right is a view of how it will look in the next update, version 68, which is out next week.

    I'm a small fish in a big pond but they listened.
    Okay, trumpet blowed, time to move along, lol.


    Superb stuff, Scott.  Blow away maaaan... :)


  • newcastleb
    1,813 Posts
    Thu, Jul 19 2018 3:23 PM


    Superb stuff, Scott.  Blow away maaaan... :)


    yep!  I'm impressed (although not surprised)  


  • ScottHope
    10,473 Posts
    Fri, Jul 20 2018 12:30 AM

    Thank you Thomas, Johnny.

    ...and a big thumbs up to you Johnny for your world cup predictor. Humongous amount of work in that and expertly choreographed.  ; )

  • pmm711
    5,718 Posts
    Fri, Jul 20 2018 6:28 AM

    Now...If only WGT/TopGolf would listen a little.

  • ScottHope
    10,473 Posts
    Fri, Sep 21 2018 7:51 AM

    Changing forum font by modifying Google font api.

    Javascript below should be applied in the usual way.


  • crmamx
    369 Posts
    Wed, Sep 26 2018 6:06 PM

    Well I found out where you hang out when you aren't at the Excel Cafe.

    I got the washing machine to spin in FF. Wil it spin on a Blog page? If so I need the pic and the code to past it with. I copied the code to make it spin.


  • ScottHope
    10,473 Posts
    Fri, Sep 28 2018 12:50 AM

    Well I found out where you hang out when you aren't at the Excel Cafe.
    Yup, I do an occasional visit here with some random stuff, just for my own amusement mostly.

    The washing machine I did a long time ago and I'm not sure if it will work on another page, I'd almost forgotten about it to be honest Curtis.

  • DoctorLarry
    4,312 Posts
    Thu, Apr 11 2019 12:19 PM


    Well I found out where you hang out when you aren't at the Excel Cafe.
    Yup, I do an occasional visit here with some random stuff, just for my own amusement mostly.

    The washing machine I did a long time ago and I'm not sure if it will work on another page, I'd almost forgotten about it to be honest Curtis.

    Well, it took me a long time, but found a page where I can relate!

    Good work Scott! -  You need to set that countdown timer to update this page with the latest and greatest!

  • ScottHope
    10,473 Posts
    Thu, Apr 11 2019 1:23 PM

    Ah.....hello Doc, I see you've found another of my hangouts, hehe.  ; )