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Twitch possibilities and enhancements

Sun, Apr 29 2018 7:10 PM (43 replies)
  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Tue, Sep 8 2015 3:11 PM


    Seems to me Twitch hasn't taken off on WGT. I stream nearly every round but only see a handful of other players who also stream regularly.

    This is true. For my laptop, streaming and WGT and voice chat etc. is just too much for my CPU.

    Another point is that twitch is about interaction IMO. This is a big attraction for twitch viewers. Now, there may be some wgt/twitch streamers who are an exception, but many that I've seen don't read the chat, many don't use a camera and/or a mic and many don't broadcast their voice-chat participants. That's their prerogative. But it may kill any potential audience.

    My fav wgt/twitch channels were people like 'keviseeb' and even Icon, they both read and responded to the chat, they were friendly and gave insight to the game. Both IMO had a sense of humor. This really made wgt more than a golf game as it seemed like a community. 

    If there are any other twitch members who want me to add them, feel free to let me know. I'd like to check them out.


  • jayw4862
    3,364 Posts
    Tue, Sep 8 2015 5:22 PM



    Seems to me Twitch hasn't taken off on WGT. I stream nearly every round but only see a handful of other players who also stream regularly.



    I've watched several of your videos, and caught a live stream once or twice. I "used" to twitch and/or record every round, too. But, after seeing all of the FAKES and CHEATS that don't record (recording only doesn't use any more cpu or ram than opening wordpad does) or stream, I gave it up. Last week I deleted over 300 rounds (many very, very good rounds - 25's 53's) from my twitch page and recordings folder. It took 45 minutes to delete/shred the videos and I recorded the deletion of the recordings :-)


    Twitch has bitten WGT and 2 players in their behinds. Exposing the cheats and fakes via live rounds ain't good for business or morale amongst other players. And I'll BET that we won't see last month's or the sure-thing winner of this month's VT Twitch or record ANY round, ever. Even though the rules clearly and very legibly state that EVERY month's winner WILL twitch a round the following month. 


    I wish WGT would enforce that rule BEFORE payout time. But, having Twitch bite them in the a** twice, by exposing a cheat (last year) and fake (a couple of months ago), I think WGT wants NOTHING to do with Twitch. And the You Tube streaming, as was mentioned a few weeks back by a mod, seems to have faded away, too. I've been able to stream via You Tube (10x simpler than Twitch) for a month, so it's not like You Tube isn't set up and ready for live play. Just another lie? 

    The above opinion is why I cashed out my credits. Sick of seeing no-life, low-life, losers boosting their ego by cheating. Nothing like being able to proudly proclaim "I'm one of the best players on an internet GAME!!!" while cheating. 

    Other than selling their credits on the black market, those fakes/cheats winning tons of credits, and who aren't verified can't do anything with them. Maybe send some gifts to their friends or their other account(s).


    BTW, Young...I've watched you progress into a GREAT player. Keep up the good, HONEST play.





  • Young46
    1,298 Posts
    Tue, Sep 8 2015 6:19 PM

    Great post and thanks Jay! You really hit the nail on the head. It's complete BS that WGT mandated people stream their rounds then hold them to zero accountability to do so. 

    I only hope WGT wises up and starts tracking and banning all these cheats on here before they drive away all of the honest folk who try and play the game the right way!

  • JoeMaverick
    843 Posts
    Tue, Sep 8 2015 11:51 PM

    I would love to stream on Twitch every rounds I play, but that makes the game unplayable or at least much harder than usual. The process is always the same:

    #1 => ok

    #2 => ok

    #3 => the meter starts to become strange

    #4 => a ding is lucky

    #5 => a ding is VERY lucky

    #6 => comeback to normal


    Despite that I've made some good twitched rounds (that you can find on my profile page) but I really feel I play with handicap when the game is streamed. That's why I don't stream a lot. And last time I've tried, just recording in a file gave me the same jerky meter...

    So playing on Twitch with cam and micro (I would love to explain what I'm doing) will remain a dream :(

  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Fri, Sep 11 2015 7:16 PM

    good stream now Friday night


  • tubbytubb
    121 Posts
    Sun, Oct 11 2015 5:49 AM

    Howdy Jay, I used to twitch our clubs alt tourney every friday nite and some of my rounds.  Since the update time before last, twitch messes with my meter too much.  Do you have any ideas what I can do to fix it.  I'm using the obs vid system.




  • jayw4862
    3,364 Posts
    Sun, Oct 11 2015 6:26 AM


    Howdy Jay, I used to twitch our clubs alt tourney every friday nite and some of my rounds.  Since the update time before last, twitch messes with my meter too much.  Do you have any ideas what I can do to fix it.  I'm using the obs vid system.





    I started using xsplit broadcaster (after jfidanza told me about it) and it is a little nicer and has a few more bells and whistles than obs. 

    I stopped streaming and recording, pretty much. I used to twitch when I had the old vista, 4mg ram 10 yr old desktop, w/ 4mbps download speed and it the game play wasn't affected at all. 

    I'm not techie enough to know why some people's games/meter need more tweaking or whatever to work smoothly, though. I just download and set up, and start. 


  • YancyCan
    3,027 Posts
    Sun, Oct 11 2015 8:34 AM

    Another point is that twitch is about interaction IMO. This is a big attraction for twitch viewers. Now, there may be some wgt/twitch streamers who are an exception, but many that I've seen don't read the chat, many don't use a camera and/or a mic and many don't broadcast their voice-chat participants. That's their prerogative. But it may kill any potential audience.


    Agreeables and whatnbnots JF

    I have another round of comments videod up here, and we have a SPECIAL thinger deal all up on this one. First person to name the WGTer - by posting in this thread - giving the "mystery voice comment" in this video will get 20 bottles of Alien Green XP Protection Juice...or the mystery prize". Winner chooses prize. I am cereal.

    My immersion style of training will continue - doing about 14 hours a day (all-beta) at the moment, with the goal of doing LIVE broadcasting of WGT matches via YouTube/Twitch with my partner Medford Mel and open phone lines going and such. Just saying....


  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Mon, May 8 2017 4:10 PM

    Current tests on my laptop are showing that streaming to youtube is a little smoother than streaming to twitch.  This might not be the case for everybody, but using my laptop and an old xsplit version 1.3, I was able to hit the ding a few times. 



  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Mon, Jul 31 2017 6:11 PM

    With the mobile version I can stream to twitch w/ an app called:


    'Screen Stream Mirroring'