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I just found out

Wed, Jan 3 2024 12:03 AM (26 replies)
  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Fri, Oct 17 2014 10:14 PM

    Ok since its a gimmie lol no it should not count

    "Should" is not available here ;)

    Anyway, you get a gimme and 1 XP instead of a putt and 1 XP. They programmed it for us and apparently charge for it. There's no free lunch in general and hardly any free function in WGTland - business as usual.

  • wldthng016400
    250 Posts
    Sat, Oct 18 2014 6:46 PM

    Exactly.  And in WGT land, even if you had hit the ball in it wouldn't have knocked a shot off it's life.

    My point exactly putts don't count for hits on a paid for ball so..............why do gimme"s ----------------And without being told by WGT clear theft no matter how you slice it!!!!!!!!!

  • spdemon
    1,588 Posts
    Sat, Oct 18 2014 10:10 PM

    And you're not alone spdemon, I also read the first post and thought  Huh, everyone knows it takes 2 shots off, it always has.  It even shows a little -2 when you do it.

    lol yeah I got to the faq's and forgot it was a gimmie but alas I was mostly trying to point out how they rip ya anyway I didn't know i gimmie used strokes either (but i never go to practice mode really)

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Sun, Oct 19 2014 4:04 AM

    Assuming that a gimme costs a shot (of which I have the OP's respectable statement but no proof of my own), the sales logic may be like this:

    A Mulligan counts a shot and one extra, that's 2.

    A gimme counts the extra but none for the putt, that's 1.


  • fmagnets
    3,640 Posts
    Sun, Oct 19 2014 5:12 AM


    WGT is taking strokes off your ball for taking a gimme!  What's up with that?

    I just played a practice round with a cc member with a ball that was about to expire and WGT gave me a new ball after a gimme!!!!!

    I guess picking up a ball puts more wear on it than virtual golf anyway.

    Just a guess, but maybe the shot to the green could have taken the ball life down to 0. You'd then be allowed to putt with that ball because you don't need ball life to putt. After the gimme, the new ball would then be loaded for the next hole?

  • filmslayer
    2,340 Posts
    Sun, Oct 19 2014 5:40 AM

    mags , i've had many balls taken outta play on the green before putting ...


  • fmagnets
    3,640 Posts
    Sun, Oct 19 2014 6:13 AM

    Any after? If not, WGT must be on the take again!

  • br1b3
    91 Posts
    Sun, Oct 19 2014 6:44 AM



    WGT is taking strokes off your ball for taking a gimme!  What's up with that?

    I just played a practice round with a cc member with a ball that was about to expire and WGT gave me a new ball after a gimme!!!!!

    I guess picking up a ball puts more wear on it than virtual golf anyway.

    Not 100% sure, but I think the shot to the green would have taken the ball life down to 0. You'd then be allowed to putt with that ball because you don't need ball life to putt. After the gimme, the new ball would then be loaded for the next hole.

    You sure?


    And you get 2xp per mulligan,


  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Sun, Oct 19 2014 9:47 AM


    ---------And without being told by WGT clear theft no matter how you slice it!!!!!!!!!

    Sometimes being a well informed consumer requires a bit of work

    It was pointed out that WGT does in fact disclose, in a couple of ways, that a mulligan costs 2 hits.

    One way WGT discloses that mulligans cost 2 hits is in the FAQ pages that were quoted in another post.

    The other way is right above the Hit display on the game client page after you click on Take Mulligan. (my added graphics)

  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Sun, Oct 19 2014 11:58 AM


    Any after? If not, WGT must be on the take again!

    Nope, the ball always changes before the putt, when your approach is the last hit on that ball. If it's your last 1, you'll take the putt with the starter one.