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Statement from ANCC owner

rated by 0 users
Thu, Nov 6 2014 12:57 PM (163 replies)
  • WoodenHands
    526 Posts
    Wed, Oct 15 2014 6:42 AM


    I see the 'magic' putter is getting put to good use already, PB in 1000cr RG & takes everyone's credits.

    What a joke , just glad I don't have the funds or the skill to compete/get ripped off at that level 

    Edit: If the "golden putter" was not used for this round, then sorry for casting aspersions about a legitimate round.

  • MainzMan
    9,586 Posts
    Wed, Oct 15 2014 6:43 AM

    Is there any way of knowing whether that mythical putter was used during that RG?  Every time I've checked it hasn't been equiped. 

    Maybe WGT found the time to take it back?

    Respect to Sean for coming out and facing the mob once again. 

    Not sure what to say about that other famous club that has suddenly been cast under a shadow.  I'd be astonished if Courteney had a hand in something like that though.  I think she probably told everyone not to play, that would explain the very low turn out.

    We've seen by Sean's post that a club owner cannot possibly control every member of the club, any member could have started that tournament.


  • TheAceFactor
    2,147 Posts
    Wed, Oct 15 2014 6:51 AM

    FarFoo nailed it...The Honor and Bobby Jones 'esk  traditions are obviously long gone here. If you WGT are not going to hold up these things that are so very important to "golf" , well then there is only one direction left for you to go. Cheats/Loopholes ? A Golden putter?  Really ?  From one golfer's'd be well advised to forget about "The Golden Putter" and maybe embrace things like "The Golden Bear" as well as his philosophies.


  • FarFoo
    2,917 Posts
    Wed, Oct 15 2014 6:53 AM


    Is there any way of knowing whether that mythical putter was used during that RG?  Every time I've checked it hasn't been equiped. 

    Maybe WGT found the time to take it back?


    was there yesterday, presumably equips it when playing.
    If he wasn't going to use it, would have sent it back imho.

    4,019 Posts
    Wed, Oct 15 2014 6:54 AM




    Edit: Well, I poked around a bit to see who else used this loophole and found this 1 fairly quickly. I'm sure there were others, but it's almost 4 am here and time for bed.


    LOL...go figure. Too funny. Who would have ever thought? I like the tournament name.

    Heh. What are the odds that particular CC owner goes with the 3D defense? 

    I'm sure she was "asleep" while this was going on. 

  • RyjaTybas
    5,148 Posts
    Wed, Oct 15 2014 6:59 AM

    any member could have started that tournament

    And that is one of the biggest problems with this event. Only CC owners (and perhaps officers) should be able to enter a CC into any sort of event.

    Allowing anyone to enter a CC into an event undermines the CC owners and their officers.

  • stevepsheehan
    2,791 Posts
    Wed, Oct 15 2014 7:04 AM


    And that is one of the biggest problems with this event. Only CC owners (and perhaps officers) should be able to enter a CC into any sort of event.

    Allowing anyone to enter a CC into an event undermines the CC owners and their officers.



  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Wed, Oct 15 2014 7:12 AM



    And that is one of the biggest problems with this event. Only CC owners (and perhaps officers) should be able to enter a CC into any sort of event.

    Allowing anyone to enter a CC into an event undermines the CC owners and their officers.


  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Wed, Oct 15 2014 7:12 AM



    And that is one of the biggest problems with this event. Only CC owners (and perhaps officers) should be able to enter a CC into any sort of event.

    Allowing anyone to enter a CC into an event undermines the CC owners and their officers.


  • ThreeSpot
    476 Posts
    Wed, Oct 15 2014 7:13 AM

    As far as I'm concerned, bigseanbig initially handled the situation poorly, has now fessed up and is no longer a focus. FWIW, you're good with me bsb.

    I wish I could say the same about WGT. Allowing the results to stand is shameful.