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CC vs CC Event

Wed, Mar 14 2018 5:17 AM (977 replies)
  • MichaelStroke
    2,066 Posts
    Mon, Oct 13 2014 2:09 PM


    just gotta follow through with what MRWgt said and take it back from him - say sorry and move along :)

    If you have 100,000 credits, you can get 60 minutes worth of excu...explanations.

  • alosso
    21,045 Posts
    Mon, Oct 13 2014 2:53 PM


    I have a ball-boost now that I dont need. Did I get it because I am the owner? Or did the other cc-members which played this %&+#*§/tiny_mce_markernbsp;get it too? If not: How can I give it to one of my newbies? Seems as there is no way to do.

    Moin Moin!

    I was told by mail that we received 100 boosts - one went to me.

    How many were promised to you - more than you have members?

  • zagraniczniak
    1,984 Posts
    Mon, Oct 13 2014 3:12 PM

    And he's left them again already.   Really dedicated member that dude.

    It's all just too gruesome.

  • WoodenHands
    526 Posts
    Mon, Oct 13 2014 3:54 PM


    What I don't get is: to me it looks like this person joined your CC immediately before the grab specifically to win the putter, what did the rest of you get out out of it? Why not give the putter to someone who's been in the CC for ages and carried out lots of work for it? Was it two or three days he had been there?

    I've been wondering the same thing, seems decidedly odd to give it to a new recruit rather than a long term member.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Mon, Oct 13 2014 4:11 PM

    Yesterdays new best friend, gone back to his one true best friend then.......

    Guess then:

  • DAputts
    1,835 Posts
    Mon, Oct 13 2014 5:55 PM

    Pencils at a golf course do not have erasers.  Not everyone is honest!

    If you are out with your crew and they shoplift does that make it ok for you.  Of course not !

    Why do we have to play the specific courses, if we do it this way we score big time.  Why do we have guidelines, rules and laws

    Really sad...

    And then WGT says it is within the rules.....How ?   Even worse than sad.

    Hope we get more honest answers than their rules interpretation.

  • Wontonamo
    2,269 Posts
    Mon, Oct 13 2014 5:59 PM

    yea not much left to add to this thread - juat waiting on someone from wgt to NOT sidestep this thread and actually have some kind of input.

    sen a few mods around answering and posting to other threads , why not this one?

    the actual one with clear problems and no answers as of yet.

    to be honest im impressed they havent deleted this yet.


  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Mon, Oct 13 2014 6:00 PM


    Yesterdays new best friend, gone back to his one true best friend then.......

    Guess then:


  • siggipj76
    2,989 Posts
    Mon, Oct 13 2014 6:12 PM

    Too late to go back to basics?  Club vs club play, as requested by the players??

    Not the wgt translation as the buy passes eff up that wgt came up with?

    ................ deleted as I got angry for a sec .

    This clash did not have anything to do with cc vs. cc ??

    Wgt made this possibly great addition into a shameful scam ,where wgt had their money goggles on and ignored all requests from players !!

    give out a nice prize, not that golden .........
