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CC vs CC Event

Wed, Mar 14 2018 5:17 AM (977 replies)
  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Sun, Oct 12 2014 5:04 PM

    The idea as a whole was great, and the simple stableford style of scoring appears to actually work (obviously a golfing admin came up with that ) 

    But unfortunately after this debacle WGT must realise, some , not all of the members here are not, how you say legitimate golfers more gamers and brought the game and possibly a great CC into disrepute over the sad actions of maybe 2 or 3 individuals (gamers obviously).

    I personally do not tar the whole CC with the same brush, but if members knew of and condoned this, on your conscience be it is all I'll say.

    Close the cheaters backdoor WGT ( loophole) limit every CC to say 10 players and 10 Super Passes for each 4 round clash and allow the captains to see all 4 teams in each individual clash and choose a team they think will compete from all willing players in their respective CC , make it a game of chess I suppose.

    Much fairer in my eyes

    My thoughts, now at least let me turn round , no backstabbing please  lol



  • jayw4862
    3,364 Posts
    Sun, Oct 12 2014 5:26 PM


    Close the cheaters backdoor WGT ( loophole) limit every CC to say 10 players and 10 Super Passes for each 4 round clash and allow the captains to see all 4 teams in each individual clash and choose a team they think will compete from all willing players in their respective CC , make it a game of chess I suppose.

    Much fairer in my eyes

    Best idea so far.

  • TopShelf2010
    10,884 Posts
    Sun, Oct 12 2014 5:45 PM


  • Kaloke
    232 Posts
    Sun, Oct 12 2014 6:06 PM


  • SGreene124
    58 Posts
    Sun, Oct 12 2014 6:29 PM



    I’m am defending my club and my members for what happened.  The purpose of the event was to have players buy and use as many CC Passes as possible in the shortest amount of time.  That was the event set up by WGT.  

    The CC Clash event gives the impression that it was thought up in a room by a bunch of guys that asked "what's the best way to make as much money as possible out of this event"? "How about lets create a fking Golden putter with "out of this world" stats and hang it above their noses just out of reach and create a event where the only chance of getting that holy grail is to drop shietloads of $ on CC Passes over and over again.

    It makes it into a "who can buy the most passes and use them the fastest" and we only did exactly what WGT wanted us to do and made a mockery out of the event. Why would WGT let an event go live without test it first?

    Here are the reasons we won and what contributed most to our win based on the system WGT set up:

    1)     Huge 250 member club with a few very committed members that could play for 14 hours straight

    2)     Basically unlimited cash and credits to burn

    3)     Finding the BoP (We actually posted this in the forum during the event)

    People say without doing the BoP, we wouldn’t have won and that in finding the loophole we had an advantage, and yes we did have an advantage.  However, if we didn’t find the BoP loophole (someone was going to find it eventually), we would have used ULTRA SPEED UP BOOST for every shot and it would have only taken slightly longer than BoP each round and would have given us the same speed advantage (we thought why do that and give WGT more money, not to mention hits on balls) and people would probably call that “cheating” as well.

    The same guy that played 59 rounds of BoP could have and would have played over 100 rounds of a normal 9 hole course (for that putter) with ULTRA SPEED UP BOOST in the time allowed because he calculated it and had the time to play.  We could have gotten over double the amount of points we put up even playing normal 9-hole courses because we had multiple people playing day and night and dropping passes like crazy. The only reason we stopped was because we were well ahead.

    I don’t feel bad giving out the Golden Putter because I feel that the member deserved it with his commitment to the game. The only thing i feel bad about is not being able to give a Golden Putter to all my members that participated or anyone else that participated. If you want to know how great the putter is here is a quote “putter doesnt help really lol oh well it looks cool” so next time don’t get sucked in to WGT’s advertising and hype.  I myself had exams so I didn’t participate at all in the event but congratulate my club for winning this “WGT event” if you can call it that. 



    I did not go through every page of this thread but read quite a bit of it. I was not available to play in this because of a close friend of mine having a mini stroke.

    I am very disgusted that any owner would defend any club member for cheating. I will say this and leave this thread alone. If this was the other way around, and it was my club that did this, I can say that they would no longer be representing our club. I know I should keep my mouth shut on this but I just can't. And if that takes away the offer that was made to me through a PM on wgt, then so be it. My club is a club of honor, and it makes me sick to my stomach to see the above statement from the club owner. If this was my club that was being attacked, the first thing I would do would be to remove the offending member(s) and I would have personally apologized to the other CC. I would have returned the putter to WGT. If I wasn't able to do that, I would have contacted wgt and told them to offer it to the club that did not have to cheat to win. If you ever see any of my members cheating, I would investigate it fully and I would report it to WGT as well. I work a lot of hours, I have a sick child at home and I don't get to play wgt as much as I like to because I love my club and I dedicate most of my computer time to my club. I take pride in leading Eagle Club Golf Association.

    If there were any points given to any of my members playing the wrong courses, PM me their names and I will get with wgt and have it investigated to the fullest.

    What the Eagles would like is an apology from the club that had to cheat to win. I, as the owner of ECGA, will make this right with my members regardless of reimbursement from a owner of a club that sees nothing wrong with cheating. If wgt doesn't do anything about this, I will personally refund my members passes and gift balls to them that participated in this event. With or without the help of anyone.

    I will continue to stay up to date on this. I said what I had to say on this topic and will not respond to this thread again. If anyone has something to say to me, send me a friends request on wgt and PM me there.

    And this is why I LOVE MY CC, ECGA.  A GREAT owner who does right by his members and we have no choice but to do right by him and the CC we represent.

    ECGA is the BEST!!!

  • Romax
    1,876 Posts
    Sun, Oct 12 2014 11:17 PM

    I have some friends from ECGA and I agree......very honorable people. I have had the honor of being invited to a couple of mob alts by Angela  (sugahsweet) and its always been a fun time. I appreciate Angelas effort and friendship.

    I am a member of Alliecats and I know our owner and friend Allie would never stand for what transpired in this ridiculous fiasco. Our club is built on the honor and integrity platform as well, and I am proud to be a member. Its unfortunate to see any CC tarnished this way and I'm sure if the offending club / members had one day to live over, it would be the day they bent the rules and made a mockery of what could have been a great competition. I don't think anyone who has played here and made close friends wants to see this type of friction unfold.... I know I sure don't. I'm hoping WGT will do the right thing and try to repair the mess that they instigated and profited from and then just walked away. Not cool WGT. !

  • 1yes1no
    223 Posts
    Sun, Oct 12 2014 11:55 PM

    I've been fortunate enough to have been with a couple of very honorable clubs and have seen the owners work hard to keep honest players in the club. Anyone cheating or more than one account, they removed.  Bravo to such owners!

    Back on topic, We should see what WGT will do this week to address the cheating issue.  It seems to me to be a matter of an inadvertent misrepresentation.  Nevertheless, members suffered loss during commerce and this might be construed as an unfair or deceptive business practice by the FTC.  That is how serious the consequences of one person cheating can be.

    I hope WGT will try to make things right.  If not there is always the online complaint form at the FTC if anyone feels strongly that they did not receive fair treatment.  So everyone keep cool and see where things go after the holiday.

  • happyman123uk
    1,242 Posts
    Mon, Oct 13 2014 2:54 AM

    lets just say its not just 1 club  that found out how to use passes to gain extra points ?????

    you know who you are come forward and own up !!!!!!!!!

  • bery111
    3,859 Posts
    Mon, Oct 13 2014 3:34 AM



    Close the cheaters backdoor WGT ( loophole) limit every CC to say 10 players and 10 Super Passes for each 4 round clash and allow the captains to see all 4 teams in each individual clash and choose a team they think will compete from all willing players in their respective CC , make it a game of chess I suppose.

    Much fairer in my eyes

    Best idea so far.

    Agreed. IMHO that's how it should have been done in the first place.

  • TopShelf2010
    10,884 Posts
    Mon, Oct 13 2014 3:56 AM
