Okays -- Sorting out the Pinehurst "Events" is gonna take some time.
In the meantime - this is like a "Where's Waldo" game or whatnots.
Recently the WEB.com Tour was all up here in the Oregon areas and I was able to attends and such. Tourney was the final regular event for this tour and the Top 25 low scores got PGA Tour cards form 2015. It was epic held at the Pumpkin Ridge Golf Facility - on the Witch Hollow course (there is another 18holer called Ghost Creek all up there as well.
During the closing ceremonials and such I was able to get closelier than most, and I was holding a cardboard sign that read:

Sign was All-Star Beta - confirmed when I saw guys holding official signs with black letters on white background.
Now I was caught by the PGA & Golf Channel Cameras as it was shown LIVE FROM PORTLAND on Golf Channel. You will knows me whens you sees me - traffic cone orange shorts, black shirt with dragons all up on it & NBC Sports hat.
1. Watch this video below and take note of every time I (my name is Yancy) appear/disappear in the video below
2. First WGTer to post ALL the times correct HERE (within 1/2s) is Grand Champ
3. Grand Champ gets:
A) Sleeve of ANY balls they want. Courtesy of myself - Gladly!
B) An actual trophy (beta) mailed to them anywhere in the world. Is app. 6" tall. WGT
nickname or real name inscribed upons it.