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Can legends NOT lose gracefully ?

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Tue, Oct 12 2010 7:22 AM (17 replies)
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  • Danno707
    54 Posts
    Sat, Oct 9 2010 2:57 PM

    NOW i'm not the greatest player, i'm only a tour pro at the moment BUT i have my moments.

    Recently i have beaten 2 legends (one in a stroke play and one in a blitz game) which made me quite happy.

    One kept saying i used cheat software (what ever that is) and the other Quit on the 9th hole when i was 2 shots ahead.

    if i used cheat s/w my average would be a lot higher lol.


    Come on Legends, your obviously the better players on WGT, so act like it.

  • CharlemagneRH
    1,054 Posts
    Sat, Oct 9 2010 3:15 PM

    Only losers quit out of games where money is not on the line.

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Sat, Oct 9 2010 4:18 PM

    Money, what money? You mean meaningless credits. I don't understand how people can throw good money to something superfluous as credits.

    It's like the guy who spent $30.00 at the carnival to win a stuffed animal.

  • TarheelsRule
    5,509 Posts
    Sat, Oct 9 2010 10:40 PM

    It is entertainment much like riding a ride at the carnival that you mentioned.

    Losing badly isn't limited to Legends, it happens at all levels.  I don't gamble on here but while playing a game of Blitz, a tour pro kept telling me that he wanted to play me for credits, in Blitz...I was about 25K ahead of him after 5 holes and declined.  The then kept trying to get me to play him a match play game for credits, which I can't do so he then wanted to play for balls, calling me names while we played.  I was amused by the childish behavior and he finally quit, down 40k points after 8 holes.

    Blitz is my new favorite game, very little quitting, plays fast, you can play with all levels since you are trying to up your score, great addition WGT.

  • TTRacing2
    6 Posts
    Sun, Oct 10 2010 1:23 AM

    Honestly i am the guy who said you use cheater software...i dont see how you can get the points for someone elses great shot...not mine but the other players shot with in 1.9 got all the points for were over 12 feet me thats some type of cheater software which it does exist or there was a big glitch that wgt needs to look at...i have probably lost the last 4 games in blitz...i have no problem loosing as long as it is legit..


    I have never seen that happen until i played you...i know its just a game and honestly i just play it for the fun of it. but its the cheaters and the people that quit all the time that makes this game bad....


    if you were'nt then i apologize and you played a great game but if you were then fix it now or wgt will find out.....



  • Danno707
    54 Posts
    Sun, Oct 10 2010 1:39 AM

    why would i cheat ?

    Just look at my average !

    Surely it would be better than it is.

    Since Blitz is so new, it must be a glitch in the program. I have only played about 5 blitz games so far so i've never seen it either.


    Even a tour pro can play beyond himself Sometimes, not always unfortunately.

  • TTRacing2
    6 Posts
    Sun, Oct 10 2010 2:17 AM

    i agree...and you did have some nice i said i have never seen points go to someone else before....maybe i will have to look at this as just a glitch....

  • Danno707
    54 Posts
    Sun, Oct 10 2010 7:34 AM


    i agree...and you did have some nice i said i have never seen points go to someone else before....maybe i will have to look at this as just a glitch....


  • jeffdos924
    1,085 Posts
    Sun, Oct 10 2010 7:52 AM

    i dont see how you can get the points for someone elses great shot...not mine but the other players shot with in 1.9 got all the points for were over 12 feet me thats some type of cheater software which it does exist or there was a big glitch that wgt needs to look at.


     That's not cheating, TTR .... that's more than likely  due the scoring. I've been on both sides of that situation and, after a little head-scratching, I figured it out.

     I wish I had a scorecard saved to show it better, but my guess is that the other player scored bonus points on that hole, along with the points for the shot. Greenstreak bonus is for consecutive greens hit ( regardless of distance) and doubles for each hole-- if you hit all 9 greens, the bonus for the 9th hole is 12,800. There's also an Accuracy Bonus, for consecutive shots withing 10 feet.

     If you 1.9 feet was after a missed green , and your opponents 12 footer was his 3rd or 4th green in a row, his bonus points would give him a higher score on that particular hole. I know it sounds crazy, but blitzes aren't scored the same as the regular CTTH rounds.

  • bfghd
    1,344 Posts
    Sun, Oct 10 2010 1:25 PM

    also,if he found the water before, hitting the green gives you a lot of bonud\s points.

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