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Punch for Full Shot?

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Tue, Jul 15 2014 12:21 PM (23 replies)
  • MichaelStroke
    2,066 Posts
    Sun, Jul 13 2014 10:48 AM

    Interesting.  I can honestly say I've never punched a shot with my wedges, nor punched a shot that wasn't in the cabbage.  I may try it out and see how I do.

    Usually the pitch and flop give me enough choices to pick from.

  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Sun, Jul 13 2014 11:52 AM

    I've read about using the punch shot w/ full top-spin when you're in the deep stuff* in the forums. But I've heard about using the full shot, too, both using the Cleveland wedge.

    On this replay of a full shot (then the punch) you can see me in the light brush 70-80%. I tried a full shot w/ full BS and it went about 3 yards. (maybe my spin should have been different? Suggestions welcome) This was with a starter ball. [note that I was choked at approx 60% power]

    So, next I tried a punch shot, the brush was not so deep now (50-60%) but, with top spin it came out at this particular time. Results always vary so use your own experience.

    That's what i like about Twitch , I can see may game in retrospect and see the meter & ball spin which isn't afforded on the WGT replays. (the down side is that my 2G is peaking w/ a 100% CPU while streaming, as I never fail to mention)


    * 'deep stuff' is generally talking about BRUSH. This is not suggesting '1st or 2nd cut, or just ROUGH', or even 'sand', in this example.

  • SplashLewis
    358 Posts
    Mon, Jul 14 2014 6:31 AM


    These 30 to 45 yard approach shots have been driving me nuts lately. It's too far for a flop or pitch. I use a 64 degree Cleveland wedge which has a full power of 60 yards and a punch of 50.  I've been using the punch swing lately but have been finding myself 8 to 10ft from the hole lately which is not good enough.  Wanted to find out what the consensus was on using a punch or full swing at this distance?  Thanks


    If its a 35yd shot, Your Cleveland 60yd wedge at 64% with a touch of bs

  • alexk345
    1,148 Posts
    Mon, Jul 14 2014 1:24 PM

    i flop between 6-20 yards. above i use full shot. Never confident with punch shots.

  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Mon, Jul 14 2014 3:29 PM

    Learn the punch Alex m8 ;-) 

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Mon, Jul 14 2014 4:06 PM

    cleveland lvl 80 64 degree wedge:

    full shot full b/s from fairway for ME W/ MY BALL

    80% = 45

    75% = 42

    70% = 38-39

    65% = 34 yds

    60% = 29 yds

    55% = 25

    50% = 21

    45% = 17

    40% = 15

    35% = 13

    ((((from the fairway )))) add a hair for light rough, more for thicker rough...less from fringe

    I never use the flop or pitch, if I can't chip it I full swing it and hit a bit late to soften it up, even on putts from the fringe that are long/curvy/ or up and over a ridge.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Jul 14 2014 4:27 PM

    Avatar Movements.  I didn't think about this using Irons (only the putter) as i'm knocking on wood (me

    If you're gapped right with the wedges you can get pretty fancy exact yardages by breaking this down a little further. Figure out the first move for each wedge and compare where it happens to that little blue ruler at the left end of the meter. Now you have an easy to use visual reference with very distinct points to hit. 

    On fmag's example, that first move would be 45. That ruler can break that down by the yard up to 50.  :-)

  • jeepie411
    3,197 Posts
    Mon, Jul 14 2014 4:34 PM

    The punch approach shot is a wicked evil tool. I use it for anything between 26 - 41 yards 55--62 and 77- 83 yards. The amount of back spin depends on the green. The beauty of the punch shot is that the wind has less of an effect due to the lower trajectory and the roll out is easier to control

  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Mon, Jul 14 2014 10:18 PM

    (thanks, Dan, I saved all that info)


    I may add, as others have also, that the different action of a punch may help when dealing w/ certain wind and/or terrain. 

    I chose the punch on this approach because of those reasons.

    The green on RSG #8 has a hill in front and the forward action of the punch helped me roll past it nicely. I was 144 yards away and the wind was 17-19 blowing from 5 'o clock. I chose the 8 iron punch (134) and shaved off a hair from that yardage. On the Twitch replay you can see the ball spin and power meter. It ended up 1 yard away, and that is a little rare for me.

    I think the action of a punch swing is different therefore the power meter speed is a little faster.(?)  Any input on that presumption is appreciated. Thanks.

  • bigseanbig
    511 Posts
    Tue, Jul 15 2014 9:27 AM

    Here is your answer and it will solve your problem.  Don't use punch and use a full shot with backspin and it will be more consistent. 

    A full shot with a 60yrd wedge with no spin lets say goes 60 yrds and sticks on a perfectly flat green.  Lets say you use the same wedge and hit 50 yrds the ball will land a little before the pin and roll slightly forward to 50yrds (its usually not noticeable). Now if you try to hit 40 or 30 yrds the ball will have a lower trajectory and land before the pin and roll forward alot more.  To stick it at 30 or 40 yrds and to put a higher trajectory on the ball add 4-8 yards depending on the ball you use and put full backspin on the ball.  This will stop the ball on a dime and you won't have to worry about the ball rolling back too much because a shot of 50% or 75% strength will have a "forward spin" effect so you are just canceling that out with the backspin. Flops and pitches at these distances will roll forward too much.

    You'll have to play around with the distances and I would suggest practicing on a flat green on St. Andrews.  I have a 50yrd wedge and hit 25-30 yrd shots within 1yrd all the time using this method.
