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Punch for Full Shot?

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Tue, Jul 15 2014 12:21 PM (23 replies)
  • SharpCat
    4 Posts
    Sat, Jul 12 2014 5:38 PM

    These 30 to 45 yard approach shots have been driving me nuts lately. It's too far for a flop or pitch. I use a 64 degree Cleveland wedge which has a full power of 60 yards and a punch of 50.  I've been using the punch swing lately but have been finding myself 8 to 10ft from the hole lately which is not good enough.  Wanted to find out what the consensus was on using a punch or full swing at this distance?  Thanks

  • Wontonamo
    2,269 Posts
    Sat, Jul 12 2014 5:44 PM

    thats one of the main reasons why i go the 50y wedge option - i am always around 30-40 or so around greens and  u can do punches and choked fullshots better than the 60y ever could imo.

    mulligans are a good way to work out distances there for the clevelands.


    im sure there are cleveland experts out there that could help out..


  • jsweetcr
    1,209 Posts
    Sat, Jul 12 2014 5:53 PM

    The punch with the higher level cleve wedge is very effective. I use it as close as 22 or 23 yards up to 52 or so. Its one of my fav shots and most reliable

    In the distance range you mention, what you need to remember is the power scale is not linear.  Once you drop below 85% power you need to start to learn the yardages and play with and learn them.

    For example, if you want to punch something 25yds you wouldn't hit 50% power on that clubs punch shot. It might be 60%.

    When i get below 40 yards i actually start to play with the spin a little bit and add extra power. I don't have exact numbers, as I do a lot of it from feel. 35 yards i might put 1/4 to 1/2 back spin and hit it for for 35 yards of power. 

    If you have the time and means go out in practice with mulligans and mess around with it a bit. If not just keep notes on what you have tried in the different rounds and the results. Over time you will start to dial it in

  • SharpCat
    4 Posts
    Sat, Jul 12 2014 5:54 PM

    Yeah I've upgraded clubs in the last month and use to use the old Taylormade Z wedges and this part of my game was much more successful.

  • fmagnets
    3,638 Posts
    Sat, Jul 12 2014 5:56 PM

    Each avatar movement below full power knocks 5 yds off the 50yd punch with the L80 Cleve wedge. This is very accurate down to 35yds, or adding a little check to get it down to 32. Then I'd use the 29yd flop with the middle Cleve wedge and play middle spin or more to go from 32yds down.

  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Sat, Jul 12 2014 6:28 PM

    I saw Chrisironsbones made a graph w/ the different wedges at this thread.

    I see he used NIKE balls but I believe the CHIP shot has been changed since this graph, and I don't know how that changed it, if at all.

    Cleveland wedges are the middle graph. Individual results may vary.

  • cycle0
    38 Posts
    Sat, Jul 12 2014 7:33 PM

    Individual results may vary.

    Past performance is no indication of future results.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Jul 12 2014 8:53 PM


    Each avatar movement below full power knocks 5 yds off the 50yd punch with the L80 Cleve wedge. This is very accurate down to 35yds, or adding a little check to get it down to 32. Then I'd use the 29yd flop with the middle Cleve wedge and play middle spin or more to go from 32yds down.

    Avatar Movements.  I didn't think about this using Irons (only the putter) as i'm knocking on wood (me

    Good Tip, thx for sharing.

    I've been playing full shot, but using the the letters of ORIGINAL on the meter to judge the distance.


  • MainzMan
    9,586 Posts
    Sat, Jul 12 2014 10:04 PM

    The punch shot is a great aid to good scores.  I punch all my wedges and the Nike PW and it really is like having 4 extra clubs in the bag.    My favourite is the 64 wedge, I can usually get within a yard if the hole is between 10 and ~42 yards away.  That's the only one I really have mapped.

    I use the power scale, never got into avatar movements but if Mags uses them then it must work. 

    If you do use the meter to judge distance remember this:


    In the distance range you mention, what you need to remember is the power scale is not linear.  Once you drop below 85% power you need to start to learn the yardages and play with and learn them.

    For example, if you want to punch something 25yds you wouldn't hit 50% power on that clubs punch shot. It might be 60%.

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Sat, Jul 12 2014 10:18 PM

    I think my cleveland wedges in the punch mode may be my most often used clubs on approach to the green and getting out of  sand, ruff etc. 

    I have found that under 75% of rated club value it is necessary to add yardage beyond what is required.  I have also found that the ball has a lot to do with distance  The use of spin also greatly affects distance.

    BUT! the most important thing that needs to be done to be successful is to Ding the swing!

    Hope this helps, My nickel.