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Who am I ?

Sat, May 18 2024 7:40 AM (2,562 replies)
  • gonfission
    2,241 Posts
    Wed, Dec 28 2022 6:30 AM

    Milton Berle

  • Zzyzx01
    1,261 Posts
    Wed, Dec 28 2022 6:34 AM

    Leonardo DiCaprio

  • ScottHope
    10,234 Posts
    Wed, Dec 28 2022 7:56 AM

    It's not Ronald Reagan or Milton Berle, Cicero & Joe.

    Henry and Paul (Zzyzx01 & pdb1) you've hit the nail on the head with Leonardo DiCaprio, absolutely correct, Well done gents!

  • Zzyzx01
    1,261 Posts
    Wed, Dec 28 2022 11:20 AM

    Finally got one right.  My fellow "Guess Who / Guess What" competitors are much better at this than I.  I enjoy their guesses as much as I do the puzzles.


  • ScottHope
    10,234 Posts
    Thu, Dec 29 2022 1:06 AM

    Thanks Henry. Looks like you and Paul (pdb1) will have to share the accolades this week as his moderated post was correct too.

    Congrats to you both, good job!

    Thanks to everyone for joining in.  ; )

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,576 Posts
    Mon, Mar 6 2023 11:12 PM

    ...and thanks to Raquel for being gorgeous.  8 ))

    I know I came too late, but just learned that Raquel Welch had passed away last month on February 15. Oh, my... :(

    And this quiz Scott made last summer came to my mind as well.

    Rest in peace and yes, indeed... thanks for having been gorgeous, Raquel. Adieu.

  • ScottHope
    10,234 Posts
    Tue, Mar 7 2023 1:04 AM

    It's got to be tough to be an ageing media star, seeing yourself as an attractive young person as old films and pictures do the rounds, no amount of wealth can ever bring that youthful look back.

    ⇩ EDIT : Absolutely Simon.  8 )  ⇩

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,576 Posts
    Tue, Mar 7 2023 2:49 AM


    It's got to be tough to be an ageing media star, seeing yourself as an attractive young person as old films and pictures do the rounds, no amount of wealth can ever bring that youthful look back.

    True that, Scott. I figured that is how she would've preferred to be remembered, however, don't you think?