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rated by 0 users
Thu, Feb 6 2014 6:23 AM (2 replies)
  • chuddlymccannon
    298 Posts
    Thu, Feb 6 2014 6:02 AM

    A few times now when playing stroke play and someone quits and it goes back to the lobby and waits, then someone gets sick of waiting and forfeits.  Then the timer goes away so you sit and wait and wait and wait. 

    Why does the timer quit.  Please fix this problem

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Thu, Feb 6 2014 6:15 AM

    I'll leave someone else to answer the technical part but you have a big friends list and belong to a big country club so why not play with those people rather than potential quitters?

  • chuddlymccannon
    298 Posts
    Thu, Feb 6 2014 6:23 AM

    I enjoy getting on here and meeting new people.  Sometimes I do use the friends list but sometimes I don't.  As far as the CC goes that is a long story