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Happy Birthday

Wed, Jul 1 2020 4:32 AM (1,330 replies)
  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Mon, Jan 6 2014 11:41 AM

    To Nancy Lopez...57 today...Oh, and Happy Anniversary to George & Martha Washington...255 years of bliss, also today.

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Wed, Jan 8 2014 6:24 AM

    To Elvis Presley...79 today...Oh, and President George Washington delivered his first State of the Union adress to Congress 224 years ago today...and General Andrew Jackson defeated the British in the Battle of New Orleans 199 years ago to end the War of 1812.

  • BIGAL123
    202 Posts
    Wed, Jan 8 2014 9:12 AM

    Elvis wanted a 22 caliber rifle for his 11th birthday,

    but mom said no and bought him a guitar for $7.90 -

    Mother knew best !!

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Thu, Jan 9 2014 6:03 AM


    Football Hall of Famer Bart Starr is 80

    In 1788 Connecticut became the fifth state to ratify the U.S. Constitution

    In 1793 Frenchman Jean Pierre Blanchard flew between Philadelphia and Woodbury, N.J. in a hot-air balloon

  • BIGAL123
    202 Posts
    Thu, Jan 9 2014 11:39 AM


    He tried out for the football team in his sophomore year of high school, but decided to quit after two weeks. His father gave him the option of playing football or working in the family garden; Starr chose to return to the football field.  Great Choice !!    GO PACK GO (in 2014)  lol

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Sat, Jan 11 2014 6:37 AM


    Ben Crenshaw aka 'Gentle Ben' is 62

    Alexander Hamilton is 259 or 257...depends upon which historian (there are many) you depend on. From everything I have read, I believe 259 is the correct choice.

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Sat, Jan 11 2014 9:09 AM

    Alexander Hamilton

    The man who single-handedly dashed Aaron Burr's hopes of becoming president of the US!  

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Sat, Jan 11 2014 10:27 AM


    Alexander Hamilton

    The man who single-handedly dashed Aaron Burr's hopes of becoming president of the US!  

    Not to mention the grief and unhappiness he provided for Thomas Jefferson...they agreed upon nothing. LOL...Nothing has been seen like Burr since the days of Don Quixote. Both Mr. H & Mr. B were very dislikable SOBs with stunning IQs.

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Sat, Jan 11 2014 11:01 AM

    Not to mention the grief and unhappiness he provided for Thomas Jefferson...they agreed upon nothing. LOL...Nothing has been seen like Burr since the days of Don Quixote. Both Mr. H & Mr. B were very dislikable SOBs with stunning IQs.

    Quixote ... wasn't he just a character in a novel?  

    Hamilton was a Federalist ... while Jefferson was a Democrat.  Totally opposing views on how to run the young country.

    I'm guessing, based on the post, that you are quite the historian, SP!  I love history!  Nothing like a bit of trivia to brighten ones day!

    And now for the million dollar question ... Would Burr had beaten Adams had he and Hamilton not had such a bitter disagreement?

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Sat, Jan 11 2014 1:20 PM

    In truth, it was Burr, Adams and Jefferson. After the first tally, Adams was out and Burr and Jefferson were tied. The second tally had Jefferson 1 vote more than Burr and became our third President with Burr as Vice President. After this, after a while, came the Hamilton/Burr duel. This led to Burr being removed from office and his political wanderings led him to many places in several States to achieve a new national power position for himself to be the new leader of the country. The Quixote comment was Jeffersons in a letter...not my idea.