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Thu, Sep 2 2010 1:30 AM (149 replies)
  • x1524807
    776 Posts
    Mon, Aug 30 2010 6:11 AM

    I heard a saying a long time ago, if your not cheating your not trying

    Cannot believe that anyone would live by that philosophy

    Horrible way to think

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Aug 30 2010 6:20 AM

    ^^ What the x factor said.

  • VanHalenLover
    1,422 Posts
    Mon, Aug 30 2010 6:33 AM


    how could anyone (WGT/or) be able to locate me or my user name if I forged?

    IP addresses are not a viable way to restrict access. Within a household, there could be multiple computers that would each share a common external IP address, where blocking that IP address could potentially block an entire household due to the actions of one player. As you have seen, you have access from other houses with different equipment and a different IP address than what you have at your house. This is one example of how IP restrictions are easily circumvented, and there are many more.

    Easily put, an IP address is not a good way to restrict or to track someone.

    And yes, it was a legitimate question.

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Mon, Aug 30 2010 7:27 AM

    Its been said if a professional burglar really, really wants to break into your home no alarm system or locks can stop him.  Or if a professional car thief wants to jack your car, nothing you do will stop him either.  Whether one agrees with the above is irrelevant, the point is it doesn't stop the sale of home or auto alarm systems because they will deter or stop some if not many of your average thiefs.

    The same could be said for IP address blocking.  Its not perfect but its better than doing nothing.  It would stop some and make it more difficult for others.  For those that get through, more sophisticated tools would be needed. IP address blocking is implemented on many forum software packages and works to some extent.   WGT should not rule out implementing IP blocking because its not perfect IMO.

  • VanHalenLover
    1,422 Posts
    Mon, Aug 30 2010 8:09 AM

    My problem with IP addressing andy is that it would create more work for WGT, and I don't think they would want that.

    You also should remember that IP addresses are leased. When they block one to prevent a multi-alias abuser, there is a very good change that someone else will own that IP address in the very near future. That doesn't mean that the new owner will be a wgt player, but it could happen. And again, the original issue isnt solved, as the abuser now has a new IP address, and starts over fresh.

    The truth of the IP issue is that anyone with limited computer knowledge can Google it, and know how to circumvent it within minutes. The lasting effects would be on WGT's end. 


  • plim
    1,388 Posts
    Mon, Aug 30 2010 8:19 AM

    i have no access to a computer at work, but whats stopping someone having one account at home with one email address and another account and email address at work. different servers,isp . no way of connecting the two accounts. they can even gift all the clubs and balls they need to themselves. all the ip tracking won't catch these people.

    i think wgt should have a amnesty anyone with multiple accounts inform wgt let them close them down and lets move on.

    cheating and corner cutting will always go on, you will never catch or stop everyone.

    how many people were denied a place in the final rounds of the opens due to multiple accounts, even if it was just one its one to many.

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Mon, Aug 30 2010 9:01 AM

    My problem with IP addressing andy is that it would create more work for WGT, and I don't think they would want that.

    There's no point in WGT having a "single account per user" rule if they are not willing to enforce it.

    I already stated IP address blocking isn't perfect but is better than doing nothing as it will stop some multiple accounts and make it more difficult for those determined to have multiple accounts.

    Why are you so opposed to WGT implementing IP address blocking VHL?

  • Infinito3010
    3,689 Posts
    Mon, Aug 30 2010 9:07 AM

    You talk about IP blocking, that is fine if your IP is static.  But alot of internet users have dynamic IP's.  All that means when they log onto the internet each time their IP will be different.


  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Mon, Aug 30 2010 10:11 AM

    Its been said if a professional burglar really, really wants to break into your home no alarm system or locks can stop him.  Or if a professional car thief wants to jack your car, nothing you do will stop him either.  Whether one agrees with the above is irrelevant, the point is it doesn't stop the sale of home or auto alarm systems because they will deter or stop some if not many of your average thiefs.

    I agree with Andy here... and to put it more succinctly,... 

    "Locks keep out the honest people."

    As long as getting an account here is as free as air, and there are real monetary prizes to be won, people are going to try to cheat.  The more professional cheaters are much less likely to get caught than the ones with room temperature IQs who take a screen-shot with the cheat engine running on the task bar.

    Perhaps it's time for WGT to move out of the "free account" realm?

  • saladx
    39 Posts
    Mon, Aug 30 2010 10:39 AM


    internet golf... serious business


    second that !!!


    peeps try to score better on the reall greens and not take the virtual world too seriously which can be manipulated by anyone to cheat , hackers are always there and its almost impossible to immune a silly lil online golf game ! just MO :P