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No 2500 credits for BigDaddy purchase?

rated by 0 users
Wed, Sep 1 2010 5:54 AM (11 replies)
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  • RobWeb
    3 Posts
    Mon, Aug 23 2010 10:08 PM
    Well well WGT, I'm forced to post here as a last resort. I've sent 2 requests through to TrialPay on the 19th and 20th of August and made my BigDaddy purchase on the 18th of August. Today is the 24th so it seems that the meaning of instant in 'instant credits' is open to conjecture? I would really like at least an acknowledgement from TrialPay that they're looking into it (which I haven't been given) otherwise it very much appears like a scam don't you think? Perhaps I'm being a bit harsh but when you openly advertise a reward for a specific action (spending my money with your promotional sponsors) your duty bound to honour the reward. That's how it works in Australia, anyway!
  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Tue, Aug 24 2010 11:06 AM

    Hello RobWeb... perhaps a message directly to would serve you better.

    Good luck.

  • RobWeb
    3 Posts
    Sat, Aug 28 2010 10:24 PM

    Thanks Snaike. I took your advice and still haven't had an explanation from them as to why I'm not receiving the credits. I've sent through quite a few emails acually, it's now 11 days since my purchase and it seems increasingly likely that nothing will be done about it. It's pretty poor imo, considering this is a business and I am a paying customer!

  • WGTSky
    223 Posts
    Sun, Aug 29 2010 1:01 PM

    Hi Rob,

    Sorry for any delays you've been experiencing. As to not having received your credits, let me quote the inimitable WGTsniv....Hope this helps you get credits for the offers/surveys completed.

    "Most offers are completed within a few minutes, but there can be delays if the advertiser has trouble automatically validating your personal information.  If 24 hours have passed since you completed the offer and you still haven't received your credits please send a support request to TrialPay.

    You can do this by hovering your mouse over the GET CREDITS menu at the top left and clicking on the COMPLETE OFFERS option.  When that page loads look for the Contact Us link in the top right hand side and click on it.  This will display the offers you currently have open.  Locate the survey you completed and click the Contact Us link in the actions column.  Fill out the requested information and TrialPay will be able look into that for you.  They will contact you if they need more information.  TrialPay has very good support and most matters are resolved rather quickly."

  • Pangaea
    242 Posts
    Sun, Aug 29 2010 3:32 PM

    Err. Looks like he has done this already. Twice.

    I now have three batches of credits I haven't received, and the last week I've heard nothing from TrialPay, despite the fact I've sent them evidence to them. Is terrible customer service really the only way any company is capable of dealing with customers these days? We've gone from "the customer is always right" to "give us your money and STFU, customer".

    I was rather excited about finally being able to finish some surveys too, after having tried since the first day I registered here. But so far they haven't done anything, not even bothered to reply to my requests. That seems to be a pretty common story to be honest.

  • CharlemagneRH
    1,054 Posts
    Sun, Aug 29 2010 3:48 PM

    I've always received credits for completing surveys and for purchasing items (I've only bought the gift certs, though, so I can't say anything about the other offers.)

    I'm not saying the system is flawless based on my four or five offers completed, but I'd guess that it's working for the most part.

    Oh, and btw, It's "GoDaddy."

  • borntobesting
    9,634 Posts
    Sun, Aug 29 2010 4:08 PM

    Sometimes you have to go to an extreme to prove that you completed the offer. Copy an e-mails you got from Gobigdaddy and send them to Trialpay. It helps if you can give them as much information as possible. I was having trouble getting my myview credits for completed surveys. I logged on to my myview account and copied all transactions and sent that in an e-mail to trialpay. I had my credits within 2 days. 

  • RobWeb
    3 Posts
    Sun, Aug 29 2010 10:19 PM

    Yes, I'm going to extremes and I really do appreciate all of the replies. Even if I can't get the support of WGT or Trilapay in this matter its comforting (and quite ironic) to get the support of my fellow members and customers of WGT. So thanks guys and gals and as soon as I get what I'm due I'll post on here to let you know how terrific WGT really is. Until then I've just resent the 3rd copy of my GoDaddy' (not BigDaddy) receipt to Trialpay so let's just hope that something...anything, happens.

  • seanobrien
    296 Posts
    Mon, Aug 30 2010 2:59 AM
    I have signed up for 2 offers and had hassle getting the credits for both of them (although in fairness the first one I signed up to with a different email address to the one I have here as I wasn't in work). The second one though, they almost made it sound like they were giving me the credits out of the goodness of their hearts, even though I signed up and deposited my money. After not being credited automatically, I sent them the confirmation emails of both the signing up and deposit, but they said I wasn't eligible for the credits. But when I asked for the money I deposited back, sudeenly the credits were awarded. Took nearly 2 weeks to get the credits. I think WGT needs to look at this system. It is great to get free credits, but there should not be as much hassle in getting them. Just my 2 cents (Euro) worth
  • umcane86
    12 Posts
    Tue, Aug 31 2010 10:59 AM

    I suppose I should add to this thread as opposed to creating a new one.  I filed a Discover card request, and it didn't go through online.  They're calling me to finalize the card, but I want to ensure that WGT gets the credit of the account being opened and I see the credits for my WGT account.  Anything I can do to ensure this happens?

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