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Pro Tier Criteria for WGT Evaluation

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Fri, Oct 24 2014 1:22 AM (57 replies)
  • Futures
    79 Posts
    Sun, Jul 12 2009 4:55 PM

    RE: Tibbets Case in Point:

    Is this happening?  This so called "lottery golf"?.  I have not seen dramatic inconsistencies in this game, at all.   I have been playing here daily for seven months?  I don't see it.   Does WGT admit to it? If they do, okay, but honestly I have not seen it. 

    Generally speaking, no two players in any PGA tournament will be challenged by the same weather, anyway.  If the weather here is not exactly the same (we are talking about wind at WGT) for all players by a few mph, then that would be very fair for any tournament play; that would be similar to real life scoring situations. 

     I would URGE WGT to add unpredictability (because real life golf can be/is lotttery golf....wind, rain....Look at BP this year!!!!!!!!   Please, WGT add more random weather features to the GAME!!!!!  Maybe when I tee off I am dealing with light drizzle and slow greens, then you deal with high wind and fast greens.....who CARES!!!!!  This is what real life players deal with---to a degree obvious weather changes would be fair and welcomed!!!   

    Now, if player A and B have exactly the same yardage and wind speed and hit the same exact shot and player B's shot is waaaaay off the mark, then of course this is something WGT has to fix.   I did not know this was happening.   

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Sun, Jul 12 2009 4:57 PM

    Ah... the old 'roomate/brother/sister/in-law/pet' argument.  Second only to the world-famous "I didn't know" argument...

    And I love the ad hominem name-calling that goes along with it.  Well played... well played indeed.

    But, who knows?  In this case, he may actually be telling the truth...  he would be the first, mind you, but it is possible.

    @Claremoreblue .... Is that a blue duck or a blew duck?!?!?  LOL

  • TaxAnalyst
    18 Posts
    Sun, Jul 12 2009 4:58 PM

    FYI, sure thing genius.  So I create my own account now, to obviously comply with you last post...   and what do you do in return?  Criticize me for "having multiple accounts".  Which one should I do, oh wise one?  Share or make my own account?  I can't get away from your b.s. criticism regardless can I?   First off, I no longer share an account, and I do not share my own...  no infraction there.  So what's your problem with me again?  Oh right...  I posted something that varies from your own holy opinion.  Please revert back to my statement which suggests you get a life.

  • TaxAnalyst
    18 Posts
    Sun, Jul 12 2009 5:00 PM

    Did I miss something?  Was this forum topic called "Discuss your thoughts on TaxAnalyst"?  What?  It wasn't Snaike?  Oh, then I guess you need better glasses and a life.  Go find them both and get off my sack.

  • tibbets
    1,043 Posts
    Sun, Jul 12 2009 5:06 PM

    It's not my issue that neither you nor your friend bothered to read the rules before you started to play.  Great, you're in compliance now, after who knows how long of both of you not being in compliance.   Long enough to have your first round be a 65, so I'm guessing quite awhile.  The Terms&Conditions page has been there the whole time.   Take a few moments out of your day to read it, as to avoid any future long-term infractions.

    Have a lovely day.

  • tibbets
    1,043 Posts
    Sun, Jul 12 2009 5:08 PM

    Futures, ask Iconian, AvatarLee, Nivlac etc about Lottery Golf.  They've been here a long time as well, if you don't want to take my word for it.  Ask about random deviations while you're at it.

  • nivlac
    2,188 Posts
    Sun, Jul 12 2009 5:10 PM

    Precision: Defines generally how close to the aiming point the ball will land based on where you hit on the swing meter

    Yes, the lottery element definitely exists.  It's been in the game since day 1and is represented wholly by the Precision stat on your sticks.  Some know it as the 'beast'.  Others will call it a 'precision deviation.'  Whatever name fits your fancy, it's the same thing.

    Assuming a 1mph on Kiawah's first tee, you can hit your 'perfect' tee shot 20 times in a row and it will land in 20 different places every time.  Some will be right down the middle, some will be down the sides, 1 or 2 might even stray into the rough.

    Now, assuming that meter is struck 'perfect' and the conditions are exactly the same (let's not forget this a game for a second, not real golf), then what accounts for the fact that 1 or 2 of those balls are in the rough?

    Some rounds you play, you will find your 'perfect' shots in the rough more often than other rounds.  You'll find your 'perfect' approaches are flying offline at a larger percentage than other rounds.  Again, a random element built into the shot to stray the ball offline.

    This is a fact, not supposition.  It's even in the FAQ, just not in so many words.

  • TaxAnalyst
    18 Posts
    Sun, Jul 12 2009 5:13 PM

    Gee, really Mr. Lawyer?  It's not your issue?  Great.  Then discuss the topic and get off my sack too.  Wow, I didn't read every stupid rule before I began playing.  I suppose that's because I don't take this as a life and death activity.  I came on to friggin have fun.  Unfortunately I suppose I have to deal with uppity jackasses who insist that I memorize the rules word for word before I take a stroke.  I suppose you're right about one thing...   I should go read the rules now.  Perhaps that will make you a little less likely to be a complete ass to me in the future.  By the way, you and Snaike, if you condsider yourselves to be the face of WGT...  you might want to work on your personality.  Nobody enjoys the company of a know-it-all jerk who spends all day trying to find a reason to attack someone. 

    I'm going to leave you all to discuss this crap on your own now.  I was simply trying to add some constructive opinions to the mix.  I can see those are unwelcome.  Good riddance, I'm done with this childish forum.

  • Futures
    79 Posts
    Sun, Jul 12 2009 5:22 PM

    If this website is going to be run like the PGA, Tibbets, and not on a handicap system where a hack could enter your tournament and beat you with handicaps applied, then it needs to go all the way, or as far into reality as is possible.   Yes, this means lottery golf with the weather, as I already pointed out in another post.   Honestly, I don't know if they could even create a fair handicap system.  But the majority of golf that is played in this world applies handicaps. 

    Too many players seem to be scratch golfers here, so I guess it's going to be run PGA style--fine.  But that should mean......UNPREDICTABLE WEATHER (weather: rain, no rain, high wind, no wind, slow greens, fast greens, pins that change....ect all over a 4 day tourny!!!!)  Now, would that not be fun?  It would keep anyone from "getting used" to the same old playing conditions...old boring fake computer game :( sucks!   Heck, you might tee off with very high wind and fast greens, while someone else had way better playing conditions than you had....Like the real BP this year!!!! 

  • tibbets
    1,043 Posts
    Sun, Jul 12 2009 5:33 PM

    I hear what you're saying about everything.  I'm all in favor of changing conditions over a 4-round tournament.  At current, the only variables there are to change as far as conditions go is wind speed and green speed.  The pins have remained static from day 1, and theres been no talk of introducing rain or the like, most likely due to the enormous demand it would place on the CPU's of peoples computer to display such a graphic, not to mention the fact that  the courses are displayed using High-Definition photos taken during the day in sunlight.