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Buying Clubs - A guide from Hack to Master

Mon, Sep 3 2012 7:38 AM (37 replies)
    91 Posts
    Tue, Oct 5 2010 11:34 PM

    I was not one of the lucky ones to own superior clubs before the changes.

    I am in the same boat as you are...I have found with the new experience points it is easier to climb the level ranks.  If you play just 9 holes a day for 10 days you will go up about 5-7 levels.  Still, I find it insane that people like us WANT to spend money but are unable to due to level restrictions.  It makes sense though, they want us to basically buy ALL of the equipment by advancing levels slowly.  If we advance levels too fast, we will just buy the best set and all that's left is balls once and awhile. ya they are just making as much money as possible off of us.  So until then I am using my 240 yard driver and starter clubs, barely scraping by on Masters tees. 


    GL on the greens

  • Fubbik
    4 Posts
    Wed, Oct 6 2010 1:29 PM

    I wouldn't mind playing lots of rounds to get exp and level to 58-62+ for those nifty clubs, as long as I would be somewhat competetive doing so. But I have a hard time convincing myself to play RGs and similar with other Masters having an insane equipment edge on me from the start, just because they were here before "the change"...

    I bought the best stuff I could get when I turned Master (apart from a new 3wood) and only then realized I was still waaayyyy behind the masses in equipment :(

    Of course levels and tiers are still not fair with the current proshop system. Why should a "veteran" player have a huge advantage over a fresh one ? Ironic that WGT had a fair system and decided to trash it :/

    2,580 Posts
    Thu, Oct 7 2010 1:28 AM

    Hi all, im wondering if anybody can help me here. 2 weeks back i bought the TM spider putter (L19+). It has 2 dots precision, 3 dots forgiveness, 2 and half dots balance, and a slow meter speed. The thing is, im playing a hell of a lot better just using the beginner putter, which only has 1 dot forgiveness and nothing else. The speed meter on the TM putter shoots like a rocket, despite the two putters having the same speed. Im sick i bought the thing for 400 creds. What gives?

  • Poulakidas
    31 Posts
    Mon, Oct 18 2010 2:14 AM

    starter putter with forgiveness 1 is more forgiving than the spider (fgv=3) which u buy for more precision and balance.

    (definitions of club attributes at the faq>pro shop, balance we must figure out ourselves)

    the spider is supposed to have the same meterspeed as the starter but obviously it does not

    i tried to swap from starters putter to the anser (rented it first) and found myself having a hard time so now i wait to get to lvl 55 to try the daytona.

    any club could be good when u get used to it i think. Share a few words on how u get along with it now.


  • molvi
    1 Posts
    Sun, Oct 24 2010 5:46 AM

    I wonder if you can help!

    I saw players at or below level 48(master) but they are using drivers of 8 and 8.5 which are only available after level 58 and 62.

    how can i have those drivers????????????


  • Soulcatcher
    1,970 Posts
    Mon, Oct 25 2010 1:49 PM

    You would have had to buy them before the update........ for you......keep leveling.

  • Chinajohn
    1,190 Posts
    Sat, Sep 1 2012 10:51 PM

    Great guide and thanks for taking the time to write it. I've just made pro and I've bought the suggested driver, great.


    The Daytona putter isn't available to me for a while yet, from what I've read this is due to the new 'levels' ah well i'll stick with my starter putter as I've got used to it and the putting guide on this forum really helps (i.e. 6ft per increment of backswing)


    However you suggest the TM Z Satin TP Pro wedges (60 and 64 degree) have they been removed or has the name been changed as I absolutely cannot find them in the shop at any level. Your further guidance would be greatly appreciated.

  • Soulcatcher
    1,970 Posts
    Mon, Sep 3 2012 7:38 AM

    This guide is two years old. Much has changed since then.