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Changes to the Elite Collection - Customize your WGT experience

Tue, Jan 3 2017 5:14 PM (172 replies)
  • Ffudd
    2,541 Posts
    Wed, Dec 19 2012 3:58 AM


    A lot of very valuable feedback is going in to this thread. Thank you, everyone, for conveying your messages in an appropriate manner.

    I want everyone to know this thread is being read by WGT.


    Stay classy,


    Could you get us an update before everyone disappears tomorrow for their Xmas break please Pizza ?

    You have seen the consensus of opinion is against removing the gift cards and hopefully also seen that it could lose WGT a lot of income. To me it seems a no-brainer but without something more from you guys it is beginning to sound like a done deal.

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Wed, Dec 19 2012 5:46 AM

    I think it's only a matter of time before some golf site appears on the net which offers tournament winners a direct exchange turning their virtual winnings to real cash payouts with less rake paid out either via google checkout or even bank transfer like the online casinos do. Has WGT even thought about this prospect and what their next step to would be should such a rival appear because it's a distinct probability and would completely threaten this game.

    To be honest....I don't even think folks would care less how mickey mouse the graphics were if they could exchange their virtual winnings to real cash payouts.

    Just Sayin



  • alosso
    21,045 Posts
    Wed, Dec 19 2012 6:57 AM

    To be honest....I don't even think folks would care less how mickey mouse the graphics were if they could exchange their virtual winnings to real cash payouts.
    I'd stay, being here for the views rather than for payout. Alas, I consider myself a mediocre client in terms of $$ - the big guys would be running, certainly.

    1,189 Posts
    Wed, Dec 19 2012 7:32 AM

    I consider myself a mediocre client in terms of $ - the big guys would be running, certainly.


    Not only the big guns, I'm only a fire cracker and I'd try the new thing as well. I wouldn't never quit this game, though, I've made to many friends and I love it too much. But I currently have enough time for 2 love affairs.

  • mrenn29
    380 Posts
    Wed, Dec 19 2012 10:36 AM


    Gotta say I'm very disappointed to see the gift cards go.  Not sure I understand it from WGT's perspective.  At the current exchange rate WGT can't be losing out on much to the elite collection.  Can't imagine more than 20,000$ had been paid out in 2012.  If there is nothing appealing or realistically attainable in the elite collection I will go back to gifting away credits to my friends that put real $ into the game.  Before the elite collection came I'd gifted somewhere in the 6 figures of credits when I had nothing to redeem w/ the stockpile other than virtual balls (edit- now that I think about it the elite collection may have come at the same time as RGs, but mpcs did come a while before RGs).  That is real $ that will come out of the pocket of WGT.  Also I have no idea what kinda revenue wgt makes from in game advertisements, but the hardcore group of credit grinders have to create a fair chunk of change from that as well.

    I gotta agree with Sam here. I too would like to see the GC's stay. It's really my only motivation to play a few rg's a day.As far as posssibly using cr's for real tee times at those courses,you are limiting that to people who even live remotely close to those courses.


  • Fuzzygazz
    1,469 Posts
    Wed, Dec 19 2012 10:38 AM

    Looks like another good thing gone by the wayside. They cut the payouts of video in half over night too. My bad their hands were tied. One questions for Mr. chat..Who makes these decision? Fire them. And no more pre bugs for products you sell. You didnt give us a slightly damaged price on them. Why would game site shut down during holidays for the week also? Are not kids off from school and many adults on vacation? quote Pizza   "I want everyone to know this thread is being read by WGT."   arent they all??  just saying  Gazz

  • jakestanfill7
    949 Posts
    Wed, Dec 19 2012 3:35 PM


    I think it's only a matter of time before some golf site appears on the net which offers tournament winners a direct exchange turning their virtual winnings to real cash payouts with less rake paid out either via google checkout or even bank transfer like the online casinos do. Has WGT even thought about this prospect and what their next step to would be should such a rival appear because it's a distinct probability and would completely threaten this game.

    To be honest....I don't even think folks would care less how mickey mouse the graphics were if they could exchange their virtual winnings to real cash payouts.

    Just Sayin


    Market differentiation is crucial for a business to thrive.  That or be the best at what you do.

    WGT has the edge for many of us because it offers the ability to play for real items, and a small amount of cash (gift cards).  Take that away and you're now not any different from your biggest competitors,   yet WGT charges more money, has fewer courses, and countless more bugs.

    I love to play golf games, especially WGT.  I've forged many friends here.  I also made many friends while playing TWO and had a blast while playing that game.  Best part was never having a meter skip. 

    TBE is completely correct.  I didn't mind the graphics on TWO at all.  The ONLY reason I keep playing WGT is the ability to play for nice prizes and gift cards.

    I didn't go to Harvard business school but it seems like a better model would be to not only keep gift cards, but offer them at a better exchange and also offer a $100 card. 

    • Change the exchange rate to 5:1 for the $100 GC on a descending scale to 4:1 for the $500 card.  Revenue for WGT would be much more fluid and they would actually earn much higher gross profit. 
    • This would boost participation in Ready Go and MPC greatly.  More rake for WGT.  People will probably be clambering for the return of the 1k and 2k tournies and more 500 ones.
    • I know this raises the questions about sandbagging but they will always be there, especially with lower tiers having access to top of the line equipment.  Many good suggestions have been put forth to combat multi accounts and sandbagging.
    1. Earnings in both MPC and tournies figured into tier advancement formula. 
    2. Tourney top 3s figured into formula.
    3. MPC wins figured into formula.
    4. Only Legend tier of higher can compete in 500cr tournies  or higher.  This includes the MAJORS!   Many Legends out there with 70+ averages (not really sure what the heck they did to the system when they unveiled Tour Legend).  If you haven't been around long enough to  make Legend by the time we play the majors then wait until next year and get your game in shape.
    5. STOP MAKING TOP OF THE LINE EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE TO LOWER TIERS AND LEVELS.  Make it a big deal to advance TIER so you can get new equipment.  I understand the need to make a dollar but with some of the suggestions above employed, I believe WGT will actually make a much greater profit.



    1,189 Posts
    Wed, Dec 19 2012 7:05 PM

  • Earnings in both MPC and tournies figured into tier advancement formula. 
  • Tourney top 3s figured into formula.
  • MPC wins figured into formula.
  • Pretty sure it's already in place in the new system.

    Only Legend tier of higher can compete in 500cr tournies  or higher.  This includes the MAJORS! 

    I completely agree for open RGs. But I don't get it why the MAJORS. All tiers play the majors from legend tees anyway, so what's the difference if a L40 pro enters (and fails miserably)?

  • MizzyMan
    52 Posts
    Wed, Dec 19 2012 8:16 PM

    Although I am far from reaching any of these items, like many others, I don't understand why WGT wants to take away the most purchased items from the Elite Collection. The only addition that draws my interest is the ability to purchase real life tee times.


    BUT, I truly don't understand why the custom avatars are going to be sold in the Elite Collection. I think the last thing players want to do is spend a mass amount of credits on fake virtual clothing. Are they so expensive that they can't be sold in the Pro Shop? 

  • jakestanfill7
    949 Posts
    Thu, Dec 20 2012 4:26 AM


    Only Legend tier of higher can compete in 500cr tournies  or higher.  This includes the MAJORS! 

    I completely agree for open RGs. But I don't get it why the MAJORS. All tiers play the majors from legend tees anyway, so what's the difference if a L40 pro enters (and fails miserably)?

    To prevent multi-accoutners from qualifying several players.  Right now low level and tier player can get very good equipment, (now good enough to compete from any tee).


    I start preparing for the majors now.  I get 5 players to level 40 or higher which can easily be achieved using boosts.  I could compete from the back tees with the equipment available to me.  I qualify all of those players.  Now I have 5 shots at the prize plus my original account.

    It would be much harder to get all of those players to Legend that it is to L40. The majors should also be a reward for achievement. 



  • Earnings in both MPC and tournies figured into tier advancement formula. 
  • Tourney top 3s figured into formula.
  • MPC wins figured into formula.
  • You're right but there needs to be some serious changes to the formula.

    Pretty sure it's already in place in the new system.