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Virtual U.S. Open Qualifier Winner Announced, and more...

Fri, Nov 26 2021 12:50 PM (192 replies)
  • cody6202000
    271 Posts
    Wed, Jul 13 2016 2:51 AM

    And the only bad part of having a 20 speed is that #2 becomes totally unusable. I used it in an ANCC tournament for our own US Open a couple weeks ago and the only way I didn't make 10 like everyone else in the guild was because I pitched in from 30y for a triple.

    Otherwise the ball just keeps filtering back to the front of the green, short of a once in 10 break.

  • duffputt
    314 Posts
    Wed, Jul 13 2016 1:12 PM

    Round 4 speed 14. Another round 4 shots too high.

    Hole 2 is left pin. 52 yards out. The clever thing is to shoot the 80Y wedge using full backspin. Shots around 80% power stops gluelike. Should have been using that instead of the 10% backspin that makes the shot roll gently down when shot lands by the pin.

    And no 5 played braindead without noticing its fronttee. Brushed it! (even though a birdie was made).

    No 10 7 feet above hole, hit 20% on 10 feet scale ->11 feet by->pargos-not-so-solidos

    But an excellent course with speedy greens. Quite fun

  • derekortt
    661 Posts
    Wed, Jul 13 2016 5:25 PM

    Congrats fmags!


    You got me by 1

    I'll be stewing that 3 whack from 4 feet on 13 in the 3rd round for a full year

  • derekortt
    661 Posts
    Wed, Jul 13 2016 5:28 PM


    And the only bad part of having a 20 speed is that #2 becomes totally unusable. I used it in an ANCC tournament for our own US Open a couple weeks ago and the only way I didn't make 10 like everyone else in the guild was because I pitched in from 30y for a triple.

    Otherwise the ball just keeps filtering back to the front of the green, short of a once in 10 break.


    You can still play #2 at 20 on the stimp. Just cannot use the back hole location. Similar to playing Merion at those speeds. the back at 5 just cannot be used

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Tue, Aug 23 2016 2:56 AM


    wgt you are a big time cheat please let us play our game dam sad lol you will not post it truth hurts lol


    Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Fri, Sep 2 2016 6:08 PM



    wgt you are a big time cheat please let us play our game dam sad lol you will not post it truth hurts lol

    Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.

    Not so long ago, I would have suggested a 5 yr old composed the abomination that "anywere" just posted. I'm now beyond trying to make up for incompetent english teachers and hopeless students...let alone those who assert vague accusations devoid of any proof. 

    I will simply take an aspirin and move on to another thread.:)


  • overtheedge
    5,879 Posts
    Wed, Dec 7 2016 10:42 AM

    Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.

    I LOVE this quote. Too bad in some of my post I didn't use when I should've of ,lol. 

    As for -anywhere- I agree ct. Take an aspirin and walk away or in this case maybe an Excedrin. Something a bit STRONGER,,lol.

  • pmm711
    5,599 Posts
    Thu, Feb 23 2017 7:41 PM


    wgt your cc is crap  wow so bad
