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NATION only Putting Challenge

Tue, Dec 10 2024 1:07 PM (397 replies)
  • QuikDrawlMcGraw
    4,337 Posts
    Tue, Jul 17 2012 11:32 AM

    i gto to 21.2 with all puttin..wedgers can KMA lol

  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Thu, Jul 19 2012 7:18 AM

    WGT Nation, a club for Legends and big spenders. How many of us will replace their current putter with the  TaylorMade Ghost Spider? Prices we could use would be a better idea. Like balls for instance.

  • drmoose
    3,546 Posts
    Thu, Jul 19 2012 4:32 PM

    Just sayin', in my opinion, the course has been tweaked since it's inception. WGT will of course deny this, as well as the fact that they refuse to fix the putting glitch that steals ball life. At this time there are at least 1/2 dozen moderators running around ignoring the problem as money is being made hand over fist. After multiple posts on his subject ,
    I once more respectfully ask what is being done to correct an error that blatantly amounts to theft.


  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Thu, Jul 19 2012 7:11 PM

    I think I wasted three Nikes and since it is a bug that ate them, I assume WGT gives them back to me?

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Jul 20 2012 2:02 AM

    I've only played the putting Challenge a few times and did notice the ball life changing.

    I use the Nikes and have also noticed the ball life is getting shorter now. When they first came out they use to last for ages or quite a few games. 


    Just wondering if the life of the golf ball is also going down on the greens in a stroke game.


  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Fri, Jul 20 2012 4:44 AM


    Just wondering if the life of the golf ball is also going down on the greens in a stroke game.

    No, putting does not normally take any life from a ball and WGT has confirmed that the behavior in this competition is a bug that they will fix. They have tried for some weeks now but it seems priority is low. That is I guess one of the reasons it us good to stay in beta - had this been a released product I could demand to get back the ball life their bug has taken, now I can only kindly request.

    But at least by requesting, they will maybe put  a bit higher priority on that bug.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Jul 20 2012 6:15 AM



    Just wondering if the life of the golf ball is also going down on the greens in a stroke game.

    No, putting does not normally take any life from a ball and WGT has confirmed that the behavior in this competition is a bug that they will fix. They have tried for some weeks now but it seems priority is low. That is I guess one of the reasons it us good to stay in beta - had this been a released product I could demand to get back the ball life their bug has taken, now I can only kindly request.

    But at least by requesting, they will maybe put  a bit higher priority on that bug.

    Yes I know about putting does not affect the ball life....  just saying though, the bug in the Nation comp... could there be a bug in stroke play greens

    I suppose, because it's a Ctth comp... every shot we make is a little less in Ball Life. Maybe Wgt forgot to take that option out in the program when they started it.


  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Fri, Jul 20 2012 7:40 AM

    Yes I know about putting does not affect the ball life....  just saying though, the bug in the Nation comp... could there be a bug in stroke play greens

    Yes, probably is. We would not notice... 
    There is some threads about people suspect the balls life got shorter though, maybe WGT just removed the "do not affect ball life" function on all greens all the time, expecting no one would notice. No one would be surprised...

    I would really like the ball use would be measured in hits rather than the slider bar they currently use, but then of course we would notice stuff like this immediately and that hurts business.

  • mnshiner
    1,382 Posts
    Fri, Jul 20 2012 9:44 AM

    On the subject but off the subject. How many of you folks feel like Hole #1, #2 and #7 should have been #7, #8 and #9. Are not the hardest holes supposed to be last. Just think Ace every hole until #7 then the bottom falls out.

  • bopag
    78 Posts
    Fri, Jul 20 2012 11:27 AM

    Have they fixed the hits on the ball yet?