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WGF Tour 2012 - Visit W8 & W9 threads

Thu, Aug 9 2012 6:43 AM (737 replies)
    10,706 Posts
    Tue, Jul 24 2012 1:48 PM


    Week 1 - The Memorial Tournament

    Winner = xxXxMarcxxXx

    Week 2 - The Quest Turbo Classic

    Winner = AllyKennedy

    Week 3 - The Masters

    Winner = Bawbag1874

    Would love to see a separate  thread if possible for the winners and Trophy's only,,Fantastic Trophy's Jim,:),

  • mongo441
    412 Posts
    Tue, Jul 24 2012 2:42 PM

    Posted on wrong forum, erased and re-posted.

  • jimbean346
    3,006 Posts
    Wed, Jul 25 2012 1:01 AM



    Would love to see a separate  thread if possible for the winners and Trophy's only,,Fantastic Trophy's Jim,:),

    It's a fair comment and I was going to wait to the end of the season before doing this. Once we've got a few more weeks finished off then I'll move it into a new thread.


  • jimbean346
    3,006 Posts
    Mon, Jul 30 2012 6:51 AM

    Credit prizes; all sponsors and prize winners from the first four weeks of the tour (bar Kurt and Luis) will have received PM's or WP's outlining how much they have won / have to gift.

    Please can you liaise directly with each over this matter. I am always willing to assist in chasing someone up if you are having any difficulties but please be aware I cannot be responsible for gifting prizes if the named sponsor does not provide the stated sum.

    If players don't want to take their prizes yet please let me and your sponsor know. I will then roll over the sum of credits you have until the next gifting session in 3-4 weeks time. For instance, this maybe applicable to those who have won low sums of credits and would prefer to wait to see if you can accumulate enough for your chosen sleeve of balls.

  • jimbean346
    3,006 Posts
    Mon, Aug 6 2012 1:51 AM

    I'm looking for three new designated markers to cover R3 of the tour. This is to replace three markers who are currently inactive; ideally you'll be available between Thursday to Sunday for the next eight weeks or so. I'm happy to consider any WGF player but an ideal scenario would be one Australian player and two US players.

    You'll need to be able to use IRC to be able to be available for others as and when they need marking. You can obviously be playing WGT normally in the background but just need to be checking into IRC fairly often to make sure that you can liaise with players who need assistance.

    Please WP, PM or reply to this post if you're interested.



  • jimbean346
    3,006 Posts
    Mon, Aug 6 2012 6:36 AM

    Kurtsbuford has offered his services to become a designated marker to the Tour. My thanks to Kurt for this offer. If you have issues in the future, please look out for him or check in IRC to see if he's available to assist you.


  • jimbean346
    3,006 Posts
    Thu, Aug 9 2012 4:03 AM

    Post from W6 thread; important change for the tour....



    Re 'feedback' :  My only gripe is regards the points distribution after the cut. I think ALL players making the cut should have been awarded a minimum 'bonus' for doing so.

    Highly unlikely I'll win an event to threaten the better players but it's a tad frustrating to finish in 31st place and 'earn' the same amount of points as someone that doesn't even complete rounds 1 and/or 2 or fails to take part at all in any given weekly event.

    Following my round with Johnny, I can see this POV is a very good point and we can make an adjustment to improve the tour scoring based on this point. Going forward all players who make the cut will receive tour qualification points (this will be back-dated to previous events). The following will be applicable:

    Top 30 = same as present but +10 points to all players

    31 - 45 (+ties) = +10 points

    45 - 60 (+ties) = +5 points

    This will give everyone a further reason to play over the weekend and to aim to score as well as possible. I can see the point that someone who only just makes the cut isn't really playing for much. This change will push everyone to try harder to get their final round played.

    Thanks for this feedback Johnny. Excellent point made and I'm pleased to be able to make a change which I think will be good for the tour going forward.


  • jimbean346
    3,006 Posts
    Thu, Aug 9 2012 6:43 AM

    To all players

    Following on from the decision earlier today to provide qualification points to players all the way down to the last player to make the cut, I've finished off updating the bulk of the tour standings.

    There will be inaccuracies (numbers of rounds played) and players with 0 points still need updating fully. The key here was to get the players with points scored to be accurate. Please can you all review the tour standings link below and check to see if your details are correct. If there is anything which is incorrect, let me know by WP or PM.



    WGF Tour Points Standings - Week 5