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WGF Tour 2012 - Visit W8 & W9 threads

Thu, Aug 9 2012 6:43 AM (737 replies)
  • Tamsach
    2,823 Posts
    Mon, Jun 11 2012 1:32 AM

    Jim my best compliments for this very nice tournament. Unfortunately, for me, I can't play it. If u are planning a repetition for next Autumn-Winter, I'll partecipate for sure. Bye

  • jimbean346
    3,006 Posts
    Mon, Jun 11 2012 1:36 AM

    I saw Tamsach's original post (which related to playing the tour in the summer) and I will respond to give an explanation.

    With the possibility of the WGT Open Championship looking slim, I thought this'd be a great old school event to bring back into play as I know many players loved participating in the WGA tours that were run in the past.

    I appreciate this is holiday season for many people and I took this into consideration when planning the tour. Players do need to participate (finish Rounds 1 & 2) in 50% of the 12 regular season strokeplay events to qualify for the end of season tour finals (provided you have enough tour points). I felt this would give ample flexibility for people to still participate even if they had four weeks during the summer when they weren't going to be available.

  • jimbean346
    3,006 Posts
    Mon, Jun 11 2012 2:13 AM

    Our thanks to all the players who've signed up over the weekend. There's around 70 spots left to fill on the tour and the prize pool is now over the 60000 mark.

    Tour winnings will be pooled over season and will be paid out during 2-4 stages. We believe this is an easier system to manage rather than giving out prizes every single week.

  • manabouttown11
    573 Posts
    Mon, Jun 11 2012 2:20 AM

    I am looking forward to playing with and against some of the best in the game. Put me down for 2000cr.

  • General7
    49 Posts
    Mon, Jun 11 2012 5:32 AM

    Hello Jim and all the others,

    I carefully looked at and read what you wrote about the WGF and very like it! I know that I'm not as good as most of the players who will play WGF Tour, but I want to progress. Our CC is great, but these are new moments. Carefully follow the best players and I read what was written Genorb: What's the point .. These tournaments certainly help improve golf game, we all love! Thanks Tamsach, thanks to him I saw WGF. Will sign in, and what happens, LOL

    Best regards, G7

  • briobrio
    2,428 Posts
    Mon, Jun 11 2012 6:19 AM

    Massively appreciated Brio :)

    Hugs Jim :)

  • Stevo78
    139 Posts
    Mon, Jun 11 2012 7:04 AM

    Hi Jim,

    I'm really looking forward to this and thanks for the invite. I'll chuck 2000creds in as well.

    Now can someone please give me an idiot (thats me and a computer) proof explanation on how to put screenshot on here. I've tried a couple of times and I might as well be trying to call the president, wont happen!! Step by step would be good, in the meantime I'll keep trying to crash my computer...



  • Funkyjunkie3000
    722 Posts
    Mon, Jun 11 2012 7:14 AM


    Hi Jim,

    I'm really looking forward to this and thanks for the invite. I'll chuck 2000creds in as well.

    Now can someone please give me an idiot (thats me and a computer) proof explanation on how to put screenshot on here. I've tried a couple of times and I might as well be trying to call the president, wont happen!! Step by step would be good, in the meantime I'll keep trying to crash my computer...



    Catch me on skype (Same name as here) il walk you through it, its simple :)


  • Tamsach
    2,823 Posts
    Mon, Jun 11 2012 7:51 AM


    I saw Tamsach's original post (which related to playing the tour in the summer) and I will respond to give an explanation.

    With the possibility of the WGT Open Championship looking slim, I thought this'd be a great old school event to bring back into play as I know many players loved participating in the WGA tours that were run in the past.

    I appreciate this is holiday season for many people and I took this into consideration when planning the tour. Players do need to participate (finish Rounds 1 & 2) in 50% of the 12 regular season strokeplay events to qualify for the end of season tour finals (provided you have enough tour points). I felt this would give ample flexibility for people to still participate even if they had four weeks during the summer when they weren't going to be available.

    Many thanks for kind explanation. Bye

  • Stevo78
    139 Posts
    Mon, Jun 11 2012 9:18 AM



    Hi Jim,

    I'm really looking forward to this and thanks for the invite. I'll chuck 2000creds in as well.

    Now can someone please give me an idiot (thats me and a computer) proof explanation on how to put screenshot on here. I've tried a couple of times and I might as well be trying to call the president, wont happen!! Step by step would be good, in the meantime I'll keep trying to crash my computer...



    Catch me on skype (Same name as here) il walk you through it, its simple :)


    Cheers Funky