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For those of us Less Fortunate

Fri, Mar 26 2010 5:42 AM (29 replies)
  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Mar 24 2010 12:56 PM

    You can lock your post.. but as long as one person has replied to it, you can't stop more replies.

    He probably felt like a jerk given the comedic answers that followed. He might just be less fortunate than a lot of us.

    I played with a lady a few weeks ago that was busting her rear to get to master with the free clubs and was doing a bang up job with what she had to work with. I commented that she would do really well with accurate clubs and her comment to me was she could barely afford her mortgage, let alone spend money on virtual stuff. She had to give up the real thing because of circumstances that included being a primary care-giver to her 84 year old parent. WGT was her connection to a past she misses and serves as her "escape" from where she's at. How could you not help a person like that? Her gifted driver has her knocking on the 60s now and maybe her "escape" is a little more fun for her.

    I hope somebody feels bad..........

  • NormH3
    214 Posts
    Wed, Mar 24 2010 1:30 PM

    Whatever happened to "If you don't have something nice to say...don't" ? Guess that went out the window with the anonymous internet. Shame on us!

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Wed, Mar 24 2010 1:38 PM

    Her gifted driver has her knocking on the 60s now and maybe her "escape" is a little more fun for her.

    Well done, YJ.  Well done, indeed.

  • OaktheToke
    409 Posts
    Wed, Mar 24 2010 1:42 PM

    Doubt he feels bad because he got free crap out of the post.

    If he's going to panhandle like he's at Port Authority, then he should at least know the gifting rules before he starts begging.  Mostly everyone on here have enough funds to pay for a computer and internet connection or is related to somebody that does.  I would tend to think that they eventually will have an extra 5 to 10 dollars to improve their experience.  If someone can buy a couple beers or a pack of smokes then they certainly have enough to spend here one time.

    People tend to be dishonest at times.  This tendency is multiplied considerably on the world wide web.  I choose to relegate most of my benevolence for situations were I know its legit.  

    This doesn't mean that I'm above gifting something out or giving advice, but go figure, I'm usually skeptical of someone who begs for virtual golf equipment on an online gaming site.

    This isn't exactly Slumdog Millionaire.

  • overtheedge
    5,878 Posts
    Wed, Mar 24 2010 2:32 PM

    Exactly OTT. Most people that do come on here " HAVE MONEY". and if you get suckered in thinking they dont - like some...( read a few threads then how about this-" Man, I just lost my job and have 4 kids that need close, preferable "Yankee" (get it), and my wife totaled our only you have a few credits I can borrow, or if you could , gift me a Hybrid.....  freaking LOL. I get a kick out of the people that believe everything they hear or read online.

  • OaktheToke
    409 Posts
    Wed, Mar 24 2010 2:46 PM

    I hear ya OTE and do mostly agree, but I also know what YJ is referring to.  I have played with another who seemed worthwhile.  They weren't necessarily complaining or asking, just discussing their challenges for the game.  Perhaps I might help with some tips or rarely a gift.  YJ did seem to describe quite a tear-jerking story though and I'll surely be waiting for the made-for-TV movie later this year. sad smileys

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Mar 24 2010 2:57 PM

     YJ did seem to describe quite a tear-jerking story though.  Perhaps he was behind those Sally Struthers' commercials. sad smileys

    A response I would have expected from your entitled self, Oak. Toke some more of whatever you're toking and take OTE for a tour of your fabulous life. I happened to identify with this player because I'm in the exact same spot. My life is pretty much over given that I am a primary caregiver to my 58 year old disabled wife. I have zero life and less money to enjoy it with. This community fills a huge void for me and sharing joy is cheap. $20-$30 goes a long way here in supplying a diversion for someone less fortunate than me. Try it sometime.


  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Wed, Mar 24 2010 4:39 PM

    Exactly OTT. Most people that do come on here " HAVE MONEY". and if you get suckered in thinking they dont - like some..

    And I thought I was cynical.... wow.

    Newsflash, OTE.. not everyone here HAS MONEY.  Some play here because it reminds them of the time they could go out and blow a benjamin and an afternoon playing golf, and now real life has set in and taken that away.

    Of course there are those around here who have mom's credit card for their 'puter and all is paid for them.

  • OaktheToke
    409 Posts
    Wed, Mar 24 2010 4:50 PM


    I wasn't doubting your altruistic intentions or even the recipient herself in your case.  Matter of fact, I did remark that I understood the rationale behind the post.  Then I simply joked that perhaps you could have explained your point and given yourself a thattaboy without the flare for dramatics.   Its just a joke dude and was meant to make you laugh, not get your pinstripes in a bustle.   

    I don't think I should feel bad for making a joke at some random who begs in a game forum without knowing what they're asking for and likely is full of crap.  Perhaps the joke was my way of being charitable, as I tend to find laughter as a pleasant way to create a diversion from an otherwise morbid situation.

    Feel free to go ahead and assume you know very much about me from my name or online conversation.  The only assumption I've ever made about you is your possible viewpoint on your favorite team, which I have some experience with since I'm from NY and have more blinder-wearing Yankee-fan friends and relatives than I'd like at times.  That said, reading online community contributions do not equate to walking even a moment in someone else's shoes.  I don't think I'm above anyone or that everyone's life on here is right as rain, and sorry that yours isn't what you bargained for.

    and on 2nd though I didn't think most would relate or remember the Sally Struthers commercials which is why I changed it to another punch line.

    BTW, the new ESPN Sunday night baseball commercial for the opener on the 4th is very funny.  The Dirty Thirty is one of my favorite players even if he does now suit up for the Bombers.  He seems to have a sense of humor that I can appreciate.

  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Wed, Mar 24 2010 5:13 PM

    I'm thinking most of us took the original poster as someone who was a bit naive and somewhat a cheapskate.  If he is truely needy I'm curious why he can afford a computer and the internet.  I suspect the general consensus was that he was trying to scam us.

    My personal message to him:  If you are truely needy please post on my wall.  I will ask some tough questions but I will also outfit you in clubs and balls.