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Re: Barnyard Bash SD

rated by 0 users
Mon, May 22 2023 10:26 PM (12 replies)
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  • Squatch031
    189 Posts
    Mon, May 22 2023 4:16 PM

    I played in the Rookie level (also played various other showdowns) and each three-hole match was played on a different course with varying wind and green speeds.  I have always wondered if all players play the same courses and conditions since we appear to be playing in the Paris room against players not entered in the showdown.

  • AnaNikolaj
    639 Posts
    Mon, May 22 2023 10:26 PM


    I played in the Rookie level (also played various other showdowns) and each three-hole match was played on a different course with varying wind and green speeds.  I have always wondered if all players play the same courses and conditions since we appear to be playing in the Paris room against players not entered in the showdown.

    Everyone plays the same holes, but not the same green speeds, wind strength or even pin locations, those are all random. 

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