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Re: PC videos giving less credits

Thu, Sep 29 2022 3:51 PM (5 replies)
  • CaptRon48
    186 Posts
    Wed, Sep 28 2022 2:54 AM

      Don't know if it is bug or collateral damage from another change or conscious decision from WGT. The exact same PC vids that have been showing for last couple weeks  now only give you one credit instead of 4. (I know ill get hammered by some bitter players because I get vids recently while others don't. Already have been in another thread)

    It started immediately after mobile vids were turned back on - connection I don't know but certainly possible.

  • JeMcKsk
    51 Posts
    Wed, Sep 28 2022 5:29 PM

     I just started having the same problem a few days ago. Does anyone know why or when

    it will go back to 4 credidts per video. I havent found anything about it in the update section.

  • borntobesting
    9,657 Posts
    Thu, Sep 29 2022 1:01 AM


      Don't know if it is bug or collateral damage from another change or conscious decision from WGT. The exact same PC vids that have been showing for last couple weeks  now only give you one credit instead of 4. (I know ill get hammered by some bitter players because I get vids recently while others don't. Already have been in another thread)

    It started immediately after mobile vids were turned back on - connection I don't know but certainly possible.

    I d8d not hammer you. I merely stated that you should be happy that you are getting any videos on PC. Most of us haven't had videos on PC for several years. Also meant to ask you if they were the True(X) videos. 

  • Duphpherer
    450 Posts
    Thu, Sep 29 2022 6:58 AM

    It actually says to expect one credit right beside the green box. Not broken, nerfed, and doubt it will ever go back to four. It was a good run, but no longer worth the effort.  


  • borntobesting
    9,657 Posts
    Thu, Sep 29 2022 1:50 PM


    It actually says to expect one credit right beside the green box. Not broken, nerfed, and doubt it will ever go back to four. It was a good run, but no longer worth the effort.  


    So it is True(x) Would you mind telling me where you are that you are still getting videos on True(X)? I haven't got a video on True(X) in maybe 4 or 5 years, 

  • Duphpherer
    450 Posts
    Thu, Sep 29 2022 3:51 PM

    If you mean where am I located, Los Angeles. 

    Not working right now. I've only been active on WGT for 14 months and the PC vids are always very much hit and miss. When they were paying it was very lucrative sometimes pushing out 900 credits per day for a couple weeks around last Christmas. 

    PC vids were never as consistent as the phone vids. Typical was 84 credits, then lately is was 100 and now it's nothing again. When they were working it was usually very early AM. Sometimes felt like first come first served and by mid morning the allotment would be gone.