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Re: trouble with wgt an issue they wont fix

rated by 0 users
Sun, Dec 15 2019 10:13 PM (3 replies)
    3,737 Posts
    Fri, Dec 13 2019 1:15 PM

    Not sure what else to do but here is what is happening:  My friend sent me 3 sleeves of golf balls on the 5th of December from his ipad like he usually does.  They said i had to equip them via my phone, i do not play on my phone so have no idea what he was talking about.  Previously when my friend sent the golf balls they go straight into the inventory and no problems.  Have sent the following to wgt and this is what they give me:

    So you still do not see the problem do you.  I really do not understand why you insist on something when i have completely spelled it out and showed you everything surrounding the 5th of December not now.  If you will see that he has been sending me golf balls all along because you refuse to believe me and or your eyes.  This is why i have balls in the inventory now:

    You have received a gift!
    Message from Flbeachbum0508 on 13 Dec 2019 12:54 PM
    BOBBENCH052 Flbeachbum0508  
    You have received a gift!
    Message from Flbeachbum0508 on 12 Dec 2019 12:04 AM
    BOBBENCH052 Flbeachbum0508  
    You have received a gift!
    Message from Flbeachbum0508 on 06 Dec 2019 7:15 PM
    BOBBENCH052 Flbeachbum0508  
    You have received a gift!
    Message from Flbeachbum0508 on 06 Dec 2019 1:50 AM
    BOBBENCH052 Flbeachbum0508  

    Unfortunately this type of entry for the 5th i accidently deleted.   However, you can see i use allot of golf balls and today i will be playing my 2075th consecutive day.  Now fix this, i have been really nice to this point but my patients are running out.
    One more time here is the proof that he did send 3 sleeves on the 5th of December and did not go to my inventory
    2019-12-05 Received 3 of 3 Pack of Titleist Pro V1x Balls (L87+) (White) as a gift from Flbeachbum0508. Received Gift 0
    Now fix this

  • DoctorLarry
    4,280 Posts
    Sun, Dec 15 2019 8:15 PM

    Do you understand how to equip balls on your laptop?  It does not matter where you equip them.

    If they are all the same type ball, they automatically go right in with the ones equipped.  If they are different in any way (even color), You have to equip them.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, Dec 15 2019 8:56 PM


  • alosso
    21,043 Posts
    Sun, Dec 15 2019 10:13 PM

    The balls have gone to your account, you showed the proof of receipt!

    I see two possible scenarios:

    1) These balls were identical to those you bought recently, so they probably went directly into your bag, adding to the number being there. As pointed out before, those balls need not to be equipped.

    2) If you happened to play another type of ball then, you HAVE equipped those L87 TM  Pro V1x balls in the meantime - no more action required.

    Conclusion: WGT cannot help you because you need no help (at this point).

    They said i had to equip them via my phone
    In general, you may change your bag's contents and equipment from both PC and mobile - it's one account. Whoever said this did not take your situation into account.

    Case closed.